The book -- speculative, to say the least -- contemplates a possible landfall if the swift current of dhimmitude continues to carry us down-river.
by DC Alden
Reviewed by Bryan Lowe

The answer is no. From the very first page, Invasion leaps forward into the twenty-second century, where the walled city of London basks in a Mediterranean climate. Britain is no more, the author tells us, and this depiction of England slaving under the yoke of Islamic rule is unnerving. The indigenous population are forced to live in slums outside the city while occupying only menial positions in a bustling London that boasts marbled mosques and landscaped memorial gardens built to commemorate the end of western civilisation. The prologue focuses on two men who are on a mission, one that will have a devastating effect on the Islamic rulers of this Arabian outpost.
It’s at this point that the novel jumps back to present day, albeit a few years into the future. Harry Beecham, the British Prime Minister, struggles with a country whose economy is failing and whose future is now aligned with Europe rather than the US. America is politically isolated, banished from the Middle East after a new Islamic power rises to unite Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey and the North African states.
Next on its agenda of conquest is Europe, already floundering in a sea of rampant immigration. It is from these immigrants that the shock troops of Arabia hide, waiting to receive the ‘go’ order.
- - - - - - - - - -
When the order comes, things are timed precisely. Simultaneously, power is cut across London and passenger planes are shot down over the city. Meanwhile, a truck bomb decimates Whitehall and armed gangs occupy strategic buildings. By the time night falls, the combined armies of the Arabian forces have moved decisively against Europe.
The premise of the book is a little far-fetched in supposing that Sunni and Shia countries could ever unite to create a combined Islamic state. But given that premise, the author paints a convincing picture of Muslim Brotherhood: transcending sectarian violence to unite the Middle East under a powerful and universally revered ruler: the Caliph of old whose aim is the domination of Europe by Islam.
That Europe falls so easily somehow rings true in this story, however implausible it may seem today. The author’s descriptions of a conquered Britain strike disturbing chords. As remnants of the British Army flee north to Scotland, the vacuum they leave is filled by Arabian troops; the ethnic populations of Britain’s cities throng the streets in welcome. It is under this new regime that events sound the tones of a requiem. ‘Potential troublemakers for example the surviving police and army personnel who failed to flee north are rounded up. Their tragic fate and final destination are intriguing elements in the plot.
As for England’s prison population? Well, their destiny is truly a ghastly one, although one has some sympathy for the motives of their Arabian captors.
Invasion reads like a thriller in the Clancy/McNab mould. But the sub-text is obviously a critique of Britain’s — and by extension Europe’s — failed immigration policies, the inability to stem a rising tide of Islamic fundamentalism and the cringing subservience to political correctness that infects the culture of Europe.
Given the possible risks, not many authors are willing to tackle this subject. Any number of unsympathetic depictions of Islam, fictional or not, have provoked threats and violent outbursts from Muslim communities. Even with that Ignoring the hazards, Alden has produced a thought-provoking speculative thriller in which Islam and the west enter into the direct conflict that so many people fear the future may hold.
This is a fast-paced narrative that chills the blood as one contemplates the shadow of Islam falling across Europe.

Paperback : 660 pages
Publisher: Matador (7 Dec 2006)
Language English
ISBN-10: 1905237979
ISBN-13: 978-1905237975
Here is the UK Amazon link. And here is a typical review - both typical of the other enthusiastic readers, and typically British, which we Yanks find so cute:
A thumping good read — I enjoyed it immensely!
An ingenious plot, brilliantly crafted and superbly written. Just hope the author is not foretelling the future!
We shall be hearing a great deal more of D.C. Alden. (jolly good!)...
except...well...I think this reviewer is having us on: he’s from Ontario.
Back at the ranch, The US Amazon link says this book is “currently not available.” Nor does it say when they expect it to bein stock. I suppose one might nudge them, or it may never become “available” here. Not that I’m paranoid or anything (come on, Wally Ballou, I can take it).
There is another novel online in its entirety at Sixth Column
Hatred of the Angels
Hatred of the Angels
It's a different take but similar and bleak and depressing. Eurabia is going to be a nasty place.
Likewise, Camp of the Saints, a novel from the 80s about Europe's inability to stop the invasion and the death of Europe by political correctness is highly recommended.
Sounds both interesting and scary. Too bad it's not available here. Perhaps something could be worked out for readers in the UK to be a "clearinghouse" for US readers...?
There is also another novel floating around, about a unground christian resistance movement in Islamised France, I think the author was Russian, it was mentioned on LGF once.
I think this is a book in a growing sub-genre of speculative fiction re Eurabia. That's why I rhetorically asked what Fjordman would say...
A 'Clearing house'? Sounds interesting, what's meant by it?
It appears that you can order a single copy from and have it delivered to the US.
Delivery Restrictions
But of course, it will probably be available through the US amazon later this year.
"The idea that Muslims could take Europe through military means is laughable, unless they have a demographic majority here."
I don't believe this is far fetched, a few decades or so down the line.
*The aging and dwindling European population will face an aggressive, youthful enemy just across the Mediterranean.
*Iranian or possibly Saudi blackmail of nuclear retaliation for any measures against Muslims in Europe will severely limit our options.
*Will the European military be fit for tackling a civil war scenario, will they go for the kill against citizens of their own countries, in addition to fending off an invading enemy seeping in along the entire Mediterranean coast?
*Can a culture that hates itself defend itself against a highly motivated foe? Will the majority not demand concessions on our part for (illusory) peace?
Europe is old and tired. Europe wants other players to take over. Europe, however, has no idea of the horrors that this entails for its citizens, i.e. the children of the current voting population. When it finds out it will recoil in horror, but "it", its majority, that is, will have had every opportunity to educate itself in time.
I bought the book at using my account with no problems. Shipping costs were more than the price of the book and the total was 13.78 pounds, or approximately $22.33.
Re: "a bustling London that boasts marbled mosques and landscaped memorial gardens built to commemorate the end of western civilisation."
This doesn't sound too liklely. What Muslim city could be described as bustling (or properous) that isn't the product of oil wealth? As far as I can see, major cities in Muslim nations are shitholes.
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