Wednesday, October 03, 2012

OSCE Warsaw: Tolerance and Non-Discrimination II

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This is the tenth in a series of posts on this week’s OSCE “Human Dimension Implementation” meeting in Warsaw. More will be coming later this week. See the list of links at the bottom of this post for previous articles.

The text below is an intervention filed today by the German civil liberties organization Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa. The document is a response to an attempt by German Turks to use the OSCE to stop the a German government initiative to prevent the radicalization of Muslims in Germany.

The original German text is followed by an English translation.

Pax Europa

Statement by Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa

OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting
Working Session 14

Tolerance and Non-Discrimination II

Warsaw, October 3, 2012

Stellungnahme der BÜRGERBEWEGUNG PAX EUROPA zur Kritik an der Plakataktion des Bundesinnenministeriums der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gegen die Radikalisierung Jugendlicher

Die BÜRGERBEWEGUNG PAX EUROPA begrüsst ausdrücklich alle Maßnahmen, die dazu geeignet sind, Jugendliche davor zu bewahren, in radikale und gewalttätige Kreise abzudriften. Die Plakataktion des Innenministerium der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, welche den betroffenen Angehörigen Hlfe anbietet, ist daher zu begrüßen.

Nicht nachvollziehber ist dagegen die Kritik der “Türkischen Gemeinde in Deutschland” und ihres Vorsitzenden, Herrn Kenan Kolat, an der geplanten Aktion, wenn er von einer “Stigmatisierungskampagne gegen alle Menschen muslimischer Herkunft” spricht. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Es sollte geradezu im Interesse des Türkischen Gemeinde und der Bürger muslimischer Herkunft sein, der Radikalisierung auch in den eigenen Reihen vorzugehen und somit diese Aktion zu unterstützen. Präventionsmaßnahmen gegen die Radikalisierung Jugendlicher sind notwendiger denn je.

Berichten zufolge hat sich die “Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland” an die UN und an die OSZE gewandt, um beide Organisationen zu einer Intervention bei der Bundesregierung zu bewegen, um die Plakataktion zu verhindern.

Die BÜRGERBEWEGUNG PAX EUROPA fordert deshalb die OSZE auf, diesem Ansinnen nicht Folge zu leisten, sondern entsprechend ihrer Agenda den Schutz von Jugendlichen vor radikalen Einflüssen über die Befindlichkeiten nationaler, ethnischer und religiöser Lobby-Gruppen zu stellen.

Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa e.V.
— Bundesgeschäftsstelle


Position of BPE (Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa ) on Criticism of the German Interior Ministry’s Poster Campaign Against the Radicalization of Young People

BPE welcomes the measures designed to protect young people from drifting into radical and violent circles — the poster campaign by the German interior ministry which offers help to those affected.

The criticism of this planned campaign coming from the “Turkish Community in Germany” and its chair, Mr. Kenan Kolat, by contrast, is open to doubt when it speaks of a “stigmatizing campaign against all people of Muslim heritage.” The opposite is true. It should be in the interests of the Turkish community and citizens of Muslim heritage to deter radicalization in their own ranks by supporting this campaign. Actions to prevent the radicalization of young people are more necessary than ever.

There are reports that the “Turkish Community in Germany” has turned to the UN and the OSCE, asking both organizations to intervene with the German federal government to prevent the poster campaign.

Therefore, BPE requests that OSCE not accede to this demand, but on the contrary, according to its own agenda, extend the protection of young people from radical influences to cover the sensitivities of national, ethnic and religious lobbies.

Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa

Previous posts about the OSCE and the Counterjihad:

2009 Jul 25 A Report on the OSCE Roundtable
  Sep 30 ICLA Tackles Fundamental Freedoms at the OSCE Meeting in Warsaw
  Oct 1 The ICLA Meets the OSCE, Round 2
  Nov 5 The OSCE: Islam and Violence Against Women
    7 Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding Under Fire At OSCE Meeting in Vienna
    7 “Hate Speech” Accusations at the OSCE Meeting
    8 What is Medica Zenica?
    10 Report on the OSCE Supplementary Human Rights Dimension Meeting
2011 Oct 28 ESW: Liveblogging In Vienna
    28 Steering Public Discourse
    28 Fallacies That Deserve Correction
    29 Towards a “Responsible” Freedom of Speech in Europe
    29 Islamophobia, Islamic Slander, and the OSCE
  Nov 10 The OSCE Fights Racism and Xenophobia in Vienna
    10 When Good Intentions Go Bad
    12 ESW: The ACT! For America Interview at OSCE
    12 OSCE: The murky waters of political correctness
    29 ACT! For America: A Report on the OSCE Meeting in Vienna
2012 Oct 2 OSCE Warsaw: Which Human Rights?
    2 OSCE Warsaw: Apostasy and Its Consequences
    2 OSCE Warsaw: ICLA Demands the Abrogation of the Cairo Declaration
    2 OSCE Warsaw: Join the Brussels Process!
    2 OSCE Warsaw: Islamophobia, Occupation and Slander
    2 OSCE Warsaw: Islam as a Political Ideology
    2 OSCE Warsaw: A Thinly Veiled Threat of Violence
    2 OSCE Warsaw: Define Your Terms!
    2 OSCE Warsaw: Bashing Islamophobia
    3 OSCE Warsaw: The Battle Has Begun

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