Friday, January 16, 2009

The Root Causes of the Gaza Conflict in Less Than 6 Minutes

The latest video from Occidental Soapbox:

A full transcript is available at the blog post.

[Nothing follows]


Afonso Henriques said... 1

Great! Great! Great!

I found there valious information, including that one about Ataturk stabbing the Caliphate and kicking it in the floor. I don't know what that man was but he for sure was not a muslim. I mean, he killed the Caliphate!
However, I bet we will have the Caliphate already by 2024...

And honestly, I cannot but feel a little compasion for the Caliphate... I really do not know why. Maybe it is because I don't think islam is that bad; if it has survived it is because muslims like islam... I also think he should never be imposed on others but muslims... And of course, instead of "we" fighting blindly "terror", we would have a super-power to talk to, and to strike if needed...

And indeed, if the Caliphate takes place, I believe the three main powers will be able to stop it:
1) China
2) India
3) A Civilisational European Force (Crusades anyone?).

India would suffer, but it has the nukes... I don't know...

All I know is that in Europe if that happens we have to do three things (and I will not even mention immigration or immigrants...):

1) Destroy the North African, Middle Eastern and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean;
2) Control their air power and destroy their planes if needed be;
3) The same to the Black Sea, transform that in a Russian private Sea...

The only trouble would be the border in SouthEast Europe, we would have to be clear in our goals that.

I don't think a potential Caliphate is that threatening. And let's not discuss the destiny of Israel, there will not be a Caliphate as long as Israel exists...

The European Union wories me most.

ZZMike said... 2

"3) A Civilisational European Force (Crusades anyone?)."

I wouldn't count on Europe. Formerly Great Britain is so far gone, I doubt they'll be able to help themselves, let alone anyone else. The rest of them seem to be overrun by Belgian influences.

Afonso Henriques said... 3

Oh really?

What I think lacks sense of reality is you. Great Britian is a great country. The English have been in worst situations... Now the Americas...

Sorry mate, it's true...

Czechmade said... 4

True muslims should return to Arabia.
True muslim should be able to drink 5 times a day from Zam-zam.

Allah told me this tonight. Please do the will of allah, otherwise you are apppoooostatttess takfeeeeeriiis.

Abraham said... 5

"Allah told me this tonight. Please do the will of allah, otherwise you are apppoooostatttess takfeeeeeriiis."

Ha, you've captured their language perfectly.

Czechmade said... 6

Yes, using their language properly we might get rid of them for less than 10 dollars a year.

Do not fool me, for me 99% muslims are miserable blaspheming apostates.