Saturday, June 16, 2012

Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/16/2012

Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/16/2012The financial crisis in Greece and Spain continues to intensify. People are withdrawing millions of euros in savings every day from banks in both countries, due to worries that the banks may collapse and leave the government unable to cover their deposits. Unemployment in Greece is now well over 22%, and the Greek pension authority says it will be unable to meet its pension obligations within a few months if current trends continue.

In other news, surveillance cameras at Ottawa’s airport have been augmented with microphones, so that security officials can eavesdrop on people’s conversations as well as watch their behavior, and thereby prevent terrorist attacks.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to Fjordman, Insubria, JD, JP, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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bewick said...

Greece is a total basket case.There are 42billion euros in uncollected taxes. Islam clearly still has an influence on honesty then!
People in "hazardous occupations" are able to retire at 50 with a pension equal to 80% of previous earnings. The list is long, has recently been halved, but did for example include hairdressers and much more. The road to bankruptcy and Greece SHOULD be bankrupted. Why on earth should I pay for these freeloaders?

Anonymous said...

The perceived lethargy in Greece is no different to what we see here in blighty and things will not dramatically change until the shelves are bare and people are literally forced to scavenge on a massive scale which will of course result in further draconian measures from the "rulers" and this is not going to stop but will accelerate and ultimately we will see a take-down of govts. and police while "mob rule" ensues with all it's brutality, revenge, and bloodshed. The storm is festering slowly like a sore and will burst upon those evil corrupt establishment figures and their lackeys consuming them all like a firestorm driven by high winds. Am sure as "civilised common folk" we would rather achieve our ultimate goals of freedom and honest, righteous control via peaceful demonstrations and the ballot box but i'm afraid the ballot boxes appear to be manipulated by the moneyed people within the eussr & it's very late in the day and unfortunately those scum will never go voluntarily but history will one day prove they had to be driven out by any means. Indeed they will not be safe from harm and i believe that many acts of vengeful attrition will prove to be the norm. Who am i to blame any rampaging "revolutionary" for an act of revenge against the slime who drove and dragged us all into this cess-pit.
From bob dylan, poet & prophet....'the times they are a changing" (penned in the sixties!!)

Anonymous said...

Sadly, everyone who made a comment here is correct in certain aspects. The perceived lethargy in Greece is no different to what we see here in blighty and things will not dramatically change until the shelves are bare and people are literally forced to scavenge on a massive scale which will of course result in further draconian measures from the "rulers" and this is not going to stop but will accelerate and ultimately we will see a take-down of govts. and police while "mob rule" ensues with all it's brutality, revenge, and bloodshed. The storm is festering slowly like a sore and will burst upon those evil corrupt establishment figures and their lackeys consuming them all like a firestorm driven by high winds. Am sure as "civilised common folk" we would rather achieve our ultimate goals of freedom and honest, righteous control via peaceful demonstrations and the ballot box but i'm afraid the ballot boxes appear to be manipulated by the moneyed people within the eussr & it's very late in the day and unfortunately those scum will never go voluntarily but history will one day prove they had to be driven out by any means. Indeed they will not be safe from harm and i believe that many acts of vengeful attrition will prove to be the norm. Who am i to blame any rampaging "revolutionary" for an act of revenge against the slime who drove and dragged us all into this cess-pit.
From bob dylan the poet & prophet....'the times they are a changing" (penned in the sixties!!)

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