Sunday, August 05, 2012

“We Need Leaders, Not Appeasers”

Below is the speech given by Tommy Robinson yesterday at the EDL/SION event in Stockholm.

Notice his quote from Sir Winston Churchill on the nature of Mohammedanism:

Hat tip: Steen.


LN said... 1

About Saturday's "drama" at Norra Bantorget (North Railway Square) in central Stockholm.

The Counter Jihad global meeting at the Railway Square attracted an overall audience of 50-100 persons, supposedly mostly EDL-supporters. The theme was the menacing propagation of Islamism and Salafism in various European countries. Hardly anybody else but those specially engaged in or againstthe counterjihad movement had information about the event.

Also present were hundreds of riot-equipped policemen and dogs, horses, pikets, special vehicles and an all the time hoovering helicopter as well as police reinforcements from Danmark and Norway.

Some 300 leftist Islamist-huggers at a distance were gaping, making noises, and hooting in vuvuzelas, and the notorious Israeli front man of the Ship-to-Gaza-movement, 'Dror Feiler' was screaming jibberish in a magaphone.

The police successfully cept the opponent groups separated. As usual it got messy when black-masked AFA-extremists with friends started from the perifery to fire rockets and throwing firecrackers and pavement stones at the policemen. One policeman was slightly injured in the face of a firecracker.

Three or four blocks to the east of the Railway Square at the thoroughfare and parade street Sveavägen, full of Pride enthusiastic people, no-one new about the happenings at the Railway Square. The counterjihad global meeting remained a most local affair, so much so because practically nothing was mentioned and has been mentioned about it in the press and not one beep about it has been heard in the Public Service Radio SR.SE/P1.

The Swedish population of citizens 18 years old and elder is about 7 000 000. Only an infinitesimal number of these know about counterjihad, the Moslem danger, EDL, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and the rest. All the others know nothing and will remain ignorant untill their own daughter or their neigbour's daughter is being killed, raped, sexually offended or robbed by a well-meaning MENA or South-of-Sahara migrant.

What happened in Stockholm last Saturday could just as well for the majority of the Swedish population have happened in Patagonia.

To be extensively informed or get ample information you have to rely on and trust in the Internet - otherwise you remain as unknowing as the king of Sweden must be. His royal motto is "För Sverige – i tiden", (Pro Suecia hoc tempore - for Sweden in the the period).

Nick said... 2

Kev Carroll's speech was pretty good too - it's up on youtube. said... 3

The text of Churchill's 1899 thoughts on the mos-slums:


Anonymous said... 4

"The civilization of modern Europe might fall"

"No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.

It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which ithad vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome"

Winston Churchill 1899

Anonymous said... 5

The much celebrated Swedish author/activist/journalist Jan Guillou was also at the time, a KGB agent, and is a strong defender of muslims and is a voice which has had immense impact over Sweden for decades.

With his handsome/macho teddy bear appearance he must have seduced tons of the female population into the wrong side, as well as lured half as many men to identify with him.

Jan Oskar Sverre Lucien Henri Guillou's family background is Norwegian/French/Swedish

An example of his views is the defense of four "Swedes" intent on beheading the people at Jyllandsposten.

Sweden, a haven for jihadists
(To be translated)

Anonymous said... 6

Psychological warfare

- You're a racist girl! I don't want you to call me anymore, because I don't want to talk to racists. Is that clear?!

Male person of 34 from Pakistan, to girl of 17 who didn't agree to giving him her phone number

How strong does a young girl have to be to fight such

psychological warfare, these days?

Anonymous said... 7


The "Racist Girl" is writing about her net experience story in Aftenposten, Norwegian newspaper.

Anonymous said... 8

New Times at former state monopoly phone company, Telenor, Norway

Hope you burn in Hell! (SMS from Telenor to young female customer)

The male customer service assistant had, five minutes before, behaved impolitely, but not aggressively, the 16 year old girl says to VG.

She had contacted Telenor because she hadn't been warned by SMS about her bypassing the agreed monthly limited amount.

Don't know if any of you recognize this wording?

I think it is a cultural thing, which was unheard of in customer relations until recently, and even in general conversation. There is this aggressive tone which have become frequent in The New Times we are facing.

Immediately the sound of it, "Burn in Hell!", has a hateful ring to it. This tone more often than not, comes from those who speak the loudest about "hateful speech" methinks.

SMS - Text message

Anonymous said... 9

New Culture in Norway

- We are not having a cultural problem, claims PR Manager Anders Krokan, at Telenor

Other customers have experienced that same cultural ring, like "F... You!" from a Telenor sales representative, so there must be something wrong somewhere here despite what the PR manager says.

One customer's sarcastic
"Job application"
is getting much attention at the moment, with 44 000 "likes" after two days

How can I apply for a job? I'm unstructured, slow and obnoxious...I think I have all the qualities needed for a job at Telenor"

Must be a cultural thing, after all

Anonymous said... 10

Lars Vilks to speak on 11 September in New York

"... at antimuslim meeting", according to SVT, referring to
Helsingborgs Dagblad, who is not any more truthful than SVT

Helsingborgs Dagblad obviously lets no occasion slip to claim that Breivik based his views on this or that, and NOT on REALITY on the ground. Neither this one.

Message on comments section at HD
"As the comments to a too large extent breaks with our rules, we feel obliged to close this discussion."

Anonymous said... 11


"As the comments to a too large extent breach with our rules, we feel obliged to close this discussion."