Friday, July 11, 2008

Parenting While White

Reporting on this sort of news story tends to get me in trouble. I know it will, but I’m going to do it anyway. Even though it will be used as yet more proof that we’re crypto-Nazis, or neo-fascists, or white supremacists, or whatever the preferred term is.

This Canadian woman lost custody of her children because of her political beliefs. That’s what’s important here.

Her beliefs may be — in fact, they are, at least to me — repugnant. But they are no more than political opinions. To the authorities it doesn’t matter if the woman is non-violent, obeys the law, loves her kid, and is a devoted parent. What matters is that she is setting a bad example by displaying a set of political beliefs which are not permitted. The state cannot accept that, and will use its coercive powers to attempt to eradicate them:

Mother Loses Kids After Sending Daughter to School With Swastika Drawn on Arm

A Canadian woman who describes herself as a white nationalist lost custody of her children after sending her daughter to school twice with a swastika drawn on her arm, the CBC reported.

The Winnipeg mother told the CBC she regrets redrawing the Nazi symbol after a teacher scrubbed it off. She is fighting the child welfare system to regain custody of her daughter, 7, and son, 2, who were removed from her home four months ago.

“It was one of the stupidest things I’ve done in my life but it’s no reason to take my kids,” the unidentified woman told CBC News. She is currently allowed to see her kids for two hours a week.

Child and Family Services workers were alerted after the second swastika incident at school, the CBC reported. When they arrived at the family home they found neo-Nazi symbols and flags, and proceeded to seize the kids.

The case has sparked a debate over whether the police and child welfare authorities can take children away because of their parents’ beliefs.

I think they’ve already demonstrated that they can and will do just that.
- - - - - - - - -
But only certain selected beliefs will be targeted this way. There are children being raised by parents who hate Jews and consider other races to be demonic, yet their parents never lose custody of them. Why?

Because they’re not white.

Members of the Nation of Islam hold beliefs which are just as hateful and racist as those of any “white nationalist”, but they get a pass because of their skin color.

Black nationalists: OK, fine. No problem. We love diversity.

White nationalists: NO! NEVER! That’s racism, and not permissible!

The most effective way to control someone is to threaten their kids. That’s a method totalitarian systems often use to keep potential troublemakers docile. But the apparent docility is just a façade, and underneath is a simmering anger:

“I’m willing to jump through their hoops,” the woman told the CBC. “If they want me to deny my beliefs, I’ll tell them that, but at the same time, I’m not a traitor to my politics, my beliefs. I just want my kids back.” [emphasis added]

Congratulations, Winnipeg! You’ve just turned a mother and her kids into enemies of the system. None of her beliefs has changed; they’ve just gone underground. Now she’s a martyr to the cause.

It’s important to speak out against this kind of behavior by the all-powerful state, because any one of us might be the next victim.

This year it’s the white nationalists. Next year will be people who want to drill in ANWR. Then the opponents of mosque-building, or those who object to Islamic propaganda in the schools.

The government has arrogated unto itself the power to decide what beliefs are acceptable.

If the state can take away your kids because you hold certain political opinions, then you have lost your liberty.


Anonymous said...

Obviously I'm no neo-Nazi, but this is ridiculous. This woman has horrible political beliefs, but if she's not harming the kids, don't take them away.

And of course, since this story was posted here, in certain people's eyes, the Baron, Dymphna, and anyone who reads it are obviously crypto-fascist-neo-nazi-white-supremacists. Good old guild by association. Works every time, doesn't it? And those who don't believe in such fallacious logic are also fascists. Right...

Snake Oil Baron said...

It did take a lot of integrity to post the story while understanding the inevitable guilt by association. Well done.

If the removal of the child was solely due to the twisted political views of the hag-mom then it is not only wrong but counter productive. They have just taught the mother, the daughter and all who share these views that their twisted world view in which they are persecuted victims in a fascist world has merit. In effect, child services might have just as well showed up at the girl's home and told her that every Nazi doctrine her mom ever told her was true.

But if the feeling was that using her child as a billboard for hate speech might have amounted to abuse and endangerment it might have at least had some justification.

Snake Oil Baron said...

I meant that it might have at least had some rational justification. Whether it had legal justification is up to the lawyers.

Diamed said...

The actions of the government prove she is right.

The government has declared war on the white race and have reduced us to the worst tyranny imaginable-- not only do they take nearly all our property in taxes and regulations, but now they take our kids to be taught anti-white hate indoctrination so that they will be racially disarmed and meekly allow their own genocide like the government wants. 'Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.' As the borg says.

Fjordman and the like blame whites for willingly believing anti-white hate brainwashing, but how exactly did this family stand a chance? If you are aware, they'll just take your 7 year old daughter and 2 year old son from you, and raise them to be UNAWARE. Rinse, wash, repeat. How exactly do we escape the cycle of brainwashing and thought control? How do we teach ourselves the truth despite all the lies when you can't even tell your kids the truth? The truth is brainwashed victims who are forced into state political correctness indoctrination camps are not to blame for the beliefs they come out with. The indoctrinators are to blame. The state is to blame. The brainwashers, the educators, the media is to blame.

How many parents, terrified of losing their jobs, their children, even their lives like at Ruby Ridge, are secretly pro-white but continue to mouth the same platitudes for diversity like mind-numbed slaves? How many people are spiritually broken and yoked, who stand for nothing, because they are too afraid of losing everything, but would stand with us if ever freed?

Our governments are perpetrating the worst act imaginable, the wholesale liquidation of their own populations through demographic change, which is slower and less visible than the old genocides, but FAR MORE fatal. Whereas China barely put a dent in their population, and Cambodia recovered in just a couple decades, the white population of the world is decreasing rapidly and will soon disappear off the face of the earth ENTIRELY. Hundreds of millions of us are going to die of old age, and not be replaced by any white child. The genetic and cultural loss is immeasurably worse than the last Marxist crusade which only killed 100 million people. That was just a warmup to this one. This one is the real deal. The greatest crime of all world history is being enacted on us. To upkeep it, they are instituting the worst tyranny imaginable. The stealing of children from the homes of anyone who disagrees with the state religion and the state indoctrination of all children in the state ideology so that they will grow up to be good servants of the state. This is the complete reverse of everything America once stood for, which proclaimed that governments were instituted amongst men, by the consent of the governed, to secure their fundamental rights. I don't even want a revolution anymore.

I want a french revolution.

Zenster said...

Snake Oil Baron: But if the feeling was that using her child as a billboard for hate speech might have amounted to abuse and endangerment it might have at least had some justification.

Herein lies my dissenting opinion:

The Nazi swastika is a symbol of genocide and nothing else. Even as we here at GoV argue that the Koran is a tome of hate speech, there can be little doubt regarding Islam's affiliation with Nazism.

A communist hammer and sickle? A Maoist red flag? A portrait of Che? All well and fine, even if barely so, compared to the Nazi swastika.

NOTE: I freely confess a bias with regard to Nazism as members of my mother's Danish family fought and died against the WW II German occupation.

Still, a parent that is careless enough to knowingly inscribe such a symbol of hate upon their child's limb (for public display no less), invites physical abuse against the bearer thereof. While not at all the child's fault, neither is the person who takes offense at such a patently offensive display ultimately to blame either.

We are engaged in a war against an enemy that idolizes Adolph Hitler and all he stood for. The Nazi swastika is part and parcel of that to such a degree whereby it is inseperable from the notion of anti-Semitic genocide.

Shall we disregard any parading of icons which engender the promotion of that which we find so abhorrent? Much as I wish we lived in a world free of burdensome symbolism, such is not the case. Pretending otherwise is not an option.

A Nazi swastika will always convey the very worst notions of hatred and extermination to those who are aware of its symbolism. Broadcasting such meaning is offensive at least and most likely actionable when publicly displayed with full intent.

That a child should intentionally have been made the advertiser of so hateful a message bespeaks ill judgement at best and harmful stupidity in any case.

Diamed said...

There's no such thing as hate speech. Anyone who believes in restricting free speech has already gone over to the other side. And no, it is not okay to physically attack anyone who wears a swastika just because you disagree with their politics, much less a seven year old girl.

Furthermore you don't know what that swatstika means to HER. Just like the odin's cross crisis, you would have to ask HER what the swatstika means. It could be a simple rebellion against political correctness and anti-white propoganda. It could just be to spite the teachers and their memes. It could have no serious attachment to nazism at all. Or it could be attached to only the portions of nazism she approves of. Perhaps she's making the symbol, like the southern flag of the confederacy, not stand for gas chambers or slavery, but white nationalism (as she describes herself!) or the bravery of southern soldiers.

Or it could be she's an ardent nazi and wants her child to become one. Who cares? She will never wield power, therefore whatever beliefs she has present no threat to the nation. The far greater threat is communists, since they actually have power and are using it right now as we speak to kill us all. Meanwhile we're jumping on nazis not because they present a threat to us, but because they are the hated rivals of the communists. It is only communists who fear nazis because the nazis whupped them good. (at least until we insanely sided with the communists) America, the UK, and the like were never threatened by the ideology in the first place.

Nazis who are fighting communism are a good thing. It is communism which is in power. The more opponents of communism the better. The odds of nazis gaining power after communism has fallen are ludicrously low, it is just a bogeyman used by the communists to keep the herd in check. Furthermore, no one could do worse as rulers than the communists anyway. They are going to drive us all to extinction. Who even cares if nazis seize power after that? Can we be governed worse than this? We need to keep some perspective here. It's a 7 year old girl with a weird looking pointy plus sign attending school. Siding with the state against the 'clear and present danger' of a 7 year old girl is ludicrous.

Armance said...

If the woman had drawn on her daughter's arm the hammer&the sickle (symbols of an ideology which killed 100 millions people), an image of Stalin, hateful verses from the Koran against the infidels or even a slogan like "kill all the whites in the world" nothing would have happened to her. We can hear on daily basis hateful verses against whites from hip-hop songs which one can listen to on any TV or radio channel and lyrics like "Kill the Afrikaner, Kill the Boer" are officially a celebration of black South Africans' liberation and fighting against white oppression. Not only that nothing would have happened to her, but the woman would have been considered a brave hero fighting against the system and the white Western oppressors.

In these circumstances, I believe that "hate speech" is at best a bad joke and at worst a concept designed to silence and suppress any opposition against the current official ideology of the Western governments which is the destruction of their own nations. If we take "hate speech" seriously then the Koran should be banned immediately, reverend Jeremiah Wright with all the members of his church should be sent to jail and the Western states should stop the diplomatic relations with all the Islamic countries in the world.

Darrin Hodges said...

"First they came for the Nazis...."

This is a seriously bad development. The Establishment always start from the most repulsive end of a given spectrum then simply work their inwards towards their true target, the true objective - The dissenting European.

Sam vfm #111 said...

"A communist hammer and sickle? A Maoist red flag? A portrait of Che? All well and fine, even if barely so, compared to the Nazi swastika."

Sorry, I disagree. The socialists have killed 10 times what the Nazis did and they are still at it.

Afonso Henriques said...

Zenster, I find your comment highly amusing. I simply can not agree with it and I think you should read a bit more of History, symbols and be pro something instead of anti-Nazi. I will not comment it.

Natalie, I've made a long comment in your blog regarding white natinalism/anti-semitism some weeks ago but when i clicked "publish" it disapeared.

I must say my opinion is quiet the oposite of yours.
It's ok to be pro-Western, what I don't think is normal is t draw Swastikas at your children. I mean, maybe the women is mentally ill.

If she was to give a good racist pro white education to her daughter, I think it would be ok. But I mean, education, not to draw Swastikas and teach the girl to worshipp Hitler. That's a bitanti-white to me, as the girl will probabily be thrown into a diversity camp...

Unknown said...

That the mom showed extremely poor judgment is not in doubt. However, political "thought" is either free for everyone, or free for no one. There are a lot of political beliefs I absolutely detest: communism, socialism, marxism, islamism, national socialism (nazi). Should I be able to take the children away from all the parents who hold these beliefs? No.

I don't know this mother's political beliefs. But, whatever her beliefs, they do not justify taking her kids away.

What is "Occupation" said...

Only white hatred of jews is not permitted...

If she was a Palestinian who calls Jews sons of pigs and dogs, the mother would have been given a grant, a new car and a trust fund...

Personally? any inbred breeder that puts a swastika on their kids arm SHOULD loose their kids and have their tubes tied...

But the State in Canada doesnt go after any OTHER hateful parents...

Nazis are bad, as are klansman, as are hamas supporters or hezboolah nut jobs...

So baron, dont get your knickers in a knot... be patient, the moslems need to murder several more million people 1st to be taken seriously....

The interesting point? the MOTHER is on welfare...


Some prime example of superior "white" breeding..

a parasite...

I prefer my white aryan national racists to be more fiscally successful....

sadly in the west there is no law how stupid you can be...

just look at the rev wright situation...

black liberation....

but in the end the world HAS seen what the Nazis are serious about killing on a scale that the moslems cannot even wrap their minds around...

this is the true ace in the sleeve...

the WHITE aryans of europe, those that murdered the Jews of Europe, now will have to fight for their survival against the swarthy moslems of the south invading their lands...

if only they had NOT murdered the Jews of Europe, maybe then NOW they would not be punished for murdering so many of G-d's chosen....

Karma is a kick in the ass....

Armance said...

if only they had NOT murdered the Jews of Europe, maybe then NOW they would not be punished for murdering so many of G-d's chosen....

Karma is a kick in the ass....

Rubbish. In this case, what is the Karma for Mohammedanism which started by exterminating God chosen's tribes in Medina? And why does the Karma of the Germans affect also the Danes who defended theis Jews during WWII or the Serbs who fought against Hitler since the beginning?

It's like considering all the whites guilty for colonialism while an important part of them (Eastern Europeans, Scandinavians, the Irish, etc.) have never had colonies in their entire history.

What is "Occupation" said...


the history of europe is vast with anti-jewish history.

Yes there were good peoples that fought against the nazis (such as the danes) but overall, through out the centuries europe had abused the Jews without fail...

as for the karma against the friends of Mo?

Look around at the arab world... hardly blessed....

and your example "It's like considering all the whites guilty for colonialism while an important part of them (Eastern Europeans, Scandinavians, the Irish, etc.) have never had colonies in their entire history."

pure nonsense.....

stick to the issue i wrote about, not what you'd wish i wrote about...

if the europeans had not abused, ghettoized, looted and murdered it's Jews FOR A THOUSAND YEARS until finally doing the death camp dance the MOSLEMS from africa, turkey, pakistan & the arab world NEVER had the CHANCE to FILL THE VOID that ww2 created by murdering off it's collective Jews.

karma is a kick in the pants...

just look at gaza for your future....

What is "Occupation" said...

and baron your title?

"Parenting While White"

Is just wrong

How about "Parenting while being a Jackass" is closer to the mark...

Baron Bodissey said...

What is Occupation --

My title refers to the fact that this woman could have held the same ideology -- hate the Jews, all the other races are animals, etc. -- and kept her children without any fear of punishment, IF she had not been white.

If she had been a devotee of Louis Farrakhan, she would have been left alone. She might even have been able to preach a guest sermon at Barack Obama's church.

The pernicious and ubiquitous anti-white racism -- which exonerates any race except the white one of the sin of racism -- may be the death of us all. It creates and encourages racism among whites where none was present previously, because it proves that whites are being selectively targeted.

I don't give a crap about karma, historical justice, and the "now it's your turn" kind of thinking.

The plain fact is that policies such as this make the Race War that much more likely, and if such a war comes, it will be horrendous, everybody will lose.

There is mass insanity abroad in the land.

What is "Occupation" said...

What is Occupation --

My title refers to the fact that this woman could have held the same ideology -- hate the Jews, all the other races are animals, etc. -- and kept her children without any fear of punishment, IF she had not been white.

Baron, I totally agree, hence my 1st post....

"If she had been a devotee of Louis Farrakhan, she would have been left alone. She might even have been able to preach a guest sermon at Barack Obama's church."


"The pernicious and ubiquitous anti-white racism -- which exonerates any race except the white one of the sin of racism -- may be the death of us all. It creates and encourages racism among whites where none was present previously, because it proves that whites are being selectively targeted.

Not just whites... But Jews too... (even though the euro's never considered jews whites, the anti-westerners say Jews are Euro whites and fake jews)

"I don't give a crap about karma, historical justice, and the "now it's your turn" kind of thinking.

I know you dont... but one must look at the causes sometimes and if the euro's had not sweep clean their homelands (england included) of the Jews NONE of this ever would have happened. So when I look at paris burning and who is doing the burning, i see a more historic perspective of cause and effect.

"The plain fact is that policies such as this make the Race War that much more likely, and if such a war comes, it will be horrendous, everybody will lose.

The race war is coming, samuel hutchinson was right, and we the jews, christians, hindus, whites, westerners, athiests, buddists, wiccans are all under attack by the same thing...

the cult of death called islam....

America was the Nation was created by acts of war by the islamic thugs of northern africa in 1783....

the gates of vienna...

the crusades...

the arab invasion FROM arabia in 640.. (although some guy called honestjoe on belmont argues I am full of crap and that the arabs never used a sword to invade and conquer the middle east)

"There is mass insanity abroad in the land."



time for the good people of the world to step on those who seek to kill everyone else....

Frank said...

I'm frankly amazed at the number of people here who think this is justified. The arguments range from the pathetic: "swasticas only mean genocide" to the logically challenged.

The state took a woman's kids away because of her political beliefs

That's it, that's all, full stop. What those political beliefs were are irrelevant. Is this the direction we want society to go? If the state is looking for what they broadly and weirdly define as "hate," they'll find more here or any other anti-Jihad blog on any given day than they will on the walls of her house in a decade.

The thing that really stinks, as Baron pointed out in his very appropriate title, is that the state was able to do so because of the mother's skin colour and the racial group she chose to glorify. Yet even here there are people willing to parse away the facts in a mishmash of pseudo-intellectual arguments. This is crap.

Thanks Baron for posting it, and thanks for the appropriate title.

Afonso Henriques said...

"if such a war comes, it will be horrendous, everybody will lose."

Everybody is too many people... :)

xlbrl said...

It is ironic but perhaps instructive that a parent guilty of bad parenting has lost her children to a state guilty of horrible governing. They can all define deviancy down together.
By the way, where's daddy? Was the state already playing daddy? That would be ripe.

Anonymous said...

Afonso, you mean the comment you made here? If it's not, sorry it disappeared... but just so you know, when people comment on my blog, the comments won't show up right away because I moderate them.

Afonso Henriques said...

lol probabily, very probabily...

Zenster said...

"A communist hammer and sickle? A Maoist red flag? A portrait of Che? All well and fine, even if barely so, compared to the Nazi swastika."

Sam Hall Sorry, I disagree. The socialists have killed 10 times what the Nazis did and they are still at it.

See that, "even if barely so"? It's known as a qualifier and I put it there for a reason. None of that changes how the Nazi swastika remains one of the paramount icons of genocide for all time.

I suggest that you watch Alain Resnais' film, "Night and Fog". Not even the socialists took mass murder to the heights that the Nazis attained. I doubt the communists busily harvested gold teeth and hair from the victims they worked or starved to death. Nazi Germany and its hateful emblem, the swastika, will forever represent the industrialization of genocide. The vapid self-indulgence of socialism's worst tyrants cannot approach the methodical extermination that Hitler and his thugs realized.

The only challenge of any significance to the Nazis will come from Islam. Even then I doubt that technologically illiterate Muslims will be able to manifest the focused, diagramed and cloclwork slaughter of Nazi Germany.

ScottSA: The arguments range from the pathetic: "swasticas only mean genocide" to the logically challenged.

It'll be a lot easier to take you seriously once you've learned how to spell.

The state took a woman's kids away because of her political beliefs

That's it, that's all, full stop.

Given the current political climate, I have little reason to doubt you. None of this changes the fact that the mother in question effectively endangered her child by inviting an attack upon her. This isn't just a matter of being stupid or ignorant but of parenting skills so marginal whereby they posed a definite threat to the child's well-being.

Should the child have been taken away from the mother? Consequent investigation of surrounding circumstances would be required to determine that. Was an investigation warranted? No doubt.

I'll certainly agree with the Baron that this entire process is selective. Of that there can be little dispute. None of that changes how the individual involved made her child into a punching bag.

Joanne said...

This would give reason for all Muslims to have their children taken away too. Where does this nonsense end? Social services should just bugger off - they are all mentally deficient sooner or later anyhow after having to deal with the real crazies.

Subvet said...

The woman is as dumb as a box of rocks but thats certainly no reason to take the kids. As the Baron had intimated, her race drives a lot of this.

I recall that Mel Gibson had a few choice words to say about the Jews a couple of years ago when he got busted for DUI. Good thing he didn't utter them in Canada, guess he'd better stay out of that country. There may not be a statute of limitations for racist speech.

Ypp said...

Only whites are controlled because whites are dangerous. They can do something, good or bad, but serious. They can be a danger to current ruling class. Who cares about Inuits or inhabitants of Zimbabwe? They can only ruin everything, but they are not a rival.

Nazis has proven to be disastrous, but totalitarian state is as bad. This is the situation in which we loose in any outcome. The solution in such case is to refuse to play their games at all. Why should whites associate with a proven evil, only because it pretended to be pro-white? Actually, nazis are responsible for death of about 50 mln white people of Europe. Totalitarian communists are no better. Why should we always choose between these two, just like Germans in 1933?

Nazis are white power, but current multicultuaral elite are also white. These two are the different fractions of white power. All problems with whites are the product of whites themselves. We must find a way to fix whites, not get involved in this disustrous fight for power.

Unknown said...

"karma is a kick in the pants..."

What a sick and twisted perspective.

Its not cause and effect. Thats just a thin excuse for you or others to justify an admiration for successful cruelty.

The (fictional) person your comments bring to mind is Hannibal Lecter. That is to say you want to respond to evil in the world with more evil - like an avenging angel.

Ypp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. Smarterthanyou said...

When will they start taking kids for wearing Che shirts?

Armor said...

The Family Services will claim they were worried that the brainwashing could be detrimental to the children. In fact, it is obvious that when they grow up, the children will realize at some point that their mother's political views were over the top. I don't think there is any danger for them or for society.

Profitsbeard said...

Rudyard Kipling used the reversed (good luck) swastika as his personal insignia on his books long before Hitler was in his first pair of long pants.

The "sun wheel" (as the symbol is known) was an archetypal world icon, utilized by groups as farflung as the Native American Pueblo Indians and the Hindus.

The national socialists highjacked it for their malevolent ends, and it now has no place in decent society (except for historically-naive little boys drawing it on the tails of Stukas in the backs of the copybooks because both images are 'cool').

But the removal of children by the State -for the political beliefs of the parents- is the first goosestep to the tyranny these nannystaters are supposedly trying to prevent.

Neo-Nazis are jackbooted jackasses, and the kid's arm should have been washed and a note sent home with the child to the parent reminding them that Nazi or other symbols of mass-murdering maniacs will not be tolerated.

The mother is a goofball, but if every one in that category lost their kids there wouldn't be enough foster homes on the continet to hold them all.

Conservative Swede said...

Poor child!

First abused but her mother, then by the authorities.

Surely this could have been a discussion about what to do with such an irresponsible mother. But that all comes out of focus when the authorities act so astonishingly irresponsible. They have taken both her kids from her! Also the son of 2 years old. And she may only see them two hours per week! Such a sick and crazy world. And as so often: where's the father?

It's not said explicitly, but the news story seems to imply that she has to denounce her opinions before she'd get her children back. So yes, it's all about having the wrong opinion. If she had done something equally stupid(*) but that was not political -- such as repeatedly writing "Hit me!" on the forehead of her daughter -- then she would have had her children back by now.

If anything is a hate crime, it's the actions of these authorities.

(*) Surely the sickle and hammer or a burka are equally poisonous, but that does not help a kid in a society that does not see it so. The Swastika puts her in much more trouble and humiliation.

George Bruce said...

I think it is a wonderful decision. We have now set the precedent for removing children from homes in which the parents express allegiance to hateful, mass murdering ideologies.

After we round up the remaining children in Neo-Nazi homes, all 30 or 40 of them, then we can start on the kids in the homes of Socialists, Communists, Marxists, Environmental Extremists, Black Separatists and Muslims.

The foster homes will be a little crowded for a while, but it will be worth it.

Then we need to remove all Neo-Nazis, Communists, Socialists, Marxists, Environmental Extremists, Black Separatists and Muslims from all state supported schools and universities. We certainly don’t want any of those people to have any contact with the young.

Darrin Hodges said...

What is "Occupation" said...

Some prime example of superior "white" breeding..

a parasite...

An example of permissible anti-White racism. Say the same thing about a non-European and see what happens....

What is "Occupation" said...

but in the end the world HAS seen what the Nazis are serious about killing on a scale that the moslems cannot even wrap their minds around...

This statement is patently false. The Nazis took the their lesson from the Armenian genocide, including the extensive use of railways to transport victims to death camps. Even the mobile murder squads that raided Armenian camps and death-marches were copied by the Nazies in the form of the Einsatzgruppen.

The Nazis did directly kill a lot of people, but they come no where near Islam, which alone killed at least 80,000,000 Hindu's during the invasion of India - the Hindu Holocaust.

Nazis today are powerless on the political fringe and are of little concern. must look at the causes sometimes and if the euro's had not sweep clean their homelands (england included) of the Jews NONE of this ever would have happened.

Another fallacy. Why do you suppose Islam was attacking France in 732AD or Vienna 1683?

Islam is an aggressive imperialistic politco-religious ideology that must spread like the disease that it is. How it spreads, whether by peaceful immigration of a war of aggression, is moot. To say what is happening Europe today would not have happened is stupid.

History Snark said...

In the future, this will be exhibit A whenever anyone asks me why I despise the leftist bumper sticker platitude "Hate is not a family value". I've always despised it, on the grounds that, once you concede the "right" of Society to make that seemingly harmless point, you've granted them the "right" to decide what else "is not a family value".

Ironically, one of my cousins is moving to Canada on the grounds that the government there cares about the people, etc.

Granted, he was born there before being adopted into our family, and he's a convicted felon, but I still could only shake my head at his naivete. If he thinks BusHitler is bad, he's got a surprise coming...

On the other hand, he's American Indian, so it might not matter.

laine said...

Zenster should explain just whom he expects to be physically attacking a seven year old girl with a swastika on her arm? Jews? The last time I looked, they weren't in the habit of beating up little girls. This patently false concern for the child's well being is completely unconvincing.

He then makes the inaccurate claim that the Nazi perpetrated holocaust was uniquely and supremely evil and cavalierly dismisses literally hundreds of millions of victims and their families who fell to the hammer and sickle or Muslim incursions as mere "also-rans" in the genocide sweepstakes. Apparently slow motion death with people systematically starved as in the Soviet imposed Ukrainian holomodor or thrown onto cattle cars (what would totalitarian murderers do without trains) and worked and starved to death in Siberia are less heinous on Zenster's scale of things. Well enough millions got the fast route of a bullet to the head in front of their children to qualify the Soviets in the master class on both the acute and chronic forms of genocide.

In addition following the Soviet engineered holocaust, there were three generations of soul-sucking repression for the survivors who sometimes counted themselves the unlucky ones.

Earth to Zenster, stealing from those you've just executed is also not unique to the Nazis. The Chinese are taking people's actual organs, people criminalized and executed merely for their Falun Gong religious beliefs that are considered threatening to the hegemonic state. And I believe there's going to be a little shindig in China soon with lots of averted eyes. Zenster's in good company.

The slaughter of 800,000 Tutsis by Hutus in Rwanda in a low tech way with machetes in a relatively brief period of time seemed pretty systematic and the horror stories told by the survivors are indistiguishable from Jewish holocaust stories in their degree of inhumanity.

And let us not forget the ongoing massive rape, killing and displacement of black Africans in Darfur by Muslim Arab janjaweed militias. They don't bother with trains. They'll kill you on the spot after raping your womenfolk.

Crimes against Jews are not in a higher category than those against any other people, which have both pre- and post-dated the European holocaust.

Zenster offends people by flogging this demonstrably false meme. How inappropriate to use the word karma while trivializing the suffering of the culture from which the word derives along with any other non-Jewish culture.

Afonso Henriques said...

"Crimes against Jews are not in a higher category than those against any other people, which have both pre- and post-dated the European holocaust."

Wait. When you live in Europe and you know that daily, European people are viciusly attacked in France(and in your own cuntry) by the richesses of multiculturalsm and that does not ring the bells of MSM is one thing.

To know that two rapes at Gare du Midi are not reported because the victims are white is another.

And then, it is even more apalling when all the MSM report the beating of a Jew in France BECAUSE HE'S JEWISH!!!

In a way, Jews are still the ones God choose...

Imagine the Jews were white!

Armance said...

I love GoV!

It seems that the last and strongest bastion of PCism - the uniqueness of the Jewish sufferance and victimhood - is about to fall down... Definitely more and more people are fed up with it.

Anonymous said...

I don't see how this thread has devolved into picking on Jews. Our enemies are cultural Marxists allied with Globalist corporatists. (Most of whom are white and of Christian background BTW.) Tony Blair for instance -- who is/was both a cultural Marxist and a willing pawn of the globalist corporate elite. Tony Blair did immmense damage not only to his own country but to the whole Anglosphere; I'd frankly like to seem him stand trial in the dock for his treason.

Armance said...

I don't see how this thread has devolved into picking on Jews.

It's not about picking on Jews, but a response to an arrogant statement that the Europeans deserve their fate (annihilation) for killing so many "God's chosen people". Of course something like this cannot remain without answer.

Our enemies are cultural Marxists allied with Globalist corporatists.

And consequently their ideology: PCism.

(Most of whom are white and of Christian background BTW.)

There is a lot of criticism over here of whites (the Brits, the Swedes, the French, the Spaniards, etc., etc.), of Christianity and Christians, their characteristics and their contribution to the current state of things. Which doesn't mean that somebody is picking on the Brits or the Catholics.

Ypp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Frank said...

Zenster said: "It'll be a lot easier to take you seriously once you've learned how to spell."

I'll be glad to put my academic credentials up against yours any day of the week. Trying to assert ignorance by virtue of a typo is about as weak an argument as any I've come up against, but that's not particularly surprising coming from an angry paranoid like you.

Conservative Swede said...


PCism is always about projecting the idea of the annihilation of white people, isn't it?

Here's an article from last year that relates both to what you said and the general theme of this thread:

The Knot That Has to be Untied

Zenster said...

Laine::Zenster should explain just whom he expects to be physically attacking a seven year old girl with a swastika on her arm?

Last I checked, other children can be vicious little cretins. Any number of which might take the opportunity to vent their spleen on this hapless little girl.

He then makes the inaccurate claim that the Nazi perpetrated holocaust was uniquely and supremely evil and cavalierly dismisses literally hundreds of millions of victims and their families who fell to the hammer and sickle or Muslim incursions as mere "also-rans" in the genocide sweepstakes.

Did something crawl up your tailpipe and die? What language of mine "cavalierly dismisses" the murderous rampages of socialism? You had best spell it out. What's more, in my very first comment I freely acknowledged a personal bias and antipathy to Nazism.

Yes, the gulag archipelago killed millions more but its scattered and mundane apparatus did not embody the incredible evil of a finely tuned mass murder machine like the Nazi death camps. Have you ever sat through a showing of “Night and Fog”? I also suggest that you watch Nova's "Holocaust on Trial" in order to gain a better understanding of how carefully and deliberately the Nazis set about creating an industrial scale slaughterhouse for human beings. An excerpt:

The expert witness for the defense is Professor Robert Jan van Pelt, the world's leading authority on the history and architecture of Auschwitz. Van Pelt has presented blueprints and documents showing that 4 new crematoria were built during the summer of 1942, increasing the camps incineration capacity for the following year by over 2000 percent, and providing confirmation, the defense insists, of the development of Auschwitz from a slave labor camp to a death camp. Irving claims that the crematoria were built in response to a typhus epidemic which ravaged the camp that year.

IRVING: Professor van Pelt, what figures do we have here? How many people?

VAN PELT: It is 120,000. Projected incineration capacity for 120,000 people per month.
[emphasis added]

In case the math escapes you, that’s 120,000 people per month = ~4,000 people per day = over 150 people per hour or SOME TWENTY FIVE PEOPLE PER MINUTE or almost TWO PEOPLE PER SECOND whose corpses needed to be reduced to easily disposed of ash. Those are only the numbers for Auschwitz alone. NOW MULTIPLY THAT TIMES THE NUMBER OF OTHER SIMILARLY EQUIPPED DEATH CAMPS and you get HUNDREDS of people PER MINUTE IF NOT NEARLY PER SECOND perishing with diabolical precision.

I challenge you to produce similar documentation that substantiates how the Soviets or communist Chinese ever attained anywhere near such a horrific rate of extermination. While—as Josef Stalin said—“Quantity has a quality all its own”, the rate over time that Nazi Germany attained defies any comparison.

Take a close look at some of these photos. Yes, those are huge piles of spectacles, a mountain of shoes and trays of gold teeth, all extracted without anesthesia from LIVING HUMAN BEINGS just before they were slaughtered like sheep.

The Soviets didn't murder people in this manner. Yes, they killed many more but the deaths were slower and more widely distributed. Even communist China's organ harvesting requires KEEPING THE PRISONERS ALIVE ling enough to solicit the donees.

The Nazis reduced murder to the most cold and precise equation imaginable. While that might seem to escape your emphasis upon the massive numbers of those who perished at the hands of other socialist monsters, nothing can change the way that Nazi Germany reduced the extermination of living human beings to a bloodless and sterile equation of such horrific dimensions that other mass murderers will never, ever attain any sort of similar scope. That is, until Islam is unleashed upon our world.

ScottSA: I'll be glad to put my academic credentials up against yours any day of the week. Trying to assert ignorance by virtue of a typo is about as weak an argument as any I've come up against, but that's not particularly surprising coming from an angry paranoid like you.

How rich. First you flaunt your “academic credentials” then set about soiling them by resorting to personalities instead of cogent argument. Great forensic skills there, chappy.

PS: In case someone wants fries with your "academic credentials", please look up the accepted definition of "typo". By that terminology, your "swastica" should have read:





That's because a "typo' is:

"A mistake in printing, typesetting, or typing, especially one caused by striking an incorrect key on a keyboard."

Your "swastica" was a misspelling. Please tell everyone in the studio audience and all the folks at home if you merely misspelled "swastica" [sic] or simply neglected to devote sufficient courtesy to actually proofreading your comment before submitting it. Which was it? Misspelling or lack of diligence?

Enough of this crap.