Friday, May 25, 2012

The Brain Rot of White Socialists

A trenchant comment by Laine on one of yesterday’s posts about Norway is worth reproducing here in its entirety. The text has been edited slightly for punctuation and clarity:

Even if you grant the leaders of Scandinavia their false belief that immigration is needed to keep up the tax base and staff to support elderly non-workers, we’re left with the question: what kind of mental midget and/or ignoramus looks around the world and decides to import the culture with the worst work and education ethic, and that is unassimilable due to a supremacist colonist ideology in tandem with a unique legal system sharia that contradicts Western law?

And why does the average Scandinavian keep re-electing such suicidal fools after noticing that the newcomers are not emptying bedpans in nursing homes but lolling about on Welfare making mischief such as rape and vandalism and more parasites hostile to education?

The only explanation is that the trenchant satire in Hythloday’s comment [see the original post] is actually truth: Scandinavians have been brainwashed into white guilt without ever having colonized the Third World. They’d rather their culture die than be called racist by a non-white world and their lib enablers, both of which seethe with racism themselves.

Along with cultural (spiritual) death comes physical degradation as in rape and then bodily death when Muslim numbers permit. This is a sickness found only among whites who are socialist. Neither factor alone is sufficient. Black socialists don’t develop race shame about their much greater failures and lack of achievement. And white conservatives do not prostrate themselves to inferior cultures or political systems.

It’s only in white socialists that one sees the full effect of brain rot and resultant masochism.


Anonymous said...

"And white conservatives do not prostrate themselves to inferior cultures or political systems."

Prominent right wing British Conservative invoke islam and line up to pay the jizyah tax in a Government supported Institute of Directors and Taxpayers Alliance report - The Single Income Tax.

"There is neither the concept of state, nor a theory of taxation in the Qur’an. The Qur’an does not say anything about paying taxes to the state. There is no such thing as Islamic tax. There is no Islamic foundation for sales taxes on goods and services. Instead, Islam encourages people to help others voluntarily and work very hard." - Bilal Sambur on Islam and the immorality of high taxation (Taxpayers Alliance report).

Hardly a socialist crew, in the U.K. you can not get more right wing conservative than the Taxpayers Alliance.

Jolie Rouge

James Boom said...

Here here,
In Australia today our Labour Party

Immigration Minister announced that his Party is "very

pro multi-culturalism" and is working very hard to make

it easier to immigrate here. He said he grew up in a

multi-cultural area and is dissapointed that others do

not share his enthusiasm about it.
I've been wondering

why western politicians (chicken runners)don't stand up

to Islam.
Now I realise that they are not prepared to die

for their country. These cowards would sell their own

mother so they could keep their heads in the trough.

me know when it is time to start handing out the white

In other news our "labour" government has given

permission to a mining company to bring approx. 1700

unskilled Chinese nationals to develope a project in

remote WA.
There are unemployed people in Australia.
Everything white is under attack by socialists.

Everywhere I look I see red flags and everything I do,

hold dare or say is attacked.
White socialists are

willing to destroy the world and themselfs just to see

me suffer. Their hate is so strong.
Thankyou for the post

Laine. I don't think I'm achieving much doing this but

it's nice to share.

James Boom said...

Here here,
In Australia today our Labour Party
Immigration Minister announced that his Party is "very pro multi-culturalism" and is working very hard to make it easier to immigrate here. He said he grew up in a multi-cultural area and is dissapointed that others do
not share his enthusiasm about it.
I've been wondering
why western politicians (chicken runners)don't stand up to Islam.
Now I realise that they are not prepared to die for their country. These cowards would sell their own mother so they could keep their heads in the trough.
Let me know when it is time to start handing out the white feathers?
In other news our "labour" government has given permission to a mining company to bring approx. 1700 unskilled Chinese nationals to develope a project in remote WA.
There are unemployed people in Australia.
Everything white is under attack by socialists. Everywhere I look I see red flags and everything I do,
hold dare or say is attacked.
White socialists are willing to destroy the world and themselfs just to see me suffer. Their hate is so strong.
Thankyou for the post Laine. I don't think I'm achieving much doing this but it's nice to share.

Road_Hog said...

This idea of importing immigrants to shore up the ageing population is no more than a Ponzi scheme.

Sure, in the short term it works, just like a Ponzi scheme does, if you get in early.

But then what happens? Yep, we end up with ever more old people and need ever more 'new' immigrants to plug the gap.

john in cheshire said...

The argument that we have an aging population that will need vast amounts of care; and that can only be provided by importing people from the third world; doesn't hold water. It presupposes that the majority of old people will become debilitated to some degree that prevents them from looking after themselves. I don't see any evidence for that belief. Secondly, we in my country - England - are apparently killing at least 200,000 babies each year, in abortions. If we had not done so, we would have produced all the people we need, with our own kith and kin, without the need for bringing in third world (and in my opinion) inferior peoples to replace them.
I just wonder how history is going to analyse the time in which I am living - I think they will conclude that the white Western world suffered from some form of collective insanity, resulting in a death wish.

Anonymous said...

Hi John in Cheshire: Really, no one will be left who is educated - or honest - enough to conclude anything!

Society will dissolve into the worst of Africa and the Middle East in a downward spiral of violence and degradation. Women and children will be brutalized with impunity.


Anonymous said...

@ John from Cheshire. When you mention the fact that 200,000 babies were killed in England last year, I am assuming you are talking about abortion. It sounds also like you are making value judgements on these women. Of course there are selfish women who use abortion as a form of contraception but here are several reasons why women choose an abortion:
- Rape. Thas is would particularly bolster the statistics when a prostitute (forced to be so or otherwise) has several abortions
- A violent and abusive partner
- Partner has or threatens to abandon her if she goes through with the pregnancy
- Severe malformity or disease that would cause the child to suffer if it were to live
- Endangerment to the mother's life

You see, it makes me really cross when men judge women who have abortions as it is usually because of the behaviour of some man that she has decided to have an abortion in the first place. When we have decent and respectable men in our society; instead of the irresponsible, disrespectful half-wits that we are breeding today
then maybe the abortion rates will drop.

Anonymous said...

John from Cheshire - re abortions. Yes there are irresponsible women whos use abortion as a form of contraception but here are a few more reasons why women have abortions:
-A feckless coward of a man who says he will leave her if she keeps the baby
-The foetus has a malformity or disease that will cause the child to suffer
-The mother's life is in danger

You will note that the first two reasons are aided and abetted by men. Once women can rely on honourable, respectful and supportive men instead of the lazy twits that modern British society turns out then you will see abortion rates fall, I guarantee you.

Anonymous said...

"And why does the average Scandinavian keep re-electing such suicidal fools after noticing that the newcomers are not emptying bedpans in nursing homes but lolling about on Welfare making mischief such as rape and vandalism and more parasites hostile to education?"

For Norway, the election system is strictly not democratic in the sense that one vote counts as one vote. A vote from the North is worth more than one vote from Oslo. This is the case for the elections to the parliament. In other words, an intricate system that favorises the Stoltenberg clan.

This system is, however, not waterproof. That is why the socialists were shocked after the local Oslo elections in 2011, when 11 out of 20 positions were occupied by minority background persons, for the Labor party at the Oslo City Council. Immediate reaction among the reigning socialists was that now we must immediately change the rules.

The leaders may have thought the minority representatives would be happy with a place on the list. Only problem, the "minorities" voted actively for their own to get into power.

The Norwegian socialists hadn't taken into consideration the will and determination to power.

These are making decisions for Oslo through 2015

Anonymous said...

@james boom,
I had a close relative who emigrated to Australia a couple of years back, and he had to produce documents and written statements showing where he had attended school, served his apprenticeship, worked offshore, etc. etc - they really made him jump through hoops to make sure that he fitted the exact profile of the skilled worker which Australia needed at that time.

And that's as it should be.

Now you're saying they're letting boatloads of Chinese gadgies stroll right in to Aus & they'll have a job lined up, they can land on Friday & start on Monday morning? Outrageous!

Anonymous said...

"the newcomers are not emptying bedpans in nursing homes"

Oslo Ap, These three newcomers are holding positions in the Oslo city council, Health and Social

Khamshajiny Gunaratnam (1988), Grorud
Bashe Musse
My Title

"If supporting the fight against Ethiopian forces is terrorism, then all Somalis are terrorists."
- Bashe Musse, leader, Somali Network, 2008
- regarding financing Al Shaabab with Scandinavian money

Sol Ta Triane said...

Hi Laine,

Nice post, deserving of the repetition.

Socialists want their culture to die in order that it can be replaced by a better one. Since this socialist fantasy ends with a better world. No masochism or suicidal tendency is necessary.

Although socialists aren't trying to kill themselves, they do clearly desire to destroy their culture. Which is being accomplished with great ease (ease is another thing that socialists like), through immigration. Thus the first half of their goal is accomplished.

It's murder, Laine, not suicide. They are murdering their culture.

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