We all know that dogs, or at least their saliva, are considered unclean by Muslims. But how strict is this proscription, and do Muslims themselves ever go against it? Are the pretzels that the British tie themselves into over Muslims and dogs really necessary, or are the Brits being conned by the Muslim grievance industry?
It turns out that at least one Muslim country, Indonesia, uses sniffer dogs. Members of its Christian minority come in useful as dog handlers, but at least one of the handlers is a Muslim. What he has to say on the subject is interesting: “The Majelis Ulama Indonesia (Indonesian Muslim Scholars’ Council) has pronounced a qulbul mullam edict which means we can work with dogs… Although Muslims are supposed to clean their hands seven times after touching a dog’s saliva we’re allowed to wash only once, using detergent. Soap wasn’t available centuries ago so the extra washing was necessary in those days.”
If only British Muslims could adopt such reasonable concessions to modernity. Unfortunately, a greater problem in Britain is the preemptive surrender of the kuffar authorities, who bend over backwards to appease what they seem to regard as ignorant, backward, and superstitious former colonials. Seems a bit of a racist attitude to me…
Anyway, because it’s so entertaining, I’m re-posting the entire news article from the The Jakarta Post. Notice that it’s written by somebody with a kafir name:
Is the society going to the dogs in Surabaya?- - - - - - - - -
For many Indonesian Muslims traveling abroad, concern over deep-vein thrombosis or lost luggage barely features.
The major worry comes when they arrive in Western airports and suffer the sniffer dog ordeal, as customs canines paw passengers’ bags, salivate over skirt hems and drool into trouser cuffs.
Dogs are widely used by security agencies overseas but, until recently, seldom seen in Indonesia where the animals are considered unclean.
But the East Java police run a pack, and most handlers are Muslims.
The Jakarta Post contributor Duncan Graham in Surabaya reports:
If ever you have doubted the old joke about pooch lovers who take on their animal’s features, a visit to the police dog squad in Surabaya will convince you otherwise.
The kennels are near the big bus terminal of Bungurasih, but meeting their lodgers it’s clear this hound home should be called The Baskervilles.
It’s a job to tell which is the scarier — the snarling, satanic Rottweilers or their grim, no-nonsense handlers clad in Ninja-black and red. It’s Fang and Fang — take your pick.
Certainly, any street protester thinking of giving authority the finger would make a rapid reassessment when confronted by a two- or four-legged member of Polda’s Unit K9, also known as Satwa (fauna).
He’d probably be left digitless after the encounter, and Brutus would still be waiting for his share.
No wonder it took just two dogs to pacify a mob of Malang soccer hooligans who thought disrupting traffic was a clever way to celebrate their team’s recent victory against Jakarta.
A couple of growls from the handlers plus some lip-licking by the spring-loaded muscle-packs straining at the end of their fraying leashes and even the most brainless bonek (football hooligan) turns into an upright citizen.
That’s because Indonesians fear dogs, according to Captain Tri Atmulyanto, senior vet and unit boss.
“They’re also terrified of getting rabies if bitten,” he said. “Fortunately few know that rabies doesn’t exist in East Java and all our dogs are vaccinated against disease. Dogs are very effective here for crowd control.”
Real bitches
K9 is a pun on “canine”, though most locals think it’s a sinister code. The unit has 27 handlers and 22 dogs, rottweilers, Dobermans, German shepherds (also known as Alsatians), golden retrievers and Labradors. The last two are drug detectors; the others are used as crim-catchers and to scare the pants off the lawless: This is the real Fear Factor.
The squad is particularly short of bomb dogs since their last explosives expert died (of old age, not shrapnel) and is anxiously waiting for replacements from Jakarta.
But good dogs are hard to find. They must be at least a year old, and preferably female; bitches are less prone to be diverted by the scent of a sister on heat. Only 1 per cent of those with potential actually has the nose for the job and can make it to the front rank.
It’s the same with the handlers; many are called but few are chosen. Recruits are sent to Jakarta for training; only the exceptionally dogged are able to bond successfully with their charge to become a coordinated and formidable team.
The squad is on constant standby and can be sent anywhere in the province when an emergency arises. However, they have only one roadworthy vehicle designed for dog transport.
Four of the handlers are Christian — a faith with no rules against close contact with Man’s Best Friend. They include Alexander Ubwaria, originally from Ambon. He’s been with K9 for 25 years and is the longest-serving officer. Two handlers are Hindu and the rest Muslim.
“The Majelis Ulama Indonesia (Indonesian Muslim Scholars’ Council) has pronounced a qulbul mullam edict which means we can work with dogs,” said Captain Tri.
“Dogs were trained to guard flocks in ancient times so we’ve been told we can use them if it’s for the benefit of society.
“Although Muslims are supposed to clean their hands seven times after touching a dog’s saliva we’re allowed to wash only once, using detergent. Soap wasn’t available centuries ago so the extra washing was necessary in those days.”
All the handlers are men. In an explanation bound to make feminists bare their teeth, Captain Tri said women weren’t suitable because their menstrual periods distracted the animals.
That “problem” doesn’t seem to arise in Australia where female quarantine officers lead floppy-eared beagles into airport luggage halls to stuff wet snouts into passengers’ packs. The main difficulty is stopping people patting these cute scent-detectors, usually dressed in dinky matinee jackets, as they waddle round the baggage carousel exercising their narcotic noses.
Dog day afternoons
Should they snort a cache of cocaine they just sit alongside the drug mule, wag their jolly tails, look up at the offender and give a doggy grin. Understandably this is seldom returned.
Apart from the religious issues, the other significant problem at K9 is climate. The thinking breeds like Labrador tend to be longhaired and don’t enjoy the heat.
The shorthaired varieties like Dobermans can tolerate the tropics. But their heads are as thick as their shoulders; they’re prone to bite first and ask questions later.
So the refined retrievers soon get dog-tired and need regular replacements. These come from private breeders in the cool hill towns outside Surabaya.
Captain Tri wants to get his leash around the neck of a few Belgian shepherds. These are supposed to combine Einstein-level IQ, sensitive noses, jaws which can crunch femurs and a short coat.
Although Javanese tends to be the first language of most Surabayans the K9 Unit insists on giving commands in quality Indonesian and English. This really foxes monolingual delinquents who quit school early.
Did the officer shout: “Rip his throat out!” or is he just asking Nero if he’d like: “A kip and time out?”
Either way, when the K9 lads and their mates show up it’s best to shoot through.

Hat tip: Tuan Jim.
Hey, hold it. Now I think it's time that everybody together here should sing "We shall overcome"!
(the video clip is of the Swedish government in action 1992)
... are the Brits being conned by the Muslim grievance industry?
Is a frog's arse watertight?
Seems a bit of a racist attitude to me…
Tut tut, dear Baron. We'll have no shouting about the buck naked emperor, please.
That’s because Indonesians fear dogs ...
The "enemy of my enemy" is also man's best friend. Who knew?
The thinking breeds like Labrador tend to be longhaired...
Shows what the author knows. Labradors are not a fully "coated" breed and are preceded by a distinctly less than Einsteinian reputation.
Did the officer shout: “Rip his throat out!” or is he just asking Nero if he’d like: “A kip and time out?”
For the Dobies and Rotts, this amounts to the same thing.
The attempts to marginalize and/or fully remove the use of police dogs has to have a motive behind it.
I don't mean the usual random grievance crap, but a pointed, operational, motive.
Something's brewing and the enemy wants the dogs out of the way as much as possible.
Taliban and AQ shifting bulk drug shipments from Morocco to the UK now?
Or, maybe another round of big bangs in the works?
Grimmy: The attempts to marginalize and/or fully remove the use of police dogs has to have a motive behind it.
I don't mean the usual random grievance crap, but a pointed, operational, motive.
Something's brewing and the enemy wants the dogs out of the way as much as possible.
The obvious point being that dogs spark irrational fear in superstitious Muslims, which—as the main article noted—represents an easy and effective method of crowd control. With the demographic surges going on in Europe, simple mob actions by Muslims are becoming a distinct possibility. A pack of unleashed police dogs would make short work of what could otherwise be a formidable threat.
Of far more importance is how terrorism relies upon stealth. Compared to humans, dogs are extrasensory in their auditory and olfactory abilities. Their swift and reliable detection of concealed humans, bombs, drugs and corpses all thwart the direct goals of terrorist operatives.
Without wishing to sound too callous—I own a wolf hybrid myself—dogs also are more dispensible than similarly trained humans. They can be used to intervene in situations of deadly force—a hostage crisis or pursuit of an armed criminal—where a canine's agility and relative intelligence augment law enforcement's ability to minimize any risk to or loss of innocent life.
Finally, there is one more aspect to dogs that terrorists probably despise beyond words. A well-trained canine is almost impossible to subvert. There is no "Stockholm Syndrome" with police dogs. There is no sudden conversion to Isalm and planting a mole is simply out of the question.
Dogs also embody something that Muslims knowingly and hideously pervert to their own ends. Few other non-human creatures so embody unqualified love, utter selflessness and unswerving loyalty. Traits that Muslims reserve only for their own and deny most cruelly to all others.
I am not in the least surprised that Muslims hate dogs. On its worst day, the canine breed still exhibits more character of a finer stripe and nobility than most Muslims will ever know in their entire lives.
It looks like the kennels of the future will be as illegal as a baby saying "yuk" to a dish of curry. I personally dont like dogs myself but if I was asked to run a kennel next to a mosque I would gladly do it.
My point is that there's very little likelihood that the "superstitious fear" in these morons is actually the real cause for the sudden grievance tidal wave.
I suspect that there is something particular in the works that the dogs could put the kibosh on, so the dogs must be marginalized as much as possible.
The motards aint stupid when it comes to manipulating the pathetically weak minded and spineless useful idiots among their enemy.
There is no thing in all of humanity as disgusting as someone who can not stand up to their enemy, except those who actually facilitate that enemy.
I personally dont like dogs myself but if I was asked to run a kennel next to a mosque I would gladly do it
Wroewhahahahahahaa... :-)
The Brits have conned themselves.
Its the Political Correctness syndrome where once having stepped down the path of inventing reasons to suppress or vilify tradition for the benefit of the imagined moral high ground it becomes an addiction.
The British are stuck with their own lunatic need to conform to things they only imagine because it's easier than actually facing reality.
Doomed !
Grimmy: My point is that there's very little likelihood that the "superstitious fear" in these morons is actually the real cause for the sudden grievance tidal wave.
Your point wasn't lost and I agree with you. Rarely do Muslim grievances boil down to a sincere religious issue. The Somali cab drivers in Minnesota are a perfect example of this. A local cleric had absolved the cabbies of any wrongdoing with respect to transporting passengers who were carrying alcohol. Did that manage to shut them up? Buttttt NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
As I pointed out, law enforcement K9 units are so ideally suited to defeat a number of terrorist mission critical objectives that you bet Muslims are gonna squeal about police dogs like a stuck pig. (So to speak)
The ulema in Indonesia are correct. Dogs are allowed under sharia for legitimate work purposes. Mo allowed for watchdogs and sheepdogs; I'm too lazy to find the hadith but I know it's there somewhere. They just aren't supposed to be used for pets, and they're to be kept out of the house unless absolutely necessary. Muslims as usual are just being control freaks and drama queens. I still recommend that every native European kaffir get a dog, though, because of their superstitious fear of the creatures.
Dogs are "unclean" in Muslim pseudo-legality. If a Muslim is licked by one, they must wash the spot 7 times, and again as an ablution, prior to uttering worthless Muslim pseudo-prayer.
Muslims have a particularly depraved use for dogs: consumption of the remains of murdered Christians. During China's Cultural Revolution they made Muslim imams shovel pig crap; maybe they had the right idea.
Kasem: Unbelievers' corpses are to be fed to dogs.
Since Allah likens the non-Muslims to dogs, it is just fair that their corpses be fed to the dogs. Thus in Ash Shifa (Ash --Shifa of Qadi 'Iyad. Translated by Aisha Abdarrahman Bewley. Madinah Press, P.O. Box 5531. Inverness, IV5 7YA, Scotland, U.K. 2004. ISBN: 1 874216262. p.411) we read:
If a Jew or a Christian reviles Muhammad he is beheaded.
In an An Nawadir (footnote 1: A book by Ibn Abi Zayd, author of the Risala) from the version of Sahnum from Malik, we find that any Jew or Christian who reviles the Prophet in any other than normal way by which the Jews and Christians reject him is beheaded unless he becomes a Muslim.
If a Christian reviles Muhammad kill him and let the dog eat his corpse.
Abu'l Mus'ab said, "A Christian was brought to me who said, "By the One who chose 'isa (Jesus) over Muhammad/.' There was a dispute about him before me. So I beat him until I killed him, or he lived for a day and a night. I commanded someone to drag him by the feet and throw him into a dung heap and the dogs ate him."
Why do they have a problem with dog saliva? Traditional third world Muslims don't even use toilet paper. That's what the left hand is for. Liberals, don't deny it, I traveled through Turkey quite a few years ago, and this was the custom everywhere. Tourists had to carry their own toilet paper. Isn't this custom much dirtier than dog saliva?
latte island:
Care to name one facet of that particular ideology that isn't upside down, sideways or otherwise out of sync with actual functional reality?
latte: Muslims are supposed to wash their behinds with water after using the toilet. There was probably some kind of water hose in those Turkish toilets you saw, but someone who isn't Muslim wouldn't know what they were for. Modern Muslims have a sort of waterpick kind of contraption in their toilets to use for washing. Iranians use this thing that looks a bit like an old fashioned Western watering can. They think WE are the dirty ones because we only clean with toilet paper instead of with water.
If water is unavailable, they are supposed to use --I kid you not -- stones. And Mo was such a control freak, he insisted it be an odd number of stones, never an even number. So if you are out in the wild and you have to "go", presumably you are in trouble with Allah if you use four stones instead of three or five. Go figure. I have never heard of them using their left hands alone. I think this is an urban myth. I once saw a list on some Muslim websibe of sharia rulings on menstruation and mentrual blood (which is also considered "unclean"). It just went on and on and on in this weird perverted way. There were different categories of menstrual blood, each one with a different Arabic name, such as the kind you get when first starting, the kind you get in the middle, and the kind you get when tapering off. They had special categories of "uncleanliness" according to each type of blood too. And then long and intricate lists rules about things a woman is permitted or not permitted to do while she's in each stage. It went on for pages and pages.
Now imagine the mental state of a man, some ulema bright light who lived centuries ago, who could write in such a detailed, almost loving manner about menstrual blood. Imagine the type of religion that would attract such a man.
Queen: And then long and intricate lists rules about things ...
But wait! There's more!
There are discourses that specify down to the dihram (A dirham is a weight of one mithqal, that is, twenty qiraat, that is, four grams and eighty centigrams ...) the amount of residual excrement that is allowed to remain on your anus after defecating.
For some mind-boggling and truly disturbing glimpses into just how f%&ked up these Muslim loons are, go ahead and mosey on over to the following sites, then scan through the endless rigmarole about bodily fluids, wheat and milk contaminated by camel dung or urine, baby's vomit and a host of $h!t you never really wanted to know about.
Muslim Access
Hizmet Books
These are people with some serious hangups about crap that shouldn't register on anybody's radar unless they're a terminal obsessive compulsive.
"There are discourses that specify down to the dihram (A dirham is a weight of one mithqal, that is, twenty qiraat, that is, four grams and eighty centigrams ...) the amount of residual excrement that is allowed to remain on your anus after defecating. "
I dont want to steer this thread in an already stomach churning direction but man! And I thought the Germans were obsessed with all things scat? No disrespect to our German brothers.
By the way. I always wondered why there werent many Germans on this site taking into account the large Turkish population? Of course I could be wrong? You would know better then I. Sorry if I am rambling. I am fighting a 103 fever and am a little delerious.
"By the way. I always wondered why there werent many Germans on this site taking into account the large Turkish population?"
May I interrupt, even though you didn't ask me? I am German and I think, I can answer your question. The German-speaking population (Germany+Switzerland+Austria) is far more numerous than, for example, the population of the Scandinavian countries or of Holland, therefore there are more German-language blogs, forums, newspapers etc. At the same time, good English skills are not as widespread as in these other countries, therefore the Germans, sort of, live in their own world. I think, it's similar with the French.
Thank you. Thats an interesting point. I didnt think about that angle.
I am Indonesian, a Christian, and have lived half of my life in Indonesia.. most 'common' Muslims I know are not particularly sensitive about dogs, and especially not security dogs! It is both amusing and dismaying to hear Britain bend so low to such absurd political correctness.
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