Saturday, February 14, 2009

Is Westminster the New Mecca?

Our Flemish correspondent VH just wrote us with this little tidbit:

When Lord Ahmed recently threatened to advance to Westminster with 10,000 Muslims, the number was not “just” a number. In fact he referred to the advance of Mohammed in 630 to Mecca with 10,000 followers, and with whom he conquered that stubborn city once and for all.

And what’s more, this encouraged them to conquer the rest Arabian Peninsula and beyond as well.

[nothing more in this post]


Goodnight Vienna said...

Someone is creating division.

"Unity within Diversity", Does this slogan ring bells? It's the EU.

Beguile, divide and conquer would be a better slogan for the EU.

dienw said...

How is it that these 7th Century savages know history better than their victims?

Anonymous said...

Because their historic victims have been kept in the dark about the age-old onslaught of islam..It's possible our grandfathers thought the downfall of islam was a done deal, so that it's relevance for the west was unwisely overlooked. Much more likely however the otherwise inexplicable silence about the deadliest foe the west has even known has been deliberate, and can be explained in the same way as the incomprehensible decision of allowing a totally incompatible ideology a foothold in our lands..: the elites with their pipedreams about eternal world-peace and especially the sly and determined patient shadows behind them - the money- and aristocratic elite, with their never forgotten age-old dreams of european hegemony - saw in mohammed's angry brainchild another, very effective ideological tool to keep the emerging proles subdued..just in case communism, fascism and their heady derivatives would fail to deliver.

I'm convinced that the awakening of Islam at this moment in time is deliberately instrumental in helping the powers that be with the fulfilment of the world-government scheme, which in our parts is coming along just nicely in the EU..

Furor Teutonicus said...

Whatever it is, "threatening to advance on Parliament" with a mob, is a call to mutiny and revolution.

It is also, as far as I recall, a "tratourous act".

But then again, the law only applies to the 96% majority. The 4% muslim MINORITY are, quite literely, allowed to get away with murderous intent.

Furor Teutonicus.

Czechmade said...

on the Dutch TV he claims it was made up by a UK magazine or paper. Could someone find more? The number cannot be from the paper. He claims he will sue them, let us wait and call him a liar!

Try to google more in the next weeks! said...

Yes he is claiming he never made that threat. This will be an interesting case. I really wish some of the other members of the HOL would speak up about it. If he did make the threat people need to know urgently. Which is precisely why the UK Government would never tell them.

heroyalwhyness said...

Another fine example would be the 12,000 capacity Mega mosque sponsored by the ultra-conservative Islamic sect Tablighi Jamaat for a site adjacent to the 2012 Olympic stadium complex.

We've all witnessed how quickly the average muslim community organizes their intimidation forces. Consider the potential intimidation a 12k capacity MEGA mosque could conjure up on a moments notice.

From Nov. 2007 Times Online article:
Video threat to opponent of Olympic 'mega-mosque'
The video ends with the words: “The mosque will be built in time for the 2012 Olympic Games. We must ask Allah to strengthen us.”

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

Fjordman is right calling EU an evil organization. However, they're not top dog but just a tool for the elite to divide and conquer to destroy the nations within the continent and subdue their populations. We need to take out all the traitors at top level in each country as well as all muslim leaders both internal as external. This is not an easy task though. It needs to be organized and timed so they can be toppled pretty much at the same time or else it will just be like with the hydra, new heads will grow out from where the previous ones has been cut off.

Czechmade said...

One day we can use these mosques as detention centres for deportation.

Anonymous said...

The mega mosque isn't just meant to intimidate, it's meant to demonstrate Islam's power and upstage one of the few world forums left that Muslims don't dominate.

Fjordman said...

Robin: The EU is indeed an evil organization, but I obviously don't believe it alone is the cause of all our problems. Many of these problems are similar throughout the Western world, also in Canada and Australia, far beyond the borders of the EU.

I suspect there will be a British Revolution soon. I can imagine a few Western countries go quietly into the night, but not Britain.

san said...

"Lord" Ahmed is a worthless extortionist whose miserable antics are invariably driven by his desire for self-aggrandizement.

Just like that line from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton about wanting to be "the biggest N*****s in New York", likewise Ahmed hopes to keep himself at forefront of politics of strife.

I refuse to call this crook a Lord, as he in no way measures up, except in the sense of "Lord of the Flies"

Anonymous said...

@ Furor Teutonicus, who said about the governing elite they're not top dog but just a tool for the elite to divide and conquer to destroy the nations: I think so too, but I also think the national elites are real believers in the multicultural post-democratic discours, save the chosen ones who are invited to the Bilderbergmeetings every year.

Sometimes I wonder if our own leaders actually understand what's going on, and what this wolrd-government rubbish will do to us..I think that most of them are dupes. They actually believe all this baloney that has been dished out to us the last forty years, and as far as they maybe wonder sometimes, they are easily swayed by the thought that the end justifies the means; that their work will become so much easier because of these international organizations, and being able to blame international agreements for their impotence.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and to Fjordman, who remarked not all trouble stems from the EU, and that these problems are similar throughout the Western world, also in Canada and Australia, far beyond the borders of the EU: the concept of world government is popular with all the governing elites, not only in Europe; the ideal is very hot in the US also. With Nafta the same Trojan Horse was smuggled in overseas; it really ìs the same everywhere.

It's 1984 all over..'Oceania' will be eternally at war with 'Eurabia' and 'Eastasia', and make peace again; all to keep the proles pliable and on war alert..

Fjordman said...

Paardestaart: Future generations will wonder and debate whether the current incarnation of the West died by suicide or by murder. There is no doubt that there are many deeper-lying problems and a general loss of meaning and self-confidence in our civilization, but the governing elites are definitely out to dismantle their own nation states. There's not question about it.

Anonymous said...

Future generations will wonder and debate whether the current incarnation of the West died by suicide or by murder.

Only if there still is a West. If Islam wins nobody will remember us (see jahilliya and related doctrines).

Furor Teutonicus said...

heroyalwhyness said...
We've all witnessed how quickly the average muslim community organizes their intimidation forces. Consider the potential intimidation a 12k capacity MEGA mosque could conjure up on a moments notice

There is more to that than meets the eye.

This "mosque" will be in it's own grounds. From what I have seen, about a quarter of a kilometer away from any public space.

This brings with it another problem that "they" have not thought about.

If the police get a warrant, the warrant starts at the gates, NOT the doors of the target building.

Now I would suggest that from seeing 20 riot vans parked at the gates waiting for someone to answer the door bell, followed by a quarter of a kilometer drive, leaves AMPLE time for any incriminating evidence to be "disposed of".

I have before, and still do now on occasion, run raids myself, and this target will be nearly IMPOSSIBLE to accomplish.

Furor Teutonicus

Anonymous said...

Now I would suggest that from seeing 20 riot vans parked at the gates waiting for someone to answer the door bell, followed by a quarter of a kilometer drive, leaves AMPLE time for any incriminating evidence to be "disposed of".

Depends on what you're disposing of. Drugs are easy to get rid of, but weapons and people aren't, assuming a competent and thorough search is done. Thorough being the key word here, since I do not believe that the public plans for the building will match what is actually constructed. I'm sure there will be many hidden basements and rooms.

Furor Teutonicus said...

randian said...
Depends on what you're disposing of. Drugs are easy to get rid of, but weapons and people aren't, assuming a competent and thorough search is done.

How many raids have you carried out then?

Me? About six per month for 30 years now.

I can assure you laddie, especially in grounds that have more than one building, you need every copper on the books just to seal the place off. And that is when you have instant access to the building in question. If you have a quarter kilometer drive first, then basically you have HAD it.

NO magistrate would give you twenty or thirty warrants for one raid, which is what raiding such a complex would involve. Because you need a warrant for EVERY building, AND you have to supply proof that you reasonably suspect you will find something there. It is no use to say "well they may run there to hide when they see us coming".

Furor Teutonicus.

Furor Teutonicus said...

AND, is it just me, or doers every body else have to open a new account EVERY time they want to write a post?

Furor Teutonicus.

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

So it is nearly impossible to raid a mega-mosque? What if civil wars breaks out. If so why even bother to raid it? Just bomb the crap out of it at friday prayers when it's full. What good will that half kilometre do them if it's an airstrike? Would this be counted as a war crime? Well, the even bigger crime is to do nothing and have them slaughter both us and our civilisation with it.

Unknown said...

Fjordman, you are not alone in the belief of revolution of some kind, though I consider civil unrest will begin and that could be curtailed by further authoritarian laws that bring it to an end.

Though I appreciate your belief that we will fight back. The trouble is the British need to be woken up. They (we, I) are a race that sits quietly in front of the tv, or watching cricket, or sipping a pint and moaning about the weather and what-not but not ever doing anything about. It's only when something massive happens that they respond. The Silent Majority is what we are and we need to be stirred from our slumber.

That said, without arms the British people are pretty useless. I don't own a gun, but I wish I did. I genuinely fear for my country. I don't want a multi-cultural society. I don't mind people of different nationalities, faiths and whatever living here, I mind the fact that one group wants to change my country. Hindus and Sikhs live here totally at peace, in fact they are even marginalised by the Islamic bloc. Islam is not a race, and Islam is not a religion. It is a murderous cult.

Decatur said...

Paardestaart said:
“I'm convinced that the awakening of Islam at this moment in time is deliberately instrumental in helping the powers that be with the fulfilment of the world-government scheme, which in our parts is coming along just nicely in the EU..”
I agree Paardestaart, and there is plenty of evidence to back this up. E.g. The Euro Arab Dialogue Symposia held in Vienna in 1977, again in Hamburg in 1983 and there is plenty more. We have known all along how the proponents of The Common Market (remember that?) have revealed only the less contentious aspects of their scheme incrementally to keep the masses attention fixated upon TV, sex and hedonism generally. We know that they lied when they said it’s just about trade, so what is it really about? We have to try to determine this ourselves because it is evident that whatever it is is unpleasant for the common man otherwise we would be told.
The United States with Obama in power is leaning towards European Socialism. I don’t know who is behind him, he is certainly not big enough to be leading this movement, after all he was just a community activist prior to his political appointments. I think there are European International Socialists at work, people who have a deep seated resentment that the United States succeeded without their governance. These people have to destabilise and weaken the US, they are pulling the strings, infiltrating the institutions, damaging the US currency and others; something worrisome almost happened on September 18th 08 when the US currency came within a couple of hours of a total meltdown , someone was buying up trillions of dollars.
No question that something is afoot involving Arabs, EU and perhaps others, but who or what is difficult to determine. We all know things are changing very rapidly and with a willing fool like Obama they are likely to speed up considerably over the next 12 months.

X said...

I've had several people give me links to EU Truth recently. It's a fairly comprehensive summary of just how much we've been stitched up.

I'm going to recall his prediction that parliament will be closed next year. If he's right...

Decatur said...

Furor Teutonicus, I think it's you, I don't have that problem. How very annoying for you. Good luck fixing it. Dec.