A violent incident that yesterday at the Tarik ibn Ziyad Academy in Fridley, Minnesota, where Muslim school officials physically assaulted a local camera crew that was at a public school that is supported with public funds, while that crew reported on matters of a very public nature and interest.
The reporters who were physically assaulted were from KSTP Channel 5 in Minneapolis. Their report and video can be found here.
The original issue about the Academy — which shares premises with a mosque — is that Friday prayers were being conducted under official school auspices, and that schoolbuses to take children home weren’t available until after post-school religious instruction was finished. This latter practice, for all practical purposes, made instruction in Islam mandatory in a public school financed by the taxpayers of Minnesota.
Here’s what KSTP has to say about the incident:
News crew attacked during report at TiZA charter school- - - - - - - - -In an attempt to report about the new findings from the Department of Education Monday, 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS went to Tarik ibn Zayad Academy in Inver Grove Heights.
While on school grounds, our crew was attacked by school officials. Our photographer was injured while wrestling with the two men over the camera.
Our photographer was examined by paramedics and suffered minor shoulder and back injuries.
The state education department on Monday directed the charter school to “correct” two areas related to religion at the school on Monday.
Tarik ibn Zayad Academy, which focuses on Middle Eastern culture and shares a mosque with the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, came under fire after a teacher alleged that the school was offering religious instruction in Islam to its students.
“The Minnesota Department of Education goes to great lengths to make clear to charter schools and their sponsors that, while schools should appropriately accommodate students’ religious beliefs, they must be ‘nonsectarian’ under the state’s charter school law,” said the state’s education Deputy Commissioner Chas Anderson.
The allegations first surfaced after an article by a columnist for the Star Tribune. The Education Department subsequently began a review of the south metro school and released its findings Monday.
The agency said it was concerned about the school, with about 300 students, accommodating communal prayer and providing transportation to an after-school religious program.
“We have directed the school to take appropriate corrective actions regarding these matters and will continue to provide oversight to ensure that the school is in compliance with state and federal law,” Anderson said.
Make sure you watch the video so that you can see for yourself the thuggish intimidation practiced by school employees. The guy who reaches his hand out to grab the camera is the same one who spoke so reasonably in other video interviews.
The school maintains that the TV crew was trespassing. I’m not certain that walking on the sidewalk in front of a public school can properly be termed “trespassing”, but — trespassing or not — what was done to the cameraman constitutes assault in my book.
Our emailer said that another news crew that was also there from another station filmed the physical assault. I couldn’t find the video in question, but KARE Channel 11 (also from Minneapolis) has some interesting video of the school.
As a final note, according to our correspondent:
The school is named after the Jihadist warrior who conquered Christian Spain in 711 A.D. His famous speech to his troops, known throughout the Muslim world, promised glorious death in Jihad, revenge, women as war booty, and placed at its center the installment of “the one true religion” by its conquest of the Infidels in Christian Spain. See the translation of the famous speech here.
Link to original video report released yesterday.
Notice at :38 marker reporter Chris O'Connell states:
"We're here right now, outside the school. After several phone calls today to school leaders, we attempted to try to get an interview with school leaders when
we saw other media across the street.
So when we attempted to go across the street to get permission for an interview my photo-journalist, Kevin Boback(sp?) was attacked by two members of the school or someone affiliated with the school. We want to show you now the video as seen from our camera."
One hopes the police have taken statements and any video from the other media present.
More exposure - via media and the court room - is what is needed to shut this abomination down.
In his exhortation to the Moorish horde before its conquest of Spain, the man for whom the Minnesota madrassa is named declares that the Muslim marauders "shall hold the rank of kings in this country."
Apparently the school's officials think this is already a fait accompli.
Only one option, really: shut down these schools.
Ah yes, the religion of peace. Nothing says peace like a punch in the face. Dont worry! Once Al Franken is elected all this will be fixed. Yikes.
Has anyone noticed that almost all the kids in the video are black? I will give you one guess as to the place where most of their parents(US born ones) discovered and converted to Islam? I will give you a hint. The same place Jamaat ul-Fuqra learned there trade.
Has anyone noticed that they still don't have an American Flag flying.
The video shows the true side of Islam. Violent, and hateful!
What's unusual about this story is that the media were actually attempting to do their job i.e. inform the public rather than be PR flacks for every left wing cause.
You might say, well isn't keeping religion out of publicly funded schools a big left wing cause, but that's only the case for Christianity. Multicult trumps every other item in the leftist agenda, including secularization so they've been looking the other way on Islamic and sharia creep into public spaces.
The other glaring fact is the feeling of entitlement that Muslims have: to indoctrinate their children on the public dime in a religion that teaches contempt for that same public and the host nation. The entitlement extends to the point of physically attacking the public's agents, such as reporters and police.
Never mind madrassas in Pakistan. There are indoctrination centers posing as schools in every Western country. Of course, for advanced studies such as teaching 8 to 12 year olds how to be suicide bombers, you still have to go to Pakistan.
They are most likely all Somali refugees settled here by some NGO's that earn a bounty for each refugee they bring over. Minnesota for some reason is the top destination for the Somalis. Remember that it was MN where the flying Imams hailed from, the female Muslim cashier at Target refused to handle pork, and the cabbies refused to carry dogs and alcohol. Ann over at Refugee Resettlement Watch does a terrific job of reporting on resettlement and the VolAgs that make money off them. Catholic Charities is the number one profiteer in this State Dept. funded racket.
Ann's latest story on Somalis and the problems they leave in their wake.
Somalis causing problems in Finland
Sodra has a plan.
A very simple plan.
Quarantine the Northern States and California.
Honestly, that's where all this crap originates.
The Northern States and California have long benefitted economically while ignoring the long-term sociological impact on the nation of their short-sighted goals. So be it.
Cut them off and let them bleed.
- Sodra
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