Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Election Results for the European Parliament

I went through various media sources to compile an outline of last week’s election results for the European Parliament. It’s difficult to collate all the numbers — some figures came in as percentages, others as number of seats — so that this is at best a sketchy outline. But it’s clear that in general the right-wing Euroskeptics and anti-immigration parties did extraordinarily well, especially considering how hard the established state media and EU apparatchiks campaigned against them.

Voter turnout was quite low, but higher than had been expected, perhaps a reflection of the element of protest in this year’s vote.

Below the jump are some provisional figures, broken down by country. Please correct me if you find any errors.

Update: I’ve modified and added to the results based on information provided by emailers and commenters. I haven’t included the smallest parties.

The official results have more complete (but less readily accessible) information.
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Austria SPÖ (Social Democrats) dropped by 9% to 23.8%

ÖVP Austrian People’s Party dropped about 3% to 29.7%

Hans-Peter Martin’s party gained 4% to win 17.9%

FPÖ (Freedom Party) rose almost 7% to 13%

The Greens dropped 2.5% to 9.5%

BZÖ (Alliance for the Future of Austria) were under the 5% cutoff.
Belgium Christian Democrats 15%

Liberal Democrats 13%

Vlaams Belang dropped 4% to 10%,

PS (Socialist Party) 10%

The Green Party Ecolo up 4% to 8%
Bulgaria Ruling Coalition for Bulgaria alliance 19%

GERB (conservative opposition) 26%

Ataka (Euroskeptic nationalists) 11%
Cyprus DISY (conservative opposition Democratic Rally, on the Greek half) 36%

AKEL (leftist Progress Party of Working People) 35%
Czech Republic ODS (Civic Democratic Party, conservative) 31%

CSSD (Czech Social Democratic Party) 22%

KSCM (Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia) 14%

KDU-CSL (Christian Democrats) 8% confidence in parliament
Denmark DF (Danish People’s Party) up 8.2% to 15%

Social Democrats lost 11.6% to 21%

Venstre (Liberal Party) 20%

Socialist People’s Party 16%
Estonia Center Party (opposition) led with 26%

Reform Party 15%

Res Publica (conservative opposition) 12%

Social Democrats (in the coalition government) 9%
Finland True Finns (Finnish nationalists) saw a major increase of 8.9% to 9.8%

Christian Democrats (allied with True Finns) 4.2%

Green Party (in the coalition government) 12%

Center Party (liberals) 20%

National Coalition Party (conservative) 22%

Social Democrats 18%
France UMP (Sarkozy’s party) 28%

PS (PS) 17%

Greens 16%
Greece PASOK (socialists) 36.7%

New Democracy (conservatives) 32%

KKE (communists) 8%

LAOS (very conservative) 7%

Syriza (leftists) 5%

Greek Greens 3.5%
Hungary Fidesz Party (conservative opposition) 56%

Socialists (ruling party) 17%

Jobbik (Hungarian nationalists) 15%
Ireland Fianna Fail (ruling party) down 6% to 24%

Fine Gael (opposition) 29%

Libertas 5%
Italy PdL (People of Freedom, Berlusconi’s party) 35%

Lega Nord 10%

PD (Democratic Party, center-left) 27%
Latvia Civic Union 24%

Harmony Center (left-wing coalition, representing the Russian minority) 20%

For Human Rights in United Latvia (representing the Russian minority), 10%
Lithuania TS-LKD (Homeland Union — Lithuania Christian Democrats, governing coalition) 25%

LSDP (Lithuanian Social Democratic Party) 19%
Luxembourg CSV (Christian Social People’s Party, ruling party) 31%

LSAP (Luxembourg Socialist Workers’ Party) 19%

DP (Democratic Party, liberals) 19%

Greens 17%
Malta PL (Labour Party, opposition center-left) 55%

PN (conservative ruling party) 41%
Netherlands PVV (Freedom Party) 17%

CDA (Christian Democrats, ruling party) 20%

PvDA (Dutch Labor Party, in governing coalition) 12%
Poland PO (Civic Platform, ruling party) 45%

PiS (Law and Justice Party, nationalists) 29%

SLD (Democratic Left Alliance) 12%

PSL (Polish People’s Party, in ruling coalition) 8%
Portugal PS (Socialist Party, ruling party) down 16.5% to 27%

PSD (Social Democratic Party) 32%

BE (Left Bloc, radical left-wing) up 5% to 10%
Romania PSD (Social Democratic Party) 30%

PDL (Democratic Liberal Party, center-right, in the governing coalition) 30%

PNL (National Liberal Party, opposition) 17%

UDMR (Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania) 9%

PRM (Greater Romania Party, right-wing) 7%
Slovakia Direction — Social Democracy party (ruling party) 32%

SDKU (Slovak Democratic and Christian Union) 17%

Slovak National Party (right-wing) 5.5%
Slovenia SDS (Slovenian Democratic Party) 27%

Social Democrats 18%

NSI (New Slovenia party, conservative) 16%

LDS (liberal) 11.5%

Zares (liberal) 10%
Spain People’s Party (conservative) 42% (23 seats)

PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, ruling party) 38.5% (21 seats)
Sweden Social Democrats (opposition) 25%

MS (Moderate Party, ruling party) 19%

Greens up 5% to 11%

Pirate Party (new party) 8%-000

SD (Sweden Democrats) failed to make the cutoff.
United Kingdom Conservatives 27%, 25 seats

UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) 16%, 13 seats

Labour 15.3%, down 17 seats to 13

Liberals 13.4%, 11 seats

Greens 8.4%, 2 seats

BNP (British National Party)6%, 2 seats

SNP (Scottosh National Party) 2%, 2 seats


puolimieli said... 1

Finland - True Finns (Finnish nationalists, joined with conservative Christian Democrats) saw a major increase of 9.5% to 10%

The True Finns share of the vote actually increased from 0.9% in 2004 to 9.8%. They were in electoral alliance with the Christian Democrats, the latter getting 4.2%. The alliance got two seats, one for each party.

Henrik Ræder said... 2

Danish results were a landslide.

First, Morten Messerschmidt took 267,000 personal votes! That's the second highest in history of EU elections.

Then, the europhiles lost out big way. Radikle Venstre, whose main purpose seems to be to transfer our sovereignty to Brussels, were kicked out. So were individuals with that attitude in Venstre and other parties.

Socialist People's party fortunately got only two seats. While they're also somewhat eurosceptic, they had the anti-semitic Fathi El-Abed in third place. I really wouldn't want someone like that get the platform of an EP seat.

Anonymous said... 3

Im sorry that im too lazy to check all the results you have posted, but you can find all official results here: http://www.elections2009-results.eu/

It gives the results for the eu-parlement as a whole, the percentages of the vote and the number off seats, per country!

Anonymous said... 4

Well, just yhought id check the UK because the 4 BNP seats did not seem right to me. Si here is the official result:

Cons. 27 25
UKIP 16.09 13
Lab. 15.31 13
LD 13.36 11
Greens 8.38 2
BNP 6.04 2
SNP 2.05 2
EngDem 1.75 0
NO2EU 0.97 0
Plaid 0.78 1
SF 0.65 1
Libertas.eu 0.49 0
UKFP 0.49 0
DUP 0.46 1
UUP 0.43 1

The first number is the percentage of the vote, the second number is the amount of seats!

Abu Abdullah said... 5

I think the priority should be put on working out which parties in these countries can we count on to make common cause with in the Western defensive total war against Islam. For example, there is some crowing over the fact that the nationalist and Euro-skeptic True Finns made a big gain in Finland. To outsiders who are unfamiliar with Finnish politics, that doesn't really say anything about what they really stand for. For all we know, they could turn out to be another window-dressing, do-nothing, corrupt "Euro-skeptic" party like Britain's UKIP.

Afonso Henriques said... 6

"they could turn out to be another window-dressing, do-nothing, corrupt "Euro-skeptic" party like Britain's UKIP."

Very interesting Abdulah. Dare to elaborate? I'd like to know more. How is the UKIP such a fake? What's up with it?

It's not that anybody cares about it but I'll elaborate a little on the Peninsular European Elections, in Portugal and Spain.

In Portugal, the old ones say that there are two parties only. The thing is that some say there is the Communist Party and the Non Communist Parties, others say that there is the Central Block and the Leftist Oposition.
The North tends to vote Conservative and the South tends to vote towards the left.
Everybody won in this elections excpet the P.S. The hard left Socialists in power. But they didn't care about this elections to such an extent that the leader they picked was a Revolutionary Communist who, in his old days selled himself to "Socialism" (Communist in which you are aloud to be rich). The man is the most stalinist... thing one can imagine. There was lots of criticism and corruption scandals that weakened the government and the prime minister so that, the result of the Socialists was awessome to some degree.

The "Centre-Left" (though usually reported as "the right") opposition party won the elections and I was not expecting it because the party is in such a messy state.

The Far leftist parties, the Communists and the Leftist Block, who are anarchists, got 20% of the votes. 25% in Lisbon. This is scarrying. People can't protest on the right here.

The CDS also won almost 10% of the votes. That C in CDS is for "Centrist". They are somewhat of a Christian-Democratic Centrist Party but here they are not only "the right" but they are also "definetly the right". I bet that's because when they say "Viva CDS" they then say "Viva Portugal".
Anyway, the media was saying this party was going to have no representation and such. It was awfull. The media was so biased. Nobody criticised EVER the Leftist Block... The polls were wrong. In the polls, the CDS was to be extinguished and the PS would always win...
Anyway the CDS got two European Deputies which sucks because those men are some half of the party nowadays. Especially Nuno Mello. If only he was not such a spoiled rich kid who's there just to show up and earn some...

Afonso Henriques said... 7

Concerning Spain, I don't want to say much, only that, surprise! The Socialists won in Andalucia and Catalonia... go figure why...

Morgan said... 8

Did Henrik Clausen become a Member of European Parliament or not?

Watching Eagle said... 9

Afonso Henriques,

I can tell why socialists won in Catalonia and Andalucia-- Those are two of the major settlement areas for "the Reality Borg", and they voted for socialists, with a view to change the socialist parties gradually to, um, "the Way of Survival"[Shariah, and the Sultanate of Andalusia]. I have read (put the pieces together) that the muslim immigration to Spain is such that the muslim population percentage is increasing rapidly {they will pass France's percentage in less than 10 years.) Thank you for commenting on this.

Baron Bodissey said... 10

Morgan --

The DPP won two seats, but Henrik did not have enough votes as an individual to be sent to the EP.