Friday, September 12, 2008

Murder of a Somali in Norway

Norway’s asylum crisis has generated a flurry of related stories, like tornados spun off from the main body of a hurricane. I reported recently about a Norwegian lawyer who has been charged with a rifle attack on an asylum center. This latest story may be something similar: a “person of Norwegian background” has been charged in the murder of a Somali man.

Here’s the story from NRK, as translated by our Norwegian correspondent The Observer:

Man arrested in connection with the murder of a 46 year old Somali male in Heimdal

A man in his 20s was arrested today and charged in connection with the murder of a 46-year-old Somali male in Ringvålveien in Heimdal. The suspect, an ethnic Norwegian male from Trondheim, did not resist arrest when he was picked up by the police earlier today, according to head of investigations, Terje Lunde. The man will be charged with premeditated murder, or with assisting a premeditated murder.

Do not wish to clarify

“The man has been arrested based on information gathered in the course of the investigation. Due to the ongoing investigation, the police do not wish to make any further statements at the present time,” head of investigations Terje Lunde told reporters at a press conference on Thursday.

As a result of this arrest the investigation has now entered a new phase, but it is still a long way from being concluded. The police can now start the process of interrogating the suspect and focus their efforts on gathering technical evidence.

The suspect is known to the police, but Lunde does not wish to elaborate on this.

The murder weapon has not been found
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The police have in the course of the investigation, confiscated several weapons belonging to local residents, but they have so far not managed to find the murder weapon.

“It is crucial to the investigation that we find the weapon, and we are going to continue searching for it.”

The interrogation will continue throughout the evening

The suspect was interrogated on Thursday evening, but no defense lawyer has been appointed for him yet.

“We are currently searching the suspect’s house, and we will continue to do so in the coming days,” Lunde says.

An unusually brutal murder

The victim, a 46-year-old Somali male, was killed in Ringvålveien in Heimdal on August 23rd.

He had been struck with number of shots when he was found shot and killed in the doorway of his car. The car was carefully examined and the police went out immediately and asked for assistance from the public, and a number of tips arrived, but without any suspects emerging.

Previous posts about Norway’s asylum crisis:

2008 Aug 5 Evicted to Make Room for Asylum-Seekers
    7 The Asylum Crisis in Norway
    15 A Lethal Family Reunification
    18 Pleading Insanity
    18 An Invitation to Game the System
    23 Norway: Asylum Capital of the World
    25 Asylum Flood Encounters Popular Resistance
    26 Norwegian Lawyer Charged in Attack on Asylum Center
  Sep 2 The High Cost of Asylum
    3 Your Papers, Please?
    4 Stemming the Tide
    9 The Dhimmi News from Norway


Vlad Z. said...

I must admit a strong preference for American style reporting. This reporter seems unwilling to go one inch beyond what the government (police in this case) are reporting. That's pathetic. There is no inteview of anyone who knew either the victim or the shooter, there is no description of what the proximate cause was. Nada.

Of course given the new European penchant for throwing people in jail for what they write perhaps this is the most a reporter can do without having to worry about landing behind bars.

Anybody know any details?

Anonymous said...

Is the somewhat stilted language of these articles an artifact of translation into English or is that really how they read in their original language? So many of the newspaper articles posted here sound like reprints of government press releases, rather than something a real journalist would write.

mikal13 said...

Randian; I am afraid this is exactly how the MSM portrait it, especially my local newspaper Adresseavisen from Trondheim where I live. When two somali guys were arrested after a series of robberies this winter, the journalists could not connect the facts that these two somalis only robbed Norwegian ethnic men, which a friend of mine working in the local prison said was deliberate because the somalis wanted a ''challenge'', so this wasn't really about the loot.....with that kind of ''investigative reporting'' that really seeks out the ''root causes'', you can't expect the post to be of any higher quality than the previous ''investigation'' into the problem by these reporters.

songdongnigh said...

"The police have in the course of the investigation, confiscated several weapons belonging to local residents, but they have so far not managed to find the murder weapon."
I'm assuming the police searched only homes of ethnic Norwegians, but did they use lists of registered firearms, or just go house to house? And would they dare to do the same in an "immigrant" enclave?

"The suspect was interrogated on Thursday evening, but no defense lawyer has been appointed for him yet."
No lawyer during "interrogation"?

“We are currently searching the suspect’s house, and we will continue to do so in the coming days,”
How much time do they need?

"and a number of tips arrived, but without any suspects emerging."
Which is it, suspect or no suspect? Or did they just round up the "usual" suspect?

Sounds like a police state version of the Keystone Kops.

Western Initiatives said...

I will not be shedding any tears over this. The guilt for events such as this one lies with the Norwegian power elites, who have imposed an alien and inassimilable alien population on the Norwegian people.

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