Saturday, March 03, 2007

Daniel Pipes Heads For Denmark

Daniel Pipes will be in Copenhagen a week from today to receive a prize for his efforts to secure freedom of speech. I can’t find any news about this in English, not even at Dr. Pipes’ website, but Kepiblanc has kindly translated the announcement of the event posted at Trykkefrihedsselskabet’s official website:

Daniel PipesThe “Press Freedom Award 2007” will go to American historian Daniel Pipes in acknowledgement of his fight for freedom of speech, his opposition to Islamism, his work for academic freedom in American universities, and his support for Muslim dissidents who speak out against Mecca.

It is Dr. Pipes’ first visit to Denmark.

The event will take place Saturday, March 10th, 2007 at 2:30pm, in the Grand Hall of the Labor Museum, Roemersgade 22, Copenhagen.

Daniel Pipes ( is one of the best-known critics of Islamism. He is the director of the think tank “The Middle East Forum” in Philadelphia and of “Campus Watch”,

Dr. Pipes is a regular commentator at the The New York Sun and The Jerusalem Post. His articles frequently appear in the world’s most renowned magazines, and he is a frequent guest on CNN and Fox News. He is the author of fourteen books about Islam and the Middle East, translated into eighteen different languages. Among the most important are The Rushdie Affair: The Novel, the Ayatollah and the West — a thorough evaluation of “The Satanic Verses” affair — and the book Militant Islam reaches America.

This is the second time Trykkefrihedsselskabet [Society for Freedom of the Press - translator] has granted the “Press Freedom Award”. Last year it was granted to the Pakistani-Norwegian comedian Shabana Rehman and the British human rights advocate Roy Brown.

For further information : Helle Merete Brix — phone 0045 22 92 70 46 or Lars Hedegaard — phone 0045 36 46 15 48.

Kepiblanc will be attending the event, and has agreed to act as Gates of Vienna’s Copenhagen correspondent for the occasion. You’ll see his report in this space in a little over a week.

[Nothing follows]


Yorkshireminer said... 1

Steen mentioned this on his blogg SNAPHANEN a couple of days ago. I would love to go, but it is too far from Holland. Mind you what a great place for all the Danish bloggers to meet share notes have a few drinks and get to know each other. Just a suggestion. He has some good pictures and a video of the rioting over the last couple of days on his blogg well worth a visit.

Profitsbeard said... 2

Hope the burning of the buildings and police vehicles and random shops and cars by ejected anarchist "squatters" -and their arriving EU allies-in-mayhem- has subsided by the time Pipes arrives.

What do you call a group of anarchists:

an oxy of morons.