The principal of Velasco Elemntary arranged the September 16th celebration, and later came under a lot of criticism from parents of children at the school. When news of the incident escaped into the media, he had to apologize, though he asserted that he had done nothing wrong.
By filing a request under the Freedom of Information Act, KTRH News Radio obtained the the tape from the school district.
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The video shows children waving small Mexican flags [see video] and a volunteer reciting the pledge. [see video].
Whether students also recited the Mexican pledge remains a point of contention.
The second video shows the leaders saying the pledge to the Mexican flag, but not the students. Watch it and see what you think; I hear the leaders reading the pledge, but there is a murmur of voices in the background reciting along with the leaders.
Who could that be, if it’s not the children themselves?

Hat tip: WND.
As I said myself today, in connection with the Military Commissions Act: the thing that really makes me angry about the left is how they depreciate the value of our citizenship.
I cannot fathom the sort of mind that considers a foreign flag and foreign nationals to be interchangable with Americans.
St Augustine would have said that man has certain rights because he is man: but American citizenship is supposed to mean something. Clearly, to certain of our teachers, lawyers, journalists and businessmen, the flag and nationality are impediments to be surmounted, not a legacy to be cherished.
There is no question that our civilization and nation CAN survive, but there is a serious question as to whether it wants to. I don't see that we have a prayer with people like this principal in there kicking.
Finally, I'm a Texan. I don't care where people are from. I'd prefer, thank you very much, they they learned English, (I think they'd be happier and better off), but if they don't wish to, I won't compel them. But Aztlan ain't happening here, and the Mexican flag (or at any rate the laws that come with it) will stay south of the Rio Grande y Bravo, unless it marches over a Hell of a lot of us first.
So how do y'all intend to stop it? Anti-multiculturalism doesn't seem to have a lot of traction at the ballot box, unless I am very much mistaken.
If this is so, Baron, then it would be subject to litigation by the state authority. Has anything actually occurred along these lines?
Why are we wasting our time in Iraq??? Our troops belong in Mexico City, teaching them a lesson, not in Baghdad.
Our troops belong in Mexico City and in Iraq. If we citizens, around 5 million of us invade Mexico, our troops will follow. Sounds silly but with all the Mexicans coming here and the roads along the border being improved to expedite their illegal entry, seems we could get some pretty nice property cheap in Mexico. It's simple; Mexico nationalized their oil facilities a number of years back. I say we "re-nationalize" them. Mexico wants Aztlan; we want their natural resources. As I posted a month or so ago, a US Congressman answered my hypothetical question of whether I should maintain property in New Mexico or sell it. The answer was, "It won't be worth much when Mexico annexes it."
Sometimes I think the ruling-elite want us all to be reduced to third-world poverty so they can feel so much more superior. I'd remind them the walls of their conclaves can be scaled. And they won't have a force like the one at the Gates of Vienna to defend them.
Many Americans of Mexican ancestry are not happy about the cheapening of American citizenship either. They have worked too hard to attain the "American Dream."
If it's any consilation, Mexican flags still beat bowing down towards Mecca 5 times a day.
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