Thursday, January 01, 2009

The AEL Incites Riots in Antwerp

Yesterday afternoon Muslims rioted in Antwerp in protest of Israel’s military action against Gaza. The riots were instigated by the AEL, the Arab European League, an Arab Nationalist immigrant movement which recently invited Hezbollah to the Belgian Parliament.

Antwerp demo

As you can see from the photo above, the demonstrators revere Osama Bin Laden, and also apparently Hugo Chavez (see the original photo of Hugo).

Our Flemish correspondent VH has translated some news stories about the riots, and supplies some additional background material, along with this note:

I have also included a little bit about the AEL, plus some material from the late Theo van Gogh about Abou Jahjah, the founder of the AEL.

Note: It’s interesting that Michael Freilich of Joods Actueel is quoted. He does important work for the community, but again hopes for the help of leftist organizations — like 11.11.11, who themselves are in fact anti-Israel appeasers — and does not mention the only politician who time and again openly spoke out against the Arab colonizers of the AEL (and certainly also in defense of the Jewish community), Filip Dewinter.

Make sure you scroll down and read all of VH’s translations. There’s a lot of useful information here about Abou Jahjah and the Islamists of Antwerp, and Theo Van Gogh’s two pieces are particularly worthwhile. Mr. Van Gogh’s second essay strikes a poignant note: he predicted that Ayaan Hirsi Ali, his collaborator in the making of the film Submission, would be shot by Muslims. Little did he realize that he was soon to be the victim himself.

Antwerp is, of course, Filip Dewinter’s home turf. Here’s a translated statement about the riots from Mr. Dewinter, as posted on the Vlaams Belang website:

Who rules the streets of Antwerp?

The AEL demonstration in Borgerhout turns into riots, vandalism and violence


Filip Dewinter: “Antwerp is like an amusement park to Hamas and Hezbollah fanatics, who can give full rein to their lusts at their heart’s content here. Mayor Janssens [Patrick Janssens, Socialist Party] again proves with his weak police response that he is scared of Islamic provocateurs who have chosen Antwerp as their favorite target to fight their intifada.”

Vlaams Belang in Antwerp is shocked by the riots that took place this afternoon — on New Year’s Eve — in Borgerhout after a demonstration of the AEL against the military intervention of Israel in the Gaza Strip.

Although the demonstration had an official permit, police did not succeed in keeping the AEL violence under control and failed to restrain the hooligans. Cars and shops were damaged, police officers were attacked and pelted with stones, AEL-demonstrators tried to march on to the Jewish Quarter… Although the Antwerp municipal authorities know perfectly well the risks of having AEL-demonstrations, they rejected applying the ‘controlled intimidation’ technique to keep the demonstration under control.

Obviously, the city’s municipal authorities prefers to tolerate, under the pretext of the “avoidance of any form of provocation”, vandalism and incidents instead of vigorous preventive measures and showing who rules the streets. Antwerp is like an amusement park to Hamas and Hezbollah fanatics who can give rein to their lusts at their heart’s content here.

Mayor Janssens again proves with his weak police response that he is scared of Islamic provocateurs who have chosen Antwerp as their favorite target to fight their intifada against.

Filip Dewinter
Flemish Parliament

An article from Het Laatste Nieuws:

Hotheads arrested in Antwerp riots

The demonstration the Arab European League (AEL) organized in Borgerhout [Antwerp] against the bombing in the Gaza Strip got out of hand. After the demonstration was disbanded, the demonstrators moved on to the Jewish district in Antwerp, where they clashed with the police. Thirteen hotheads were arrested. Two policemen were wounded, a spokesman for the local police, Fons Bastiaanssens, said. In the course of the evening no new incidents occurred in Antwerp.

Agreement violated

An estimated 200 to 250 AEL supporters arrived at 14:00 in the Kerkstraat in Borgerhout to protest against the bombing in the Gaza Strip. “There was a deal with the organizers that it would be a ‘static’ event. The participants, in other words, were supposed to stay in the Kerkstraat area,” Bastiaanssens said. After twenty minutes a number of young people wanted to march into the city. They attacked a bus and a passing police car. The organizers and some elders were able to talk to them and return to the square in front of the church.

Group of hotheads kicked up a riot

When the event was dissolved at 15:00 hours, a large group of hotheads went via the Turnhoutsebaan to the Koningin Astridplein. They tried to push through to the Jewish neighborhood, but the police had sealed off the access route. A second attempt followed via the Van Ertbornstraat and Quellinstraat, but there also the demonstrators were blocked off. Efforts to enter the Jewish Quarter were accompanied by riots. The demonstrators pelted the police with bricks, rubbish bins and signposts and also destroyed a few cars and shop windows.
- - - - - - - - -
“No riots expected”

“We did not expect riots. We had initially chosen not to be visible so as not to attract attention. During the event in the Kerkstraat people from our ‘diversity and info’ unit were present. When the situation afterwards seemed to get of control, all teams were called in. Thanks to the imam the rest eventually returned,” the police spokesman said.

The worst seems to be over

The imam led the demonstrators together with the police to the mosque in the Van Monfortstraat, where he spoke to them. Around 17:00 the worst seemed to be over. “Of course, we have to wait and see whether it stays calm now. Here and there young people are trying to contact each other again,” said the spokesman. The police will remain vigilant. The federal police have also sent a water cannon to Antwerp. Eventually thirteen troublemakers were arrested. During the riots two police officers were also injured. One suffered a broken jaw and the other was struck on the foot by a heavy stone.

Also from Het Laatste Nieuws:

Jews don’t dare to go out in Antwerp

“We have not seen this since 2003, when it completely got out of control,” Jewish circles are heard to say. Because the demonstration by the Arab European League (AEL) went completely out of control, many Jews in Antwerp no longer dare to go out on the streets in the vicinity of the demonstrators. They fear vandalism and violence. An SMS service in the Jewish community of Antwerp warns Jewish people to stay away of the Turnhoutsebaan and to avoid the Diamond District. Michael Freilich of “Jewish News” [Joods Actueel”] reports.

Flemings too

“The demonstrators have to realize that Jews are also Antwerp Flemings and not Israeli soldiers. They have nothing to do with what is currently happening in the Gaza Strip,” Freilich says. According to him the Jewish community fears the situation might escalate. “We have not seen this since 2003, when it completely got out of control,” the editor of the Jewish monthly says. There was no political reaction up so far [only Filip Dewinter expressed his anger and concern], but Freilich’s phone is red-hot with worried people who do not know what to do.


During the demonstration today damage was done, also in the Antwerp diamond district, where many Jews live and work. Today there is no activity in the sector, according to Freilich. Most shops are closed. In the meantime the riots by isolated groups of demonstrators move to Borgerhout and near the Turnhoutsebaan. The police are present in large numbers. De Lijn [public transport company] has already decided to lead buses and trams around the troublemakers.

Hamas flags

The Jewish community is also in a huff about the presence of Hamas flag at the demonstration for the cessation of bombing in the Gaza Strip in Brussels [in front of the Egyptian Embassy, December 28]. According to Freilich, the green flag with white text of Hamas is in Belgium a banned a symbol of a terrorist organization. “Everyone has the right to express their views,” says Freilich, “We as a community are also opposed to violence, though the remark has to be made that everything started with the rocket attacks by Hamas against Israel.”


Several demonstrators in Brussels brought along the well-known Hamas flag. The Jewish community is shocked that this is accepted. “Hamas is still officially a non-authorized organization of terrorists,” says Freilich. He does not understand why the initiators of the protest march permit this symbol. “11.11.11 [the date of the WWI cease fire; Alliance of — appeasing and anti-Israel — Third World Aid and World peace organizations], should do something about this. It is also striking that the protesters argue against the violence to the Palestinians, but the suffering of the children of Israel is not mentioned.”

From the Arab European League website:

AEL Press release about the demonstration on 31/12/08 in Antwerp

Wednesday 31 December 2008

The Arab European League has today responded to the discontent about the present situation in Gaza. At the Kerkplein [Square in Antwerp Center] some 1000 protesters gathered to call for immediate cessation of the aggression by “Israel” and the opening of the border crossing between Gaza and Egypt.

Slogans were shouted against Israel and the Arab regimes. The protesters shouted slogans in support of the resistance. “Hamas, Jihad, Hizbullah” were frequently chanted. Pictures of Mubarak, Bush and Olmert were set on fire accompanied by loud cheers.

Following the serene midday prayer the time for speeches arrived. Our chairman, Karim Hassoun [who once said: “The more body bags of Americans we see coming back from Iraq, the happier we are”], climbed the stage and condemned Israel, the support of the EU and the betrayal of the Arab regimes. He called for the immediate cessation of massacres on the population of Gaza. Karim Hassoun further explained the absurdity of holding Hamas accountable for breaking the truce. He called for the dismantling of the Zionist entity as the only sustainable solution to the conflict. The event was formally dissolved after the speeches.

Our militants kept the meeting in good order. In cooperation with local authorities, our local branch in Antwerp channeled the protests and discontent about the silence on the ongoing massacre in Gaza and gave it a platform. Cooperation with the authorities was correct and we clearly marked the end our demonstration.

Despite the calls of the AEL to go home after the event, a small group moved towards the Turnhoutsebaan [the “Diamond” district]. Their anger is understandable, but it harms our cause in the long term. The attention is wrongly directed to the riots. The AEL regrets the course of events and calls on politics and media to carefully and accurately report on the protests in Borgerhout. The anger is linked to racism, exclusion, discrimination and lack of future prospects and found an outlet today. This should never jeopardize the democratic right to peaceful protest. The AEL will consider future actions to continue to keep the attention on the situation in Gaza.

Information on the founder of the AEL, Abou Jahjah:

Dyab Abou Jahjah (born 24 June 1971) is an Arab political activist who came from Lebanon to Belgium as an asylum seeker. He is the founder and leader of the Arab European League (AEL), a Pan-Arabist movement which claims to struggle for Muslim immigrant interests in Europe. […] He was a member of the Hezbollah movement. […] Abou Jahjah is an outspoken opponent of assimilation. He wants immigrants to be treated as full citizens who can keep their own culture, rather than being treated as guests. […] In 2000 Abou Jahjah founded the Arab European League in Antwerp, a city with a large Muslim population, as well as a considerable Jewish population. […] Abou Jahjah was arrested and detained for several days in 2002 after he allegedly organized riots and called for violence. The riots broke out after a 27-year old Belgian-Moroccan was shot by his Flemish neighbor.

More information about Abou Jahjah from CIDI (Centrum Informatie en Documentatie Israel):

In April 2002 the AEL leader Dyab Abou Jahjah (1971) performed for the first time at a pro-Palestine demonstration in Antwerp that got completely out of hand, ‘Where flags of Israel were set on fire and demonstrators shouted anti-Semitic chants” (De Volkskrant, 11/5/02). “Jews are dogs,” was heard in the streets (Reformatorisch Dagblad, March 1 2003).

From Abou Jahjah’s blog (original in English):

Projected back to the middle ages, the Israeli killing machine is slaughtering my Arab people in Palestine while the whole world is enjoying its Christmas shopping and when Europe just decided to raise its level of partnership with the Zionist state in spite of a negative advice from the European Parliament.

The aggression is so barbaric and flagrant with hundreds of bodies torn to pieces. I don’t know what western TV is showing but on Arabic television it is a stuning scene. The answer of the resistance must be hard and resolute.

We know that an invasion is on it’s way, at least a partial one unless “Israel” is planning once more to fight its typical cowardly war from far in the sky.

Theo van Gogh on Abou Jahjah:

The Prophet’s Pimp

Well now, that was cozy; an evening of “Happy Chaos” in the City Theatre. I was asked to lead the final debate, together with Georgina Verbaan, that would consist of three rounds, in which successively feminism, idealism in general, and the ideals of Islam would be attended to. The setting was like a boxing ring in which I was supposed to perform as a referee; Georgina would read out the questions (“Are you a feminist?” etc.) to which also the audience was allowed to react by raising a little banner. Green for “agree” and red for “disagree”. I quite looked forward to it.

When I entered the theatre, Abou Jahjah was sitting there surrounded by his little bodyguards and talking to the press. I wanted to step towards him for a handshake, because that is how it is supposed to be, I thought. A bodyguard stopped me and Abou Jahjah gave me a dirty glance when I raised my hand. ‘Then not’, I thought and started chatting cheerfully with Jort Kelder [Journalist, editor] and Georgina.

Then minutes before the start, the organisers approached me: “Abou Jahjah refuses to debate with you presiding.”

“Then I stand down,” I said, because debating is more important than the chairman.

“That is not what we want,” the organizers said. “The stage is for you.”

“Then I only do the first two rounds,” I said. “But you must explain the audience why I am not doing the third round.”

Jort Kelder was asked to do the third round, but Kelder was also rejected by the honored guest from Belgium. Well. In the first row Abou Jahjah was chatting with Boris Dittrich (then frontman of D’66 [leftwing liberals, appeasers]), who was to be his opponent in the ring.

I stepped forward, welcomed everybody and reported that I would lead the evening together with Georgina Verbaan, although…

“Ten minutes before the start the organizers told me that mister Abou Jahjah refuses to debate under my leadership. Therefore I will step down for the third round. Strange, when you consider Abou Jahjah being the Prophet’s pimp has apart from Allah other bodyguards as well; why would he be afraid to debate under my leadership?” I said.

Well now, the ladies in the entourage of the grand man were whistling, the bodyguards rose from their chairs, and Abou Jahjah walked out of the theatre. I told the audience that we might try to seduce him by chanting “Allah knows better!” and added “that is the way some Islamists think about democracy”. The great democrat from Belgium refused to debate and that was that.

I handed the microphone to Boris Dittrich (D’66). He called loudly: “What a rude dick you are!” And he followed Abou Jahjah’s footsteps. I described him as “The blessed lubricating jelly of D’66”. Some tumult arose in the theatre; many people were outraged at the presenter, on the screen above the stage appeared the text: “Theo is getting off too soon.” and the gentleman Bert Koenders, foreign affairs specialist of the PvdA [Labour, now Minister of Foreign Aid], expressed his deep rage to me. “May I quote you?”, I asked. “Do try this acting important again!” Bert said, who looked pale all over.

That is the way I like to hear it.

It would have been beyond my honor to treat Abou Jahjah unfairly in the debate with his licking doormat, the gentleman Boris Dittrich (D’66). What I think of Dyab [Abou Jahjah] may be generally known; a religious fascist who propagates apartheid, wants to destroy Israel and in general expresses with the most demagogue gift the most undemocratic opinions. It is his right to do so, as it is mine to take on him verbally.

Felix Rottenberg [PvdA, Labour], Clairie Polak [openly leftwing presenter of the TV news program NOVA] and all those other fuzzy politicians who a while ago, like the gentleman Dittrich, toasted with a glass of champagne when the little problem Fortuyn was solved, are in no way a match for the rhetorical gifts of Abou Jahjah. That causes shameful broadcasts and debates, because they are soaked with servility.

I prefer not to be too impressed by the mister [Abou Jahjah] and in no way plan to shut my mouth. Logic, isn’t it?

Once outside the theatre, Yourie Albrecht (journalist, presenter and organizer of “Happy Chaos”) tried to convince the scourge of Allah to return to the stage. Jahjah didn’t dare to. Five bodyguards physically threatened Albrecht, after which he grabbed the throat of one of his stalkers. The bodyguards of Abou Jahjah then tried to peach him to two passing policemen.

It was an instructive foretaste of what is in store for us once Abou Jahjah manages to settle the Thousand-Year Empire of Allah.

The organizers were left standing, inconvenienced. I was handed a voucher to adopt a chicken and someone asked me if I wanted to stay a while. But I wanted to go home, where my son was sleeping. “Take a taxi!”, someone of the “Happy Chaos” said.

Jort Kelder told me later that one of the bodyguards had said: “We will finish that pig.”

Albrecht’s version though is: “We are not taking it any longer from that pig.”

These are threats, but well, who has anything to fear from schlemiels in uniform?

I wanted to ask Boris Dittrich if their asses aroused him, and ask Abou Jahjah if paradise has any room for homosexuals [like Dittrich] in it, but there was no chance to ask that. Apart from that, according to me, it was a successful evening.

Abou Jahjah does not dare to debate, as befits a real [expletive], but I expected this. Much more interesting are Messieurs Koenders (PvdA [Labour]) and Dittrich (D’66 [leftist liberals]), the career politicians who — business as usual — rub themselves hungry to a fanatic.

I just witnessed the new NSB [the National Socialist Alliance, wartime collaborators with the German National Socialists]; Mr. Dittrich and Mr. Koenders will go far.

— Theo van Gogh

And another one:

Wir haben es nicht gewußt [German: We did not know]

Ayaan Hirsi makes the mistake of describing Mohammed as a “perverse tyrant”, similar to Bin Laden or Saddam, and she is right, but of course it is not allowed to say something like that. Her VVD [Peoples party for Freedom and Democracy, a left-leaning conservative party) hurried to declare that “these are her personal views”, the Kohlrabi is done, because everything you are allowed to say about Jesus or the God of the Christians, is not allowed about Allah and His goat-f***ers.*

How hard Hirsi Ali hit an open nerve is demonstrated by the actions of the Lebanese Abou Jahjah on behalf of the Arab-European League in NOVA [Dutch TV news program]; for one time he dropped his mask and that was when he said “she should keep her mouth shut” and “the Madam needs a therapist”.

It was unfortunate that the interrogators were not in top form — they were on the spot chatted off the table by their guest — most of all because Matthijs Nieuwkerk [one of the presenters] is a little too much of a lightweight for an interview with a such a gifted demagogue. Abou Jahjah made clear his support for Palestinian suicide attacks, except when children are done in, “because I’m Muslim,” and not a journalist who then notes that this is somewhat hypocritical, because what now when if there is a mother with her baby in the bus to Tel Aviv? Is murdering her not objectionable, but murdering the small one is?

The Dark Ages are standing in front of the door and our Belgian advocate of the true faith could not have made himself more clear in despising Western standards and values. The interrogators had no clue of this, however, they were relieved enough when Abou Jahjah told them that Belgium is more racist than the Netherlands. Well done, boys!

Although just about everyone in my environment declared me crazy that I voted for Hirsi Ali, I thank the Lord on my bare knees to have done so, even if it was because she will soon be silenced, as may be feared. I am curious to know when she will be shot, and by whom. The alert interrogators of NOVA will monitor it closely. A good thing.

After the murder of Fortuyn, I never thought a new stone of offence would pop up that soon, but she is popping up! A small survey during the TV program “The Lower House” showed that up to 62 percent of the Dutch viewers are against Ayaan’s opinions, at least, and that her statements don’t benefit the integration of our Muslim fellow citizens. You could say that the belief of our right not to believe is a matter of civilization in a normal democracy, but no, we would rather not “hurt” feelings; we prefer to crawl away for the intolerance that flows to us from the sewers of Allah.

Hirsi Ali makes the mistake of thinking that free speech in our wonderful democracy is taken seriously, but it is promoters of hatred like Abou Jahjah (“Assimilation is fascism”, “The Israeli occupation is similar to the occupation by the Nazis” etc.) who are always given a wide berth in their attempts to create a climate in which a finger will touch the trigger. This is what happened to Fortuyn, and so it will happen with Hirsi Ali.

Fear the Abou Jahjahs who always chatter about “respect”. This is always a quiet warning by people who never show any “respect” for your opinions, but conversely expect you to bend backwards for theirs. Allah’s pimps are on a hunt, and Ayaan will pay for it.

— Theo van Gogh

* This expression was introduced by Theo van Gogh and even appeared briefly in a renowned Dutch dictionary. A “goat-f***er” was described by the Van Dale dictionary as “a Muslim”.


Zenster said... 1

Please pardon my cavalier attitude but seeing Europe's permissive societies give free reign to Islamic thugs is a bit like watching a neighbor's prized purebred crap all over their expensive Oriental carpets. Goodness knows how long it will take for them to admit that they have been lax in their judgment.

I wonder if the excrement will finally become visible when it piles up to window level. Quite clearly, Geert Wilders alone cannot shovel so much $h!t.

laine said... 2

Van Gogh saw the executioner's shadow, but for some reason thought only Hirsi Ali was vulnerable, even though he heard a threat to his own life: "We will finish that pig".

Threatening Muslims say what they mean and mean what they say. Death threats are not takiya like the "religion of peace" BS. They have murder in their hearts, or at least cheer on the suicide bombers among them, like their venomous version of world wrestling. Even Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street get perverted into kiddy propaganda for martyrdom. Just add death to anything in the West to get the Muslim version of it.

spackle said... 3

A friend of mine is on vacation in Belgium and (Antwerp) right now. I told him about the Muslim problem there and he thought I was exaggerating. I wonder what he thinks now?

babs said... 4

I am not sure if the term "hothead" was translated accurately but people that set a car on fire, attack a police car, throws stones and bricks at police are way more than hotheads!
A hothead, in my way of thinking, is someone that is easily upset and may scream and yell but does not become violent.
If this word was accurately translated than it says a lot about the reporting of violent actions by a specific group, namely Islamists.
This, of course, is nothing new in that the media has done everything they can to play down the violent actions of Islamists most notably by calling them "youths" and not revealing their ethnicity or affiliation. I just recently read a report about a violent "youth" that was 26 years old! If you are a violent Islamist, how old do you have to be before you are no longer a youth?
BTW, the French car-b-q totals are up for New Years Eve. They did a bang up job with 1,147 cars burned this year, up from 342 last year according to the no-pasaran website. (Last year was an off year)

Unknown said... 5

@babs: The article mentions the word heethoofden. This literally means "hotheads", a word used to describe people with a short temper and who easily become agressive.
I agree with you: in a way it still is a eufemism, out of choice or necessity. But at least it prevents the newspaper from having the anti-racism brigade knocking the door.
The Dutch Blog GeenStijl for instance, sometimes calls Moroccans on purpose "Finnen" (from Finland), also "neutral," and nobody can drag them to court for that. Readers though still understand what they mean using such a "code word":)

Charlemagne said... 6


I concur. Europe only has itself to blame.

p.s. I started a new job the week of Thanksgiving.

Zenster said... 7

Charlemagne: I started a new job the week of Thanksgiving.

Heartfelt congratulations upon this delightful turn of events. I'll email you for more details when I get back from overseas.

costin said... 8

Oriana Fallaci on European antisemitism:

The transcript: