Thursday, July 08, 2010

The EDL Ummah Returns to Dudley

EDL Dudley rooftopBack on May 1st the English Defence League staged a demonstration against the proposed mosque in Dudley, and endured repeated violent attacks from culture enrichers in the process. That evening several EDL members occupied the rooftop of the empty building at the site of the proposed mosque. Early the following morning police stormed the rooftop, beat up the protesters, and arrested Snowy and Leon — the “Dudley Two”.

The EDL has vowed to return to Dudley over and over again for demonstrations until the plans for the mosque are definitively abandoned. Their next event is scheduled for on July 17th:

I really love the phrase “The EDL Ummah”. I wish I’d thought of that one…

Hat tip: Gaia.

[Post ends here]



Quo Vadis EDL & Unspiek?

Our heritage entitles -- Stop the anti-white racism
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Translation of the Swedish website: Occident [two nice and representative pics]

EDL and the French Identitaires.
There are reasons to add a post scriptum to the blog entry I had on the English Defence League (you can read it here). Now they link to the their French friends: "Tommy and Kev visited France to forge yet more international links with the European Allies who are prepared to make a stand in similar ways to ourselves."

I followed the link and ended up at the 'French Identitaire Movement'. Yes, they are also talking about the fight against Islamism. But when I see the word 'identitaire' I become suspicious. When Swedish Metapedia writes about the concept 'identitaire' - and of course they should know, since rhey are the Nordic League behind the encyclopaedia - ir sounds a short quote:

"Culture is the essence of the national community. The culture is expressed through the accumulated knowledge of rhe tribe, its beliefs and ourlooks - in the past, the present and the future. The Identitaire accept that life involves a constant struggle for survival and therefore a constant struggle for cultural survival and development. For the Identitaires it is impossible to separate the ethnic and the cultural, the one can not survive without the other. The biological inheritance determines the potential cultural creativity and the ability to create, but without the desire to create and develop the own culture, the Ethnic Community will bcome lifeless and without a future."

These are classic formulations that we have seen before, maybe in other words, but with the same spirit. Words like "tribal" and "national community" is always infected by pogroms, expulsions and mass murder.

Have a look here:

If the English EDL believes that the Identitaire movement in France is their ally, then the EDL, in my view, has absolutely no credibility. The Identitaire not selldom are called "the new European Right". Yes, it might be appropriate, but you could end up very wrong. What is "Left", what is "Right"? One need not dig deep to see the connection between today's Identitaires and the extreme nationalism of the past, based on race and skin-color romance, and National Socialism. In the Identitair movement's texts also the classic anti-Semitism is quite close to the surface.

More about Bloc identitaire here.


Here follows rhe final, that accidently got lost!
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If EDL believes that we can combat Sharia and Islamism from these historical roots, they have reached an impasse.

I will dig further in what the English Defence League really is. Do you have knowledge, please share ir.

Tanstaafl said...

If the English EDL believes that the Identitaire movement in France is their ally, then the EDL, in my view, has absolutely no credibility. The Identitaire not selldom are called "the new European Right". Yes, it might be appropriate, but you could end up very wrong. What is "Left", what is "Right"? One need not dig deep to see the connection between today's Identitaires and the extreme nationalism of the past, based on race and skin-color romance, and National Socialism. In the Identitair movement's texts also the classic anti-Semitism is quite close to the surface.

Criminy. In other words, English and French identity is bad for "the jews". The English and French and the rest of us White Western folk are supposed to find just enough identity to defend ourselves from muslims, but not so much that jews feel threatened? Why? Is our duty to jews or to ourselves? Don't jews have their own ethnostate they can seek refuge in, which spares no expense to defend jewish interests above all others? Why can't the rest of us have our own state like this, or is our only purpose in this life to make nice safe countries for jews and other aliens to live in?

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