Hi Baron,
Here is an important post from Norway about an article that has just been censored by the thought police… And this is important because I know all the b.s. going on in this town firsthand. I am a musician and I have been working for the Paki Sopranos’ resturants for a long time and they show no respect. Especially not after the Motoon crisis They just demand it.
Here is his translation of a post by “Norway’s Fallaci, Hege Storhaug” in Human Rights Service about the vanished article:
Norway’s Networks of Pakistani Criminal Gangs- - - - - - - - - -
Since September 15th, police have been through over 150 armed actions against heavy crime areas. 400 people have been visited, and 150 have been detained. The Pakis’ gangs have evolved into full-blown criminal networks, writes Aftenposten.no [censored already — translator].After the shootings at Aker harbor, the police have intensified their efforts in the hunt for the criminal gangs. Many tens of police officers are involved in the hunt. They have been following the criminals 24/7 in a cooperative effort between economic crime units and criminal police. The Pakistani crime milieu is now under the same pressure that the Nokas robbers received. “There is no doubt that these are organized crime networks, and we need extra funds for 2007,” says Chief of Police Stensrud to the paper.
Longtime convict Shaid Rashool, who was identified as gang leader when he was sentenced to 12 years at the end of the ’90s, denies the existence of the gangs. From his prison cell he has in many media interviews depicted the gangs as just groups of friends recast as criminal networks by the police so that the police can get more resources.
This year the police will make a huge effort to shine a light on the connections between these gangs and their allies in other countries, and to follow the cash flow out of the country. Assistant Police Commissioner Odd Berner Malme says it is very important to hit the gang members’ economic gains and the status that they have achieved.
Our Norwegian correspondent added this afterword:
I was almost killed one year ago after a gig at one of these places run by a wannabe gang-made guy. To my doctor’s surprise I survived. And to my surprise I got kind of angry at these outlanders (liberal as I am).
But as you know getting hold of armor isn’t difficult in former fortress Norway. These m-f’s are now calling my ancient capital “Medina”. So be it.
The Muslims should have known better than to f*** with an armed liberal.
Thank you, Armed Norwegian Liberal!
Dont mess with the norweigians - they will mess with you. I think it was bad luck for the norweigians to have a socialist president during the cartoon crisis. The way he handled the crisis was a disgrace - but i think the norweigians have learned, and i think they will bounce back.
It will be messy, but I mean, if you call a Viking capital Medina - it is your own fault if you attract some heat.
Good luck Norway, you can count on our support!
Hey it looks like Khamenei died....HT-MLeeden-faster please
I took Arabic 20 years ago, and was a poor student, but we were taught that "medina" is a generic name for "city" or "town." In context, the muslims may just be referring to Oslo as "town" or "the city" just as I (living in northern Illinois) refer to Chicago.
Or perhaps not. Medina, after all, was the retreat for Mohammed and his eventual launching point for raids on Meccan caravans and eventual takeover of Mecca.
Just hoping to broaden the picture. And for those of you who are hoping the Norwegians will hit back hard, like throwing all the thugs in jail or deporting them...does anyone have a historical precedent? Otherwise this crackdown constitutes little more than a blip on the screen of the eventual muslim takeover of the sterile secular European citizenry.
It will not happend.
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