March came in like a polar bear here at Schloss Bodissey. The snow started yesterday morning, continued sporadically throughout the day, and then fell heavily overnight. We woke to about seven inches (17.75 cm) of the white stuff this morning.
Below are our daffodils. They’re often in bloom by this time of the year, but these are just buds:

And for long-time readers, here is Dymphna’s nemesis, the Fig Tree of Doom, in snow:
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Our phone is out as of this morning, but the satellite connection is working, so we’re not completely cut off from the civilized world.
This has been a really strange Noreaster here in the Northeast. I have gotten a dusting of snow, but the next county over (which is very close to me) got 9.5 inches. Crazy. Bring on those Daffydills already I say.
Love the pictures! The snow looks so beautiful. We didn't get snow where I am, but it's absolutely freezing here. I hope all this bad weather clears up by Friday because I have a flight that afternoon.
Our daffodils in Greenville SC look just like your daffodils.
Sheeesh guys, stop complaining!
Our daffodils usually come out in May!
from all the way up in the top right cornah
Gee, Dymphna, if this awful global warming trend gets any worse, you and the Baron will be able to open a ski resort.
Thanks for the pictures. We in Kentucky had rather more than our seasonal allotment of the white stuff last month, but it sure is purdy.
Just a couple of weeks ago we had full of snow too here. It has all melted away by now. Also I heard some good news on radio yesterday. The first cranes had been spotted here in Skåne in the southern part of Sweden. There's a wonderful song from 1978 by a dutch band named Kayak called First Signs of Spring. Each time I hear it I long for spring to come.
Bird of all seasons you’ve heard many stories
The wind whispers many a tale in your ear
Come sit beside me, I’ll sing you a song
All about a love that’s gone
So far from here
Bird of all seasons can you keep a secret
Carry my dreams to the one that I miss
Then sit beside her and sing her my song
May she ask where it is from
Then tell her this:
"You’ll know if you come along"
I’ve been waiting all winter
Across the sky you’ll spread your wings
Returning with the first signs of spring
Here with me
Waiting all winter
For you to come and birds to sing
Waiting for the love that you’ll bring
Back to me
Bird of all seasons can you keep a secret
Carry my dreams to the one that I miss
Then sit beside her and sing her my song
May she ask where it is from
Then tell her this:
"I’ll take you where your heart belongs"
Robin Shadowes--
What a lovely song...is the music available?
We are definitely not complaining. It's been too long since we had a decent snowfall. Our winters have been dry, but not this year.
And considering which way global "warming" decides to go, we'll have a ski resort (kiss the fig trees goodbye) or the ice caps will melt and our plateau five miles away from the James River will become waterfront property.
Bring it on, al-Gore...
Hey Dymphna. There are some tracks on YouTube although unfortunately not First SIgns of Spring. Here's a track called Winretime which I assume is not appropriate. You can also find videos of Ruthless Queen which is taken from the same album as First Signs called Phantom of the Night. The LP I own is a cut-out american pressing so it was originaly released in the states. There's a programme called Spotify where one can listen to streamed music for free, and I know First Signs is on Spotify with some other music from Kayak. Unfortunately you have to be invited to use it and I don't have premium so I can't have any to give away. Try to find a music forum which is large enough and ask if there is anyone who has invites to Spotify. I got my invite from a City Boy-forum. That is not a big forum though although there are members from all over Europe, America and down under. It's probably better to find a broader music forum and not one just dedicated to one band lol.
Sorry for the language goofs.
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