Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why Do Socialists Support Smashing the Zionist State?

Smash the Zionist State!Thanks to Nilk and her photo archive, I found this photo of a flyer taped to a trash can in Melbourne during the Jan 4th pro-Palestinian demonstration.

It was from Socialist Alternative, and through the magic of digital technology, I straightened and enhanced the image.

As you can see, it was advertising a talk at RMIT University by one Sandra Bloodworth, scheduled for after the rally, and proclaimed:

Oppose the ‘Two State Solution’
Down with US Imperialism

Why Socialists
Support Smashing
The Zionist State

I wish I could have attended Comrade Bloodworth’s talk, because I’m curious: why do Socialists support smashing the Zionist state?
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Is it because Israel is a racist apartheid state, and because the Jews are at the epicenter of exploitative global capitalism — or something like that? After all, the two-faced bloodsucking rootless cosmopolitans of international Jewry are the cause of all the suffering of the worldwide proletariat — etc blah yak; you all know the drill.

But still… I’ll never find out, because as far as I can tell, Sandra Bloodworth’s talk wasn’t transcribed and posted on the web.

If any of our readers are members of Melbourne Socialist Alternative and can explain Comrade Bloodworth’s reasoning, I would be eager to learn more.

Nilk’s complete photo spread of the Melbourne demo can be seen here.


Francis W. Porretto said... 1

There are many ironies here, the most obvious one being that, despite its democratic political system, Israel's internal economy is rather socialist, and has been since the days of David ben-Gurion. But let's proceed to matters of greater import:

1. Socialist states control their borders rigidly -- to keep their subjects from getting out.
2. Socialist states are garrison states, in which multiple organs of surveillance and coercion compete at suppressing dissent among the subjects.
3. Socialist states impose thoroughgoing control over the dissemination of information, to minimize the possibilities of collusion against the State and external influence on their subjects' opinions and motivations.
4. Socialist states offer their subjects only two paths to wealth: ascent through the political system, or the enlistment of politically powerful sponsors.
5. Socialist states promote anger at pariah-groups, to deflect their subjects' anger from the State itself.
6. Socialist states routinely trumpet attempts by outside influences to interfere in their affairs, whether such attempts are being made or not.
7. Socialist states routinely export violence, having little or nothing else to "trade."

Which of these statements apply better to Israel than to the Palestinian-controlled zones of Gaza and the West Bank?

Don't all rush at once, now.

Thorum said... 2

Wait, I think I got it. Socialism = Islamism. Did I win?

Peggy Snow Cahill said... 3

"why do Socialists support smashing the Zionist state?"

Because the primary reason for building a socialist state is to enshrine the state as god, and so all those who worship the True and Living God, the Creator of our universe, whether they be Jews or Christians, must be destroyed, or at least silenced.

Homophobic Horse said... 4

"Because the primary reason for building a socialist state is to enshrine the state as god, and so all those who worship the True and Living God, the Creator of our universe, whether they be Jews or Christians, must be destroyed, or at least silenced."

This is true. Freedom is God's gift to all, the regime gives us freedom, free regime = free people = state of grace

Afonso Henriques said... 5

Brilliantly said Peggy Snow Cahill!

Decatur said... 6

From my observations of Socialists and their attitude towards the Middle East there is only one reason that they support smashing the Zionist state. That is because the United States suppports Israel.
Believe me, if the United States supported only Palestine you'd never hear the end of the suffering of the Israelis caused by those brutes in Palestine.
It's not Jews, Arabs,water restrictions, the Wall, Islam,Palestinians, homelands, biblical traditions and so forth, it is pure and relentless hatred of anything that America supports. And why do they hate America so? Because America is the kick in the teeth proof that ordinary people can govern themselves without being dictated to by government fiat or dictatorship. To add salt to the wounds they did it in a couple of hundred years and left the kings, lords and dictators of the world licking their wounds.

Bilgeman said... 7


"If any of our readers are members of Melbourne Socialist Alternative and can explain Comrade Bloodworth’s reasoning, I would be eager to learn more."

Okay Baron. As a member of the Melbourne Socialist Alternative I can report that Comrade Bloodworth supports "smashing the Zionist State" for the same reason she supports "down with US Imperialism".

It sounds so effin' cool when she says it.

And all the other dowdy overweight schlubs in the political cell turn green with envy at how hip and chic she sounds.

laine said... 8

It's also been said that the world Left switched its loyalties when a) Israel moved away from kibbutz type socialism to an economy incorporating steadily more capitalistic practices and pulling away from the Mid-East socialist swamp, making everyone else look bad and b) when leftists' first and last love, the Soviets dumped Israel for Arab clients, a policy continued by the Russians.

A leftist never diverges from their simplistic script: anything America supports=bad, anything Russians do=good. Leftist math therefore computes that a thousand Palestinian deaths, the majority Hamas fighters is a blot on humanity, but 160 000 Chechens, with civilians targeted in the leveling of Grozny is somehow NOT a blot and not even worth commenting on.

The Left has a very high tolerance for slaughter if their side is doing the killing.

ole said... 9

From where I live ,which is 5 km north of gaza ,the perspektive on people like Bloodsworth is somewhat different.
I don't realy care too much about WHY they hate us so much, but I WOULD like to tell them to their face ,that many people here in Israel hate them right back , with a feeling much more intense than the one we have towards the primitive barbarians of HAMAS.

Bilgeman said... 10


"I WOULD like to tell them to their face ,that many people here in Israel hate them right back , with a feeling much more intense than the one we have towards the primitive barbarians of HAMAS."

Awww, don't take it personally.
I'm trying to move the Melbourne Socialist Alternative to the Great Barrier Reef, where they can strive to "Build Socialism Underwater".

It's MUCH better that way.