Since Minerva has decided it is not safe to blog in her own country, we are grateful she has agreed to occasionally seek refuge here, to translate Italian news and send it on to us. Her English is impeccable, and her ability to translate emotional Italian down to a more sedate anglicized tone is adept. Having a real ear for the melody of Italian and the flexibility of English, we get the advantages of both in her work.
We are fortunate to have Minerva on board and have our fingers crossed that she will find the habit of posting here amenable.
Dear Dymphna,
From the site Italiani Liberi here is an article by Ida Magli published in the newspaper Il Giornale on Friday 13/07/2007.
The piece has been reprinted on other Italian blogs in its entirety, as it is here. I’ve Anglicized the Italian a bit, but I’ve kept the translation as faithful as possible.
Minister Giuliano Amato, talking about the case of a Pakistani girl murdered by her own father because she wanted to live like Italian girls of her own age, has recently compared Muslim and Sicilian mores concerning women saying that they are quite the same.

“A Nation for Sale”
by Ida Magli
“The behaviour of the current rulers towards Muslim immigrants is so upsetting, so unacceptable, so unjust for one who knows he is a citizen of Italy, a child of Italian history, language, laws, as to make any reaction practically impossible, or rather a reaction which is actually a reaction. To us, Italians; to me, an Italian citizen who has felt for all her life as her greatest privilege, as her greatest gift that has been granted to her at birth to be Italian, only one thing has remained: silence.
“I even have trouble writing for Il Giornale, which I love so much and in which I have believed so much, because it is no longer a matter of commenting, negatively or positively, it is no longer a matter of trying to explain to other Italians, to the readers, a point of view that can make them understand a single case, a single decision, taken from time to time either by a minister or by the whole government, but to make them accept the idea that we are imbeciles, that we have the duty to behave like and to believe we are imbeciles; that we must obey rulers who want exactly this: convince the whole world that nobody is more imbecile than the Italian people; imbecile to the point of wanting its own death, of favouring it with its own money; that it doesn’t even open its mouth before the squandering of taxes that we are called so harshly to squeeze every day from our own pockets, because we must spend it above all for an end: enable as soon as possible Muslim immigrants, duly instructed in mosques by ourselves put at their disposal, to learn what it is to be Muslim believers, and to judge with right logic, the one which is forbidden to us, that in Italy nobody believes in his own religion, because what they desire is to favour other religious faiths, favour the costumes, the values, the culture of all those foreigners who are even amazed at the imbecility of those who exhort them every day to make Italy their home.”
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“Why can’t we protest? Why aren’t we allowed what every people has always had the right to say, that is that no ruler, whatever the system of government — monarchy, dictatorship, democracy — has either the power or the right to sell off the homeland of their own subjects? Here every day the territory, the water, the air, the road, the beach, the woodland, the language, the religion, the history are sold off… Mr Giuliano Amato, who confidently talks about analogies between Pakistani costumes and Sicilian ones, maybe does not know (no matter how much his polished learning is praised) that it took Sicily long centuries to free itself from the horrible habits regarding women imposed in Sicily by Muslim domination. Now he can relax: he doesn’t any longer have any reason to worry. He belongs to the male sex and anyway Muslim domination is at the gates.
“Prodi’s government, though, would do well not to lull itself for yet too long in the quiet imbecility of Italian subjects. Even imbeciles sometimes revolt.”
— Ida Magli
paraphrasing Ida Magli:
...Do we Swedes have to accept the idea that we are imbeciles, that we have the duty to behave like and to believe we are imbeciles; ...that we must obey rulers who want exactly this: convince the whole world that nobody is more imbecile than the Swedish people; imbecile to the point of wanting its own death, of favouring it with its own money; that it doesn’t even open its mouth before the squandering, no, embezzlement of taxes that we are called so harshly to squeeze every day from our own pockets, because we must spend more than 29 percent of the public budget (2001) for one end: enable as soon as possible immigrants, mostly Muslims, duly instructed in mosques by ourselves allowed to be founded, to learn what it is to be Muslim believers, and to judge with right logic, the one which is forbidden to us, that in Sweden nobody believes in his own religion, because what they desire is to favour other religious faiths, favour the costumes, the values, the culture of all those foreigners who are even amazed at the imbecility of those who exhort them every day to make Sweden their home. ...Why can’t we protest? Why aren’t we allowed what every people has always had the right to say, that is that no ruler, has the right to sell off the homeland of their own subjects? The government of 'Reinfeldt the Barbarian' even loan money from abroad to be able to pay for the importation of asylants who never will get a real job and never will be able to pay for their subsistence on this side of the tombstone. This 'chosen' government though, would do well not to lull itself for yet too long in the quiet imbecility of Swedish subjects. Even imbeciles some times would like to revolt. But, sorrowly also this possibility seems to have been taken away from us the people. To make a coup d'état you need a few militaries, but the govenment, the nomenklatura, the elite has abolished the army and the navy and those maybe less than 2000 patriotic soldiers necessary to start the coup would be very hard to find. Must we turn our hope to the big neighbour in the east? - Come and take over, it was never before in history so easy as today, come and take over and kick out the traitors to our country.
Ten days ago I was standing in the middle of Forum Romanum looking at all the ruins. My daughter asked me: "Why did they destroy all the beautiful buildings, palaces as arches?"
Who would lie to ones own daughter? - So, I told her: "They didn't. We did. We, the Teutonic and Cimbrian barbarians from the North".
That was 1,400 years ago. Now, we are the ones threatened by destructive barbarians. Not by their military skills, but their sheer numbers. I hope she learned a lesson.
Talking about my daughter: she can't walk alone anywhere in Copenhagen without getting harassed by "dark-skinned men" (she's tall, blond and beautiful). But she could in Italy. Italian men are dark-skinned too, but polite. So what's the difference between Rome and Copenhagen? - I'll tell you what: In Rome, not a single Muslim in sight anywhere. Not one!
You are not so helpless as you think. You got a vote you can use. Dont use it in those who are betraying you. Dont spoil it in abstention, it is useless. Vote for those who are against those who are betraying you, it does not matter the name they gave it or if you like them or not. Look to France. Sarkosy got the ticket to election because french has been voting on Le Pen's FN and would have voted more and more if nobody suitable has arisen. Take also a look at what french were able to do just using postcards in www.coranix.com and www.france-echo.com. They have stopped the construction of new mosques. This may not be very much but it is a beginning as now people got a kind of point of aglutination and contention always came before rollback. And go to Brussels to the 11 September demo.
Ever heard of the Scottish highland clearances? Highland Scots were forced off their ancestral homes to make way for sheep.
Corporations want cheap labor, and much of the Left has decided that immigrants are more reliable supporters than the people they replace. There doesn't seem to be much incentive for politicians to refrain from replacing their constituencies with people they think they can more easily control.
Sadly, Alexis is correct. As in the US, the business people (think Tyson foods) want cheap labor. The dhimmicrats want immigrants to vote for them. Recently we won for a change, but don't get comfortable.
As for Italy, I recall reading La Fallaci, when she told of how she single-handedly defeated a Muslim demonstration in her beloved Florence. Tired of being harassed as she passed by, she called the Chief of Police, and told him that if the tent city in the heart of Florence was still there in 48 hours, she would burn it to the ground. Knowing her to be a woman of her word, it was gone before the deadline.
Sadly, I fear she's been spinning in her grave since the moment she was buried.
Good one Ida,
Be strong, keep educating the populace, eventually the government will have to listen. Tell people to go to Brussels on 9/11/07 to protest the Islamification of Europe.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never confront Islamists
just let them push you around
change your culture to fit them
absurd thought -
God of the Universe thinks
women are inferior
the Left should sacrifice them
to not offend religions
Leftshits have always offended christianism. They hate West and everything related with it. More than muslims they are the enemy. Muslims just do what they are allowed to do.
Leftists see Islam as the battering ram to destroy Western culture. It is really amazing how many politicians believe this. At first, you can't believe it, but actions prove my point.
I have a great love for the northern parts of Italy. I think if I put the time I have been in Italy together it would come up to a year and a half. But alas, my Italian has never become good enough to read an Italian newspaper. So I am very much wanting news about Italy. :-)
The thing is. Northern Italy is like my home away from home. In many ways I feel more at home there then I do in Denmark. People are so civilized cultural and gentle, that it would be close to impossible to explain to anyone who haven't been there. But if heaven looked a little like Tuscany I wouldn't be disappointed.
It would be great to get some news here about Italy from Minerva.
If we loose Italy to the barbarians, all else is void.
I think she is proudly looking at us. Though I live in a country who is not (yet) facing this problem of muslim invason I was made aware of it throught La Fallaci's books, where I heard first about that shamefull trade 30 years ago where european people was sold for oil.
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