Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Swedish Muslims Form Anti-Free Speech Committee

Our Swedish correspondent Carpenter has sent us the latest on the Modoggie crisis:

I decided to translate a report by Upplandsnytt (Sweden’s state public radio’s local news in Uppland, Sverige) from yesterday. Apparently, Uppsala’s local newspaper Uppsala Nya Tidning has published Mohammed too. Hence, the “Arabic Cultural Association” forms an anti-free speech committee.

And now Carpenter’s translation:

An ironic ModoggieYesterday in Uppsala, Muslim associations and congregations formed a committee for planning protest actions against publication of drawings of Mohammed similar to those drawn by Lars Vilks. Among others, Uppsala Nya Tidning has published Mohammed as a roundabout dog, which has angered many. For instance Yiha Abu Sakaria [Don’t know if my spelling is correct — translator] of the Arab Cultural Association in Uppsala.

[Yiha, in faulty Swedish:] “I think that Nerikes Allehanda, Uppsala Nya Tidning and most of the Swedish newspapers have hurt Muslims”

The caricature drawings by Lars Vilks which have been published in many papers, among them Uppsala Nya Tidning, have raised emotions among many Muslims. Yesterday the Iranian government sent a formal protest of Nerikes Allehanda’s publication, and a committee was formed in Uppsala in order to protest against further publication. For instance, they want to meet UNT’s editor-in-chief.

[Yiha again:] “We will try to convince him that one cannot publish such drawings. It will hurt Muslims here in Sweden. [And] Sweden has big investments in Arab countries. What if Muslims would react furiously and boycott Swedish products; Scandia, Ericsson, Volvo… Why repeat what happened in Denmark?”
- - - - - - - - -
[UNT’s editor-in-chief Lars Nilsson:] “I’ve no objection to discussing this, but the question is: is there that much worth discussing? When listening to this representative of this group speaking about the threats [Muslim countries] are going to expose on the newspapers… [interrupted]”

Do you mean boycotts?

“Well, it has become clear what it’s all about..”

He is saying that you abuse the freedom speech and press and insult people and their religion.

“Hurting Muslims.. Well, I think this reaction from an number of Muslims is hurting Muslims more than the tiny little drawing that has been published in the papers.”

What refreshing common sense from this Swedish newspaper editor!

But why repeat what happened in Denmark?

Why indeed? What good would displaying a spine do the Swedes?

After all, the only thing it did for Denmark was to reduce Muslim agitation and harden public attitudes against further Islamization.

And who wants that kind of racist thinking in Sweden?

Previous posts on this topic:

The Swedes Narrowly Avert Their Own Motoon Crisis
Modoggie #2
The Prophet as an Obedient Retriever
That Doggone Mohammed
Swedish Muslims Will Exhibit the Modoggies
Lars Vilks Dogged by Death Threats
Modoggies Make it into the Swedish MSM, But…
Oh, No! It’s Happening Again!
Sweden Gets Sent to the Woodshed
An Ironic Rondellhund
Now We Know Who’s Behind the Modoggies


Profitsbeard said...

Gee, if I were a Muslim I would leave the West immediately in protest.

(Hint, hint.)

AWOL Civilization said...

“We will try to convince him that one cannot publish such drawings. It will hurt Muslims here in Sweden. [And] Sweden has big investments in Arab countries. What if Muslims would react furiously and boycott Swedish products; Scandia, Ericsson, Volvo…"

How much conniving and threatening can you pack into a short paragraph? First, they'll "convince" him to change his behavior. So it almost sounds rational. Next, it will "hurt" Muslims. Quick shift to the realm of uncontrollable emotions. And of course "hurting" means the inevitable seething, and we all know what that brings. "Sweden has big investments"--and you wouldn't want to lose that, would you?

One big protection racket.

Profitsbeard said...

awol civilization-

"One big protection racket."

You breaka dere heart, dey breaka you legs.

kepiblanc said...

"After all, the only thing it did for Denmark was to reduce Muslim agitation and harden public attitudes against further Islamization"
....and boost Danish trade surplus to unprecedented levels.

X said...

Hm, it might actually be very profitable to annoy muslims...

turn said...

Profitable, enjoyable, and a duty to your fellow countrymen.

First drive the politicos who've allowed this to happen out of office.

Then drive the 'slammis back to the hellholes from which they've come.

Or become another colony of hell on Earth.

Stephen Gash said...

We are fighting back with the same kind of rhetoric and vocabulary that Islamists use.

Please use the spellings shown here in capital letters.

Kuffarphobia has been reported here on G of V previously, but Kalifascist is a new term from which Kalifascistate springs naturally


KUFFAR (Kafir)- a pejorative, or insulting, expression used by Muslims to describe a non-Muslim

KUFFARPHOBIA - the irrational fear and loathing of all things non-Islamic and of all non-Muslims.

KUFFARPHOBE - a Muslim person who seeks to establish a worldwide Kalifate (Caliphate) thereby abolishing all non-Islamic culture and beliefs and imposing Sharia law

KALIFASCIST - a person who wishes to establish a worldwide Kalifate by fascistic means. Generally a Muslim, but increasingly also a Western politician who styles him/herself as a "liberal"

Stephen Gash said...

The new KKK = Kuffarphobic Kalifascist Killers

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