Saturday, May 05, 2012

Out and About

The WayfarerI’m going away for a few days, so operations at this location will be somewhat reduced for a while. There will, as usual, be no news feeds until I get back.

Dymphna will hold the fort here while I’m gone. Depending on how well she’s feeling, she may do some posting, and will approve comments when she can.

Mind your p’s and q’s, everyone. Later.


Anestis canelidis said...

Dear Dymphna
You do an awesome job with the comments and all so keep up the great work. The readers and contributers all appreciate what you and the Baron do.
Anestis Canelidis

Anonymous said...

Dear Dymphna and Anestis

I agree with your sweet words, Anestis.

All the best to the two of you.
And to Baron! Welcome back!

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