Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Testosterone Poisoning and the Counterjihad

The Observer has sent us one of those “you-can’t-make-this-stuff-up” items that is too good not to share with our readers — i.e., you lonely old men out there, sitting in front of your computer thinking evil thoughts about jihadists. Why can’t you get a life?

Bless The Observer for finding this trifle. It’s so stereotypical of the “thinking” in women-dominated cultures — and I include in that group all the sissy men whose nightmares are stalked by the gruesome vagina dentata. In other words, the kinds of men who write this kind of drivel. Or was it written by a woman?

Regardless of the author’s gender, this is simply one more example of mainstream media’s ongoing attempt to replace reality with their own handy “narrative” — and their narrative is ugly indeed. Ugly and mean-spirited, just like all the other smears the Left extrudes from its sausage-making machine and slings at its enemies.

Here’s the deal: according to this “research” our readers are mostly men. Lonely men. Lonely old men. Lonely old men who are ignorant, poorly educated and marginalized by society. They are childless to boot, don’tcha know.

According to the sources they reference, this profile of Counterjihad readers was gleaned by studying the statistics on Alexa. Hmmm… Here’s Alexa’s wiki — do you see any demographic information there? Me neither.

And here’s Alexa itself. I haven’t looked at it in several years but last time I visited, I saw no demographic information. But these Communists, they read tea leaves, so maybe they have the inside track on this voodoo.

Here is The Observer’s translation of the article from today’s VG supporting this thesis. The translator includes this note:

It turns out that the overwhelming majority of GoV visitors are lonely men over 65 with no or very little education. Oh, yes, and they also feel marginalised and ignored by society.

Don’t believe me? Take a look at this article, and everything will be explained to you!

Does this mean VG is guilty of ‘Seniorphobia’? I hear the disease is on the rise among the elites...
Here’s the translated article:

Men are overrepresented on Islam-hostile websites

Single, childless men over 65 years, with little or no education are overrepresented on Islam hostile websites, according to a survey done by Klassekampen [“Class Struggle” — a Norwegian communist newspaper].

Klassekampen has used the internet analysis tool Alexa to examine eight Islam hostile websites including Gates of Vienna, Jihad Watch, The Brussels Journal, Islam Watch and Atlas Shrugged [sic].

According to data that Klassekampen has looked at the age group of the visitors to these sites range from 65 years and above. Men are clearly over-represented and most of them don’t have an education beyond primary school. Few have children, and those who visit these sites do so from their own homes and not from work or school.

The data correspond well with membership groups of various extreme right-wing parties in Europe, the journalist and author of “The hatred against Muslims” Andreas Malm says.

“There is an overwhelming majority of older men, often unemployed who may feel ostracized from society and who are looking for explanations and scapegoats,” he says.
“The archetypal conspiracy theorist is an elderly lonely man who becomes obsessed with a particular question and who may be drawn towards Islam-hostile conspiracy theories,” Malm says.

He is supported by editor of the periodical Vepsen, Tor Bach. This group of elderly people shares some common traits, he says.

“They are characterized by a strong distrust of society and democratic principles. They also sincerely believe that someone is out to harm them,” Bach says. He doesn’t wish to generalize too much, but he basically believes that this group consists of angry and frustrated individuals who feel marginalized when their views are ignored.

After we finished ROFLOAO, the Baron had an intriguing hypothesis — and it certainly has as much basis in reality as this “news” “report” does. He suggests: Could it be that testosterone poisoning accounts for the behavior of those who are drawn to Islamophobic websites such as this one?

Ah, memories! Back in the days when I worked with battered women, a few of the staff referred to men in general as suffering from this overload of male hormones. I remember one incident in which I finally protested the continuing absurdity. Most of the time I let it pass, since you can’t argue an ideologue out of a belief she needs in order to maintain her world-view. However, the rant was particularly tiresome that day and I protested on the behalf of all the good men I knew. In response, I was told I didn’t really like men. When I gaped at that one, I was told my hatred of men was unconscious, thus my ignorance.

Glory be…how do you answer one of those double binds the Left uses to batter those whose views don’t align with their Magic Pony thinking? For me, a rowdy Irish woman who likes blonde jokes, this contention was a gob-smacker. So after work that day I asked the Baron if he thought I hated men. Once he’d stopped laughing, he told me his best guess as to the origin of this slur on my character (i.e., possible projection) and added, “Hey, now that I think of it… when we first met my initial opinion was that you liked men too much.” Heh.

[By the way, the woman who most often used to attack me for my view of men later divorced her husband and married a woman — thus proving the Baron’s thesis about projection.]

Oh, sure. Sounds good to me. About as accurate as anything else I’ve seen coming out of Norway recently.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Thanks for the laugh.

bilbo said...

if you can not destroy the argument, destroy the man.
said goebels (or words to that effect).

Liquid said...

We should just send a squadron of islamophobic roflcopters and take VG down!

Anonymous said...

The VG article is a riot of stupidity. All it needs is circus music to complete the picture.

Anestis canelidis said...

I wonder what the methodology of their study was and how did they glean so much information?

How can they tell the marital status, education, age, or if the readers of these sites have children or no? (???)

The only things that liberals, like this, can do is make false claims and stereo type the readers of sites like Gates of Vienna or Jihad Watch.

All I can really add is liberalism the mental disorder! (Michael Savage)

They cannot handle the truth!

Dymphna said...

@Anestis canelidis --

Their "methodology" is the whim theory. If someone says something they like, no need to fact-check it. They probably don't even know what Alexa is...I long stopped watching our stats. Bottom line, thanks to our donors, is that we're still here and their voodoo theories can't make us go away.

"Handling" the truth is only for those who recognize it when they stumble across it. VG appears to think it's akin to snake handling...

I feel sorry for the men in Norway.

Errbe said...

Well, on the Wiki site I find the following:

"On March 31, 2009, the Alexa Web site underwent a complete redesign . . . In the following weeks they added new features, including demographics. . ."

So they claim to include demographics, what that may mean in this context.

I have a hard time to understand how they could determine my age from my internet traffic. Much less that of a son or a granddaughter, who also use my computer occasionally.

Andreas Malm is known to make things up. I consider him one of the least trustworthy persons in all of Scandinavia.

Feli said...

Well, I´m a woman.

Anonymous said...

I am a middle aged woman with a Master's Degree and two young children.

Here's a stereotype for you:

The archetypal GoV reader is a person with a brain AND a conscience who wants to see Western civilization survive in all its past, present, and future glory.

The archetypal Marxist is a person who feels that an ill-conceived 'Utopian' idea that has never yet proved to be either ideal or workable should be instituted by force as a one world government because each new generation of Marxists is 'better' than everyone who opposes the 'Utopian' idea in all its past, present, and future failure leading to massive amounts of predictable and preventable human misery and death.


Anonymous said...

idiots. they'll really do anything to shore up their worldview, no matter how crazy

Qualis Rex said...

@ Dymphna "whim theory" implies there actually IS a methodology : 0 (that was a joke to play into your joke, FYI...no offense meant).

I personally know the owners/major contributors to 2 other anti-Jihad websites, and they are evenly split between male and female, as is their readership if one gleens any info from the calls and in-person town-halls. So, yeah...this is simply BS. I don't think anyone of note will take these "stats" seriously.

Qualis Rex: 38-year-old, proud husband and father of 2 whose income-level derived from a technical carreer requiring a masters degree is ver nice.

Anonymous said...

Klassekampen, Tor Bach says

"Believe in Eurabia

A red thread for the ten sites is the Eurabia conspiration theory, where Europe is about to be conquered for islam and sharia laws, and where immigration and high birth rates are a conscient part of islamic colonizing."


The Conquest

- Conquest? What conquest...?

This time the conquest will not happen by the sword...

"Islam will return to Europe as a conqueror and victor, after being expelled from it twice - once from the South, from Andalusia, and a second time from the East, when it knocked several times on the door of Athens."


"I maintain that the conquest this time will not be by the sword but by preaching and ideology …"

Source: Memri

1389 said...

I'm a woman, not yet 65, and happily married.

Anybody who is SERIOUS about protecting women and girls from rape, sex trafficking, bodily mutilation, enslavement, and other abuse will focus on the area where the problem is by far the most severe: the Muslim world.

bewick said...

Well now. I'm certainly over 65 but am actually "over-educated" unlike current Guardian/Observer journalists who mostly now seem stupidly "thick".
I am of an age when the "Manchester Guardian" was a respected daily whatever one's politics.
The Observer managed to stay relatively impartial until 20 years ago. At that point I simply gave up.

bewick said...

I feel a little worried now Dymphna. are you really blonde? Blondes in particular have caused me pain. Nah you are too nice to be blonde. (note that I resisted sayong too intelligent!. Just joking!

Anonymous said...

I think we need a consensus on the 'whim theory', just like the climate change people have a 'consensus' on it being true.

And believe me I know about theories - my doctoral program included 7 courses on research methodology (theory or method courses).

Gotta run, I have a graduate school course in Arabic - all the better to fight as a counterjihadist!

Liquid said...

I am a 23-year-old law student.

Anonymous said...

Old, male, childless, unemployed, uneducated, déraciné?


Toss in dhimmi and you have Europe as presently constituted. So what's all the fuss?

George Pal

Anonymous said...

I'm a 45 year old specialist surgeon, married with 2 kids. I have 2 surgical clinics, I publish in international medical magazines and make sure 11 persons working in my clinics have food on their table.

Anonymous said...

Marine Le Pen is the most popular politician among French people aged 18-30.

Hermes said...

I myself am just 32, and I love doing what I do :)

Anonymous said...

The desperation, the desperation! Their search for explanations to challenging opinions in areas where only a modicum of intelligence can provide a rational, carefully reasoned riposte is pitiful.

And, I must admit, I am in part reduced to tears of laughter even though I do fit the age profile. But, in another part, I also have to ask myself if these hormonally self-castrated and deeply challenged poor souls, with ‘learning difficulties’ so far beyond the measurable norm that they cannot be clinically defined, do wish to publicly demonstrate their neuronal inadequacies, then should they be allowed be allowed to do so?

Well, of course: If nothing else it does give me some long needed light relief in these trying times.

Seneca III

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to compare this with polls published yesterday in France.

Only 11% of over 65s voted for Le Pen, compared to 23% of 18-24s, while women went mostly for Sarko (33%), who also took the largest part of the 18-24 block (26%).

According to one poll, however, Hollande did come on top amongst under 35s with 29% to Sarko's 21% and Le Pen's 20%.

29% of laborers went for Le Pen, 28% for Hollande, 23% for Sarko.

Youths, women, and laborers, three constituencies which la gauche often claims to represent, seem to prefer rightists.

Via LeFigaro

greentara said...

utter nonsense...liers and morons !!! unbelievable..!!
no more comment........

Anonymous said...

Late 30's, two master's degrees, married. Several kids. If this guy actually had access to the bond markets, well, no wonder Europe's broke.

Anonymous said...

Apparently my wife is right then, i DO look older with a beard. never thought she meant 65+ alone and childless.

They should re-do the demographic now that i have shaved. It should point towards < 30, masters degree in engineering, children.... you could almost think i was human.

Anonymous said...

What the MSM are busy doing, is trying as hard as they can, to "establish" several "truths".

Now we know the "truth" about islamophobic sites and their followers!

Consequense: Anybody under 65 should, according to the MSM, shun sites like these, to "prove" that they are not "one of them", the islamoxenonaziphobes/racists.

Anonymous said...

According to Alexa, most people reading these blogs have graduate school. The norwegian journalists must have thought that was primary school.

Lawrence said...

Liberal agenda has arrives at their solution to all our problems...

... now all they need is to make all our problems fit their solution.

markus said...

40 yrs old. PhD. Employed. Married. 1 child.

Anonymous said...

The article from VG in a way is typical of thinking(certainly not analysis since there isn't any) found among the PC/MC/post-modernist crowd.

It's nothing new though. For decade now Conservatives have the focus of studies by the Left. And every one of those studies has shown Conservatives to be less intelligent, racist, angry, have low incomes, lacking a college degree, etc. In a nutshell we're seen as Morlocks(think HG Wells)or one step removed from the KKK and the toothless kid from Deliverance.

CrisisMaven said...

No threat, no sweat - "Men are clearly over-represented and most of them don’t have an education beyond primary school. Few have children, ..." - why does anyone bother with this soon-to-die-out species? All the ballyhoo about a dieing league of old men? Has the Observer no more dangerous groups to snipe at?

Dymphna said...

Thanks, y'all, for chipping in...I am heartened by your feedback. Besides, it's fascinating to see the mixture of people who meet here.

On occasion I chat with readers via email.[Not to mention the thank you notes for our fund-raisers.] Ppl often write back and I learn things I'd not have known otherwise.

Just off the top of my head, here's a partial list of what has passed thru recently:

*Some home-schoolers (hex sign! Hex sign!)

*Small business owners from a variety of fields - just like the anon surgeon, above, they are proud to employ others and contribute real value to their communities;

Such fascinating jobs our readers have:

*oil rig workers who read philosophy,

*sandwich generation folks (they raise their children whilst taking care of ageing parents, ergo, they're caught btwn the two. Plus, they work);

*a fellow who retrofits commercial vehicles for png - pressurized natural gas -

* a fisherman;

* a fellow who builds yachts;

* a priest (hey, no kids, Fr. Joe. You lose);

* several REAL journalists of various genders;

* a # of writers and would-be writers. It's all too easy to get bogged down in research;

* some politicians (though no one the Norwegies would like);

* a young family in Marseilles who must wish they were somewhere else;

* a woman whose current reading list always sounds intriguing. IIRC, she's the one who takes writing classes. We discuss Flannery O'Connor on occasion;

*a mathematician and all-round gadfly who always leaves fascinating links and great jokes;

* a fellow who shares my interest in Robert Service and is most kind. I'll take this opportunity to thank him for my small computer I use in bed now when my leg muscles act up;

* military, both active and retired;

*a liquor store owner who once got so caught up in the Dutch elections he forgot and started telling his customers...I think they looked at him rather strangely..."ummm what elections would those be??"

* an actual Trustafarian who inquires on occasion about reading lists. Ah, that must be the life...

Darn...I'm leaving out so many ppl. But I have CRS (Can't Remember 'Stuff'), so I'll be doing my meditation tonight & all sorts of y'all will come floating up.

Oh, another -

*the surgeon in Scandinavia who sends me licorice - very soothing for gastritis;

*once or twice, right after Breivik, a forensic psychiatrist who had a good grasp of the problems with a diagnosis for ABB.


Except for the Uglies from Scandinavia (esp Sweden. They have some haters there) right after 7/22, I could count the 'hate' mail during these last six+ years on one hand. Maybe a few toes, too. But definitely RARE and like this purported news "report" essentially ignorant.

The scandalous thing about this VG "report" is that this "jornolist" is no doubt being paid for his/her shoddy work. No blogger with integrity would EVER present such assertions unless they could back them up with solid references. AND LINKS.

These accounts should carry warnings: "no research went into the writing of this 'news' article."

Anonymous said...

Mid-thirties, male, Western European, two Masters degrees, have lectured at universities.

Avid reader for 7 years.

Anonymous said...

I am a one-legged transexual from Albania. I speak four languages, and I have a degee in Classical Studies.

Anonymous said...

The main goal of the article is to propagandize "these readers" as weak and nonthreatening.

I believe the stats untrue, for if these "rickety old men" were, in fact, so hopeless

you'd see a lot more suicide bombers - from the ranks of angry white males.

Anonymous said...

That slanderous drivel is standard procedure with the multi-culti clique.
Probably the one factor most GOV readers have in common is some knowledge of history. I'm amazed how ignorant the average Westerner is of the very long and brutal record of Islam. My favourite question is "What happened before the Crusades?"

The 'research' is almost certainly the result of the 'One Big Idea' syndrome and the 'big idea' in this case is cultural relativism, multiculturalists categorise anyone who is critical of this delusion as socially or intellectually isolated, or just barking mad.

Yes, and what are the educational standards of Islam's apologists and more particularly, in which subjects?

Old Man, with master's degree (for your stats)

Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

I'm a 54-year-old failure but happily married, with two kids, two cats, and too much to do!

Oh, and just one wife. I'm kind of low on testosterone . . .

Jeffery Hodges

* * *

Anonymous said...

22, western european, male, currently doing my phD in Engineering

Anonymous said...

Ex-engineer with an HND in Computing & a BA from the Open University. (Nowhere near 65 btw.)

Anonymous said...

Oh and I forgot to say, I'm currently re-reading Roger Crowley's "Empires of the Sea", at the same time as I'm re-reading (on Kindle) William Montgomery Watt's "Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman".

I'm also re-reading Luke & Acts just now, & checking the maps & notes etc on the ESV Study Bible on the Olive Tree software on my iPac.

I take Dymphna's point earlier about providing references for anything you write; that's just good practice. I try to keep up a decent level of background knowledge, so that if I comment on matters Islamic on a blog anywhere, I'll be saying something coherent & sensible, that's factual and rational.

Anonymous said...

How informative, your latest post on the different followers, Dymphna!

Here are two guys also taking time off from both Klassekampen and VG, one into meditation, and the other one just relaxing, just sittin',on the dock of the bay, or something.

There must be many of the VG-journalists and their colleagues who are getting really really curious now, learning what kind of varied public - diversity! - who read you! Annoying, it must be for them.

Anonymous said...

Me, middle aged, male, married with children, a Masters degree and a very responsible job.

Sheesh, Leftists are too stupid to even recognise when they start dribbling.

Actually, my education helps me understand the dangers of Islam (and Leftism).

Anonymous said...

Whirlwinder said:

Am over 65 and have a masters in Insurance & Risk Management, three grown kids and have studied the wiles of Islam for 10 years now. Unfortunately, the socialists-marxists share a lot of traits with the muslims. This could be part of the reason the elite leadership of EU is alowing Islam to take over.

Dymphna said...

Horace Jeffrey Hodges! You lie like a rug...you teach, you're educated in a number of disciplines...your posts are always informative and you hang with ppl like the Maverick Philosopher.

Failure. Sure. By what standard do you measure success, then?


BTW, the requirement to source one's assertions lies with "professional" (now there's another Bloat word) jornolists - which the public rates down there with used car salesmen.

Sourcing assertions is also a requirement for blog essays here. No assertions on POSTS w/o robust references. OTOH, as a commenter, one may assert to his heart's content...as long as he doesn't mind being corrected by other commenters.

You all have proved the point about distributed intelligence. How cool - I never expected such a show of force.

Because its denizens live within the confines of an echo chamber,the Left thinks it rules the rest of us - the less worthy - by lashings of intellectual condescension. It operates under the illusion that the common sense of the average intelligent person is far outstripped by the pretensions of the always above average Leftist intellectual.

They may change their thinking on this score when things go all Argentina on them.

Norweegie elites don't have to worry about chickens coming home to roost, though. Much like their philosophical cohorts, those orthodox Saudis, they have their petroleum to ward off reality.

Both groups operate from an equally strict process of orthodoxy, however much the content of their strictures may differ. IMHO, the shun/shame rigidities of Norway are much to be preferred to the stoning/throat slitting proclivities of their soul brothers in the desert.

Besides, Norwegians are so very 'nice'. Can you imagine what a Breivik trial would look like in, say, Riyadh?

Baron Bodissey said...

Hey, the comments on this thread are great! The best set I've seen since before the Great Summer Storm of July-August, 2011.

It's nice to have all these well-educated folks check in. I've always suspected y'all were out there, but tonight I actually get to look at the duty roster.

Annie said...

For your stats: I'm a female university grad, age 68, mother of four, grandmother of ten, great-grandmother of one; writer, business person, teacher; daughter of WWII RAF war hero; granddaughter of a couple who were "in-service" in London circa 1900; granddaughter of a Scottish couple who emigrated to Detroit in the 1920s, only to have the premature death of my grandfather cast them into poverty and reverse immigration; great-granddaughter of a British fisherman who lost his boat,confiscated in the cause of WWI; great-granddaugher of a stevedore from East London and his wife who was committed to an "insane asylum." I am the mother of a bioethicist, an artist, and independent business-people.

I have my feet planted firmly on the ground. Don't tell me that I ascribe to conspiracy theories—my family has suffered through the hell-on-earth of Naziism, fascism, and classism, and we learned enough to know that evil exists, and will return, unless it is actively resisted. I'm a realist—not suffering from any excess of testosterone——and I see Islamic jihad as being the biggest threat to my family in the future.

Passer by said...

I'm 30 year old male from Eastern Europe. And not only me, but my whole family is aware of the problem of Islam due to the history of our country. I would say that a huge number of people from Southern and Eastern Europe are wary of Islam because they know their history.

Anonymous said...


It was when I visited the Imperial War Museum in London a few years ago that it struck me like a hammer blow: Evil is a real and active force in this world.

Kind of altered my overall thinking, that.

I've heard the reluctance of people who have never seen evil in action to acknowledge that evil can take over events referred to as 'normalcy bias'.

But as Winston Churchill pointed out in "The Gathering Storm" it only takes a few minutes & the storm of war can envelop the world.

It has happened before. And if something has happened before, then it is logically possible that it can happen again.

Because (going from Winston Churchill to Henry Miller - quite a leap) the hearts of men have no changed much, & there will always be evil men abroad on the earth, and there will always be stupid, predjudiced people around to enable them.

Hence my concern about the world I live in ...

Cyrus said...

Male, mid-twenties, 2 young kids and engaged to their mother, B.Sc that has opened my eyes, working on pipelines.

I was ignorant of Islam's evils until one religion class in university on the three great monotheistic faiths, not Abrahamic if I recall :) The professor claimed friendship with Mircea Eliade as I recall...

Anonymous said...

59. married, 4 children, 10 grandchildren, high school grad! Own and run 3 companies employing 12 people.

Anonymous said...

30, married, college graduate

Anonymous said...

Nice comments! I saw a couple of postings alleging that it was The Observer who made these claims. It was not, it was two Norwegian newspapers, The Observer just reported and translated their statements. Nice to see all these upstanding people speaking out against the falsehoods presented about them in the Norwegain MSM. Personally I think I would have a lot more children if I let those crazy females decide for me ;-) If GoV has elderly readers I would see that as a sign of quality. The Beach Bum

Lisa Beth W. said...

44. Female. Bachelor of Science with a major in nursing (R.N.). Married. Six children. No hormonal problems, either, BTW.

babs said...

I have been a girl my entire life! Raised two rather virile sons and am married to a, gasp, man!
I guess I shouldn't be reading this site...
Must stop, must stop now...

Anonymous said...

21 male finishing a bachelor's in both History and Geography.

This article reminds me of a comment made in a publication I cannot recall upon the capturing of Breivek. Paraphrased, it said that Breivek had grown up in a Multicultural Norway and therefore it was even more shocking that he commit such atrocities

Clearly the wonders of Multiculturalism are too amazing to ignore, so the only people that would are the more conservative elderly. [/sarcasm]

laine said...

It seems that women, some of them mothers and past or present Muslims are quite prominent in the anti-jihad movement warning westerners of the dangers of sharia: Nonie Darwish, Bat Y'eor, Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan,Irshad Manji to name just a few as well as a number of ladies who successfully spearheaded opposition to introducing shariah law into the legal systems of the two biggest provinces in Canada, Ontario and Quebec. This "old uneducated (meaning stupid in libspeak) cranky men" guff is what Muslims and their lib enablers WISH their opposition to be - an impotent and dying breed. Firstly, this male demographic is pretty doughty and in their age group, higher education was not as easily come by. (Going by today's grads, this may in fact have allowed the "uneducated" gentlemen to retain their common sense). Secondly, they are not the only demographic recognizing danger from Islam. "Sheepdogs" protective of Western society come in both genders and all ages, although more young blood would be welcome, but those are the freshest hatchlings of the leftist indoctrination centers that are called public schools.

Judenlieber said...

I'm offended that they didn't mention men with a Burka fetish!
(Please run more photos of An-Sofie DeWinter!)

Qualis Rex said...

LOL, Babs. No! Please don't go!!!

: P

P.S. good on 'ya

Dymphna said...

I also want to honor the so-called "elderly" commenters, people like Frankie the Crip, who comments sometimes and always makes me laugh, even when I delete his venting. He likes to write over-the-top stuff because he knows it will never see the light of day.

And our elder statesman in Sweden, who has been horribly treated by the state. His benefits, after a life of work, are less than what immigrants receive on arrival. Yet this purportedly ignorant man taught himself adequate English - i.e., adequate enough to make jokes.

BTW, one of the professionals named in that study had the gall to link to our Twitter account. I blocked him. If he wants to read Gates of Vienna he can come thru the front door like everyone else.

Another one - a Swedish woman this time - also did a Follow on GoV's Twitter account today. They're coming out of the woodwork, y'all.

This woman needs psychiatric care for sure. She has a post up on her site claiming that GoV is Fjordman's blog. She is sure our support of Israel is due to Fjordman's being Jewish. I kid you not.

I left her a note suggesting she seek professional help. Talk about paranoia...sheesh.

I've noticed this mean-spirited intellectual cramp before - there was one bullying Swedish professor who committed at least 5 rhetorical fallacies in his hate mail - he was reduced to mail because we'd closed the comments back then.

Funny thing is, once comments opened again he didn't return. I don't think he can argue civilly, based on those bizarre emails.

For some reason, Denmark seems free of this characterological failing. At least we've never gotten hate mail or strange essays from there.

Don't want to blanket ALL Norwegians or Swedes, though: despite this scurrilous 'study' we continue to get a number of donations from Sweden and Norway...

Anonymous said...

40 white guy, married with 3 kids, same woman for 16 years, she is Chinese, my kids are obviously mixed race. 4 Year business degree, speak four languages including English, basic communication in another 2. I am an atheist. I run my own small manufacturing business. My political sympathies lie with the historical Left i.e. when they were interested in getting equality of opportunity for natives rather than today's equality of outcomes for every non-productive class through taxing the productive middle-class while leaving the richest capital holders relatively untouched.

If you told me 5 years ago that I would today be against any immigration of non-whites into any European countries I would have told you that you were mad. Today not only am I against all non-white immigration, I want the indigestibles kicked out.

I realise the stupidity and pointlessness of violence but my fear is that without new technology to increase the carrying capacity of the European economies the future will be bathed in blood. Either we assimilate the hostiles or they will eat us.

So although 3 years ago I was virtually indistinguishable from the average sackless European social democrat, today they would consider me a proto-Nazi. Articles such as that one are what have gotten me to this place.

Anonymous said...

I do not wish to label all of the Left as using Unprincipled Methods, because I do not know everyone on the Left, but Many of them do use Unprincipled Methods.

One of those Methods is to falsely and slanderously accuse their Opponents or Enemies of what they themselves are, and some of them may have too much Testosterone like President Bill Clinton, and this has made them be of the Left; whereas, otherwise they may have just been normal People.

This excess Testosterone has made them seek Allies like Bankers that can provide them with Money, and even People who can help them to have a Secret Harem.

People like President Bill Clinton are prepared to lie whenever they need to, and Hillary Clinton knew what he was like but married him anyway.

Another Unprincipled Method that is used is to write down the true thoughts and intentions, and then to go looking for excuses, and ways to deceive the gullible.

A Left Wing Person will write: “I hate what the Right Wing Person said because many People know that he spoke truth and common sense, and he was correct, and it will cost me Politically, because he is correct.”

After examining that statement in the committee process, the Left Wing cannot say that they hate the speech of the Right Wing, and the Left Wing wants to look pure, and wants to accuse the Right Wing of wrongdoing, and also wants to silence Debate while looking like the Perfection of Democracy, because it will cost the Left Wing Politically; namely with the Votes.

The only words that can make the Left Wing appear pure are the words Hate Speech, and Politically Correct.

In other words if the Left Wing hate that proper debate and common sense will cost the Left Wing Votes, and winning Elections is what you need to obtain Money and a Secret Harem, then it is labelled Hate Speech, and the Person of Honesty and Correctness, and Common Sense is Maliciously Slandered, to help the Unprincipled reach their selfish goals.

It may not be Correct, but it is Politically Correct as far as the Left Wing are concerned, and we can see how President Bill Clinton just tries to get more and more Money.

It is good to be Non Racist, but it is impractical in the current World we live in, just like it is good to be able to walk the streets of Major cities any time of the night, but it is foolish to go certain places at certain times.

If a crisis comes, then People mainly only identify with their own racial group, and they do not have time or the capacity to judge People of other Races as good or bad.

During a crisis, People of all races can mainly only identify safety as coming from their own race, and that is why each Country needs to Debate this matter freely without the obstruction of Secretly Motivated Leftist with too much Testosterone, just what is the maximum level of the minority that they as a Group can accommodate for the benefit of the Minority, and the Majority.

Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

As Dymphna points out, I'm also a liar -- as a rug lies even lower than a snake's belly! But I'm not a very successful liar, and therein lies my failure . . .

Jeffery Hodges

* * *

Will Doohan said...

What difference does it make what your age, gender, race, education level, marital status, or fecundity is?
If your ideas and arguments are true, then they are true; if they are false, then they are false. Truth is that which corresponds to objective reality, regardless of the status of the observer.

That's this human's opinion.

Anonymous said...

I'm a man sure, but I'm 15. I can tell you now that there will be no ''class struggle'' in my country, not whilst I'm still breathing! I hope that I will live to see the day when the West is free again. It seems distant, maybe impossible. But I remember my Grandmothers stories about WW2 Britain, the endless bombs, the unceasing foe, hell if she made so will we.

Anonymous said...

I have tried to be as diplomatic as possible in this comment, without being politically correct, and these are my observations.

One Method the Left uses is to falsely and slanderously accuse their Opponents of what they themselves are, and some of them may have too much Testosterone, and this may have made them be of the Left.

This excess Testosterone has made them seek Masters like Bankers that can provide them with Money, and Political Allies who can help them to have a Secret Harem.

Another Unprincipled Method that is used is to write down their true thoughts and intentions, and then to go looking for excuses, and ways to deceive People.

A Left Wing Person will write: “I hate what the Right Wing Person said because many People know that he spoke truth and common sense, and that he was correct, and it will cost me Politically, because he is correct.”

The Left wants to look pure, and wants to accuse the Right Wing of wrongdoing, and say that it is all the fault of the Right Wing.

The Left also wants to silence Debate while looking like the Perfection of Democracy, because it will cost the Left Politically; namely with the Votes.

The only groupings of words that the Left wrote in his true sentence that can make the Left Wing appear pure are the words “Hate Speech”, and “Politically Correct.”

The Left Wing hates the proper debate and common sense that will cost the Left Wing Votes, and winning Elections is what they need to obtain Money and a Secret Harem, and this why it is labelled “Hate Speech”, and the Person of Honesty and Correctness, and Common Sense is Undemocratically and Maliciously Slandered, to help the Unprincipled reach their selfish goals.

It is not “Correct”, but it is “Politically Correct”, or correct as far as politics is concerned, and as far as some of the Left Wing are concerned.

It is good to be Non Racist, but it is impractical in the current World we live in, just like it is good to be able to walk the streets of Major Cities any time of the night, but it is foolish to go certain places at certain times.

If a crisis comes, then People mainly only identify with their own racial group, and they do not have time or the capacity to judge People of other Races as good or bad, but must stick with their race for safety.

This is a human thing, and it Cannot be Undone even with the best wishes of the Social Engineers; Some of whom may have more Testosterone, than best wishes.

During a crisis, any interracial alliances and friendships quickly breaks down, and Most People of all races can only identify safety as coming Only from their own race.

This is why each Country needs to Debate this matter freely without the obstruction of Secretly Motivated Leftists with too much Testosterone, as to just what is the comfortable level of immigrants that they as a Group can accommodate for the benefit of the Immigrants and the Locals.

laller said...

Oh go on, you'd all feel much better if you just admitted you bought your diplomas from Breiviks diploma-service!

Seriously though, not much in this "I'm this old with this level of education", since it's practically impossible to check.


Sultan said...

Oh boy, fun with profiling!

The Klassekampen article isn't much more in-depth than the VG article. I would expect a better study from a website mostly visited by aging male academics, according to their Alexa statistics(click on the audience tab). Meanwhile, Vepsen, also mentioned in both articles, doesn't even have enough female visitors to their website for that particular statistic to show up!

Incidentally, the layout of the KK article suggests that only the five publicly viewable Alexa stats were used, so the claim that the audience is "often unemployed" appears to be conjecture. If the researcher had installed the Alexa Toolbar in order to access the income and ethnicity statistics(I certainly wouldn't, but then I'm a paranoid conspiracy theorist apparently, and anyway, I'd rather not have Alexa snooping on me), then he(most certainly a "he", as the cast-iron statistics can attest) would surely have been able to add "too white" to the charges against the Counterjihad audience.

On a slightly more serious note, more interesting is where Alexa gets its statistics. According to a post on their blog, "the Alexa panel is the source of most of Alexa's data, including our demographics." That was two years ago, and maybe other sources are used more now. I assume that would either be through voluntary surveys or use of data from tracking cookies--but unless those tracking cookies collect data from form filling, etc., then Alexa would have to be doing some profiling of their own (e.g. visitors to mumsnet must be women with children). It doesn't sound like a reliable set of statistics to me, but I should think it was only ever intended for marketing types to see if their websites are reaching the desired audience, and for targeted advertising.

Anonymous said...

I have studied some of the Methods of the Left, and these are some of my observations.

One Method the Left uses is to falsely and slanderously accuse their Opponents of what they themselves are, and some of them may have too much Testosterone, and this may have made them be of the Left.

This excess Testosterone has made them seek Masters who can provide them with Money, and Political Allies who can help them to have a Secret Harem.

Another Unprincipled Method that is used is to write down their true thoughts and intentions, and then to go looking for excuses, and ways to deceive People.

A Left Wing Person will write: “I hate what the Right Wing Person said because many People know that he spoke truth and common sense, and that he was correct, and it will cost me Politically, because he is correct.”

The Left wants to look pure, and wants to accuse the Right Wing of wrongdoing, and say that it is all the fault of the Right Wing.

The Left also wants to silence Debate while looking like the Perfection of Democracy, because it will cost the Left Politically; namely with the Votes.

The only groupings of words that the Left wrote in his true sentence that can make the Left Wing appear pure are the words “Hate Speech”, and “Politically Correct.”

The Left Wing hates the proper debate and common sense that will cost the Left Wing Votes, and winning Elections is what they need to obtain Money and a Secret Harem, and this why it is labelled “Hate Speech”, and the Person of Honesty and Correctness, and Common Sense is Undemocratically and Maliciously Slandered, to help the Unprincipled reach their selfish goals.

It is not “Correct”, but it is “Politically Correct”, or correct as far as politics is concerned, and as far as some of the Left Wing are concerned.

It is good to be Non Racist, but it is impractical in the current World we live in, just like it is good to be able to walk the streets of Major Cities any time of the night, but it is foolish to go certain places at certain times.

If a crisis comes, then People mainly only identify with their own racial group, and they do not have time or the capacity to judge People of other Races as good or bad, but must stick with their race for safety.

This is a human thing, and it Cannot be Undone even with the best wishes of the Social Engineers; Some of whom may have more Testosterone, than best wishes.

During a crisis, any interracial alliances and friendships quickly breaks down, and Most People of all races can only identify safety as coming Only from their own race.

This is why each Country needs to Debate this matter freely without the obstruction of Secretly Motivated Leftists with too much Testosterone, as to just what is the comfortable level of immigrants that they as a Group can accommodate for the benefit of the Immigrants and the Locals.

Anonymous said...

as for accessing the internet at home, well what's the problem there? At work, there's always, you know, work to be getting on with. Maybe these so-called journalists consider trying to smear people who talk truthfully about reality 'work'. But who do they really work for ...

Anonymous said...

Thank God , I am the exeption to the rule:over 65, no children, but not without means, university degrees from France and Germany, retired professor of history and so on.
And I do read GoV daily!!!
All the facts mentioned above allow me to do extensive reading about Islam.

myurbanphilosophy said...

Figured Id add to this. Mid 20s male from u.k, with a bachelors degree. And of course been employed since graduation. Hardly fits the stereotype. Funnily enough, Im usually less agreeing with most of you, and im not particularly politically minded. I think its the fact that the Islam question so to speak has got to the stage were its getting people involved who normally wouldnt.

Im currently debating a vehemont leftist, who is also a very strong environmentalist. Yet his views on islam are more in line with really far to the right bordering on facism. Which in itself is quite bizarre, but would suggest people are waking up.

I have found most people on message boards and online that engage in this discussions are usually somewhat intelligent. Whether or not this relates aswell offline is an entirely different matter.

dienw said...

No rug or yard rats, nor grand rug rats. Check.
Single, old man. Check. (This is the payment men get for being decent and too intelligent and in a non-renumerative endeavor.)[How many men became this via ex-wife's hypergamy?]
Uneducated. No: Masters of Fine Arts - practicing: which explains above.

dienw said...

"I think we need a consensus on the 'whim theory',"

Whim Theory: the reason pretty, young women become pregnant in the presence of handsome, young men; and, the reason for young men to buy motorcycles -- to meet pretty, young....

whitney said...

If you have gmail, you can look at the stats from Google about who they think you are. They think I am a 65+ male. There was no mention of my education that I saw. I am a 44 year old woman with a graduate degree. Part me wonders, are their demographic studies more wishful thinking than anything. Regardless, if they want to think that we are all old and close to death, go ahead. The enemies fallacies are their weaknesses, and our strengths.

Anonymous said...

77, female, retired librarian, been studying Islam for 11 years and counting.
Liberals believe what they want to believe; don't bother them with the facts.

Tuan Jim said...

31 year old male military officer (single). Lived 14+ years overseas - growing up as an MK and deployments.

vladdy said...

We know that no one there has read GOV. The quality of the scholarship and comments here is among the highest on the net, and it's ridiculous to say that readers/posters only have an elementary school educatio.

I often wonder why "researchers" with an ax to grind d0 not realize that there must be enough truth in the results to make people believe in it. (I say this as an ex-teacher, who was drowned in "research-based methods" for years, all of which were unusable-to-laughable in the classroom.)

LindaF said...

All right - I suppose that I'll have to have my breasts removed, get rid of the kids (they're in their 30s), divorce my perfectly lovely husband.

Or, I could call "bollocks" to this demographic nonsense.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Well,hey Ya'll!! It is ME!! I am a chick, not yet 50, two college degrees and I have 5 children. I am an artist, a mom, a very good cook, I belong to the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Colonial Dames, my church, a textile making club, a quilter's group and my church's ladies group.

I cook meals for the Ronald McDonald's House here once a month, I donate to the local homeless shelter( clothes and toys for the kids there).

I have a nice husband who also reads this blog, I have 2 cats, a big black dog, a vegetable garden, a lovely garden room with a pond ,fountain and HUGE goldfish and an SUV and a mini-wagon.... let's see...Oh, hubby works at his own little printing company...I also keep the books and do the taxes...I am NEVER lonely and I adore this WEBSITE.

So you commie basturds... get stuffed and I hope you burst open like a maypop.... that is also called a passion flower for you non
-gardening lazy commie basturds!

Anonymous said...

Mid twenties, nautical navigator, engaged (to a beautiful woman who are taking her masters in economics) and proud Norwegian. Though this so called survey shames me to the roots of my patriotic heart. I read håvamål and meditate on the verses meaning and how I can use them to evolve as a person, I read history and many other generes of literature. I love to hike and exersice four times a week. I certaintly do not fit this profile.

I am blessed by to be Norwegian. And I am worried.

Anonymous said...

BOY! Have they got me wrong.. lady not yet 50. With red hair streaked with blond... 5 kids,2 college degrees. Belong to many organizations and so busy I hardly have time to read this blog. HOWEVER, I love it so much that MAKE the time!

My dear husband also reads this site as well. He is not lonely, I make sure of that.: )

Oh and we are MIDDLE CLASS and hate commies like you who MAKE UP weird stories about WHO are readers of this site and other sites which alert the CONCERNED public about the dangers of islamic take over!

Oh, go out and get real jobs you commies and quite trying to resurrect that dead horse, the USSR! Silly idiots!

Anonymous said...

I'm the mom of the red head with streaks of blond who just posted a remark. I like this blog very much. I use her computer at her home sometime. SO here I am. I do have my own computer at home though( THANK YOU SON IN LAW).

Wanted to show YET another gal reads and approves this blog and the work it does to help the FREE WORLD. Do not ask my age, I try to hide it. ; )

Anonymous said...

49 yo, master degree on veterinary. Aware of the bagheads because the red tide (left wing) is getting worse here in Brazil. We don´t need another plague. European descendent and testosterone proud.

Londoner said...

36, married, university educated, father, married to a Russian. Also happen to read GoV almost daily.

Where do they find this tosh from ? Maybe Google Ad Preferences. That puts me at 65 plus for some reason. My co-worker a 50 year old male going through something of a mid-life crisis comes out at 25-34 according to Google Ad Preferences which pleased him greatly.

As for male pensioners who haven't been to university, we in the UK remember fondly one Winston Churchill who was just that but led us through WW2. Before my time, mind. I wasn't born until the mid 1970s !

Green Infidel said...

29 year-old, engineer, working on designing components for next-generation airliners. When I graduated, my university was ranked top in Europe (and 2nd-best worldwide) in my field.

But thanks to VG and Alexa for letting me know who I really am. No kids - yes, they got that right. No idea how... They must be psychic!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Laller,

) Reference “Oh go on, you’d all feel much better if you just admitted you bought your diplomas from Breivik’s diploma service!”

Apart from your inability to apostrophise, and for your benefit as much as ours, may I be so impolite as to point out that the ‘Urban Dictionary’ defines your pseudonym, Laller, thus:

“The sound made when a person rapidly moves their tongue in and out of their mouth. Usually combined with silly dancing, running and/or flapping of hands, but good alone as a standard trick for annoying people.”

Seneca III.

Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...

Mechanical Engineer in his early 40's here. Married and I own & manage multiple properties.

Anonymous said...

46yo specialist physician; happily married with two kids. Two post graduate diplomas; doctoral thesis to be presented this year; following up with a bioethics masters next year.

Doctoral thesis is on critical appraisal of medical literature. The methodology of this "research" by VG is about as bad as it gets.

Anonymous said...

I did hear that Fjordman had jacked in his job with the foreign service to become Kinky Friedman's roadie ...

Anonymous said...

I am a woman, under 40. Not marginalised and ignored by society. And not lonely. Married with family. I am also well educated and have a good job which I love.
I am a regular GoV reader.
I just wanted to say that.

Dymphna said...

The Baron noticed a comment I'd let through and gave me the choice to simply delete or to redact & repost. Whenever possible, I prefer to do the latter.

I do ask those few commenters who fail to read the rules re civility and decorum (look at the bumpf carefully posted above the blank comment window) to do so. Saves me a lot of typing.


Anon said, and I redacted -

The sad thing is, when you look at the comments-section there are quite a few people who buy this garbage right away. The ones that use this to further their agenda don't miss the opportunity to throw out some one-liners or some regurgitated nonsense about crusades and the oh so evil Christianity, just to make sure the new converts stay on the right track.



Anonymous said...

most comments i have seen here in a long time!! nice to see a topic generate so much feedback... we have been here the whole time, just on mute.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see several people with engineering backgrounds, myself included. My theory is that in engineering, facts matter. Reality trumps unreality.

It's impossible to make use of airy-fairy notions about the world in engineering. Because they don't work.

Hence the inclination of the engineer to reject the airy-fairy notions of multiculturalism & political correctness. They don't correspond to reality.

To an engineer, such notions are no use.

In order to address an engineering problem, one must deal in facts. No matter how difficult the problem, or how much work is involved, one must get to the underlying facts. Only with an accurate understanding of the facts can progress be made.

Farting about in fantasy land is so ... inefficient.

Anonymous said...

Male, 52, happily married 20 years, socially involved, one child, masters degree and several professional certifications. Married to a woman with a masters degree, social worker, psychotherapist who believes in personal responsibility and tried and true values. Quite the opposite of what that article expects...

Anonymous said...

not that there's anything wrong with being 65 plus I'm re-reading Roger Crowley's book just now & he makes the point that all the head guys involved in the conflict preceding the great siege of Malta, & in the siege itself, were what we would wrongly consider 'past it'.

Suleiman, La Valette, Don Garcia and Mustapha Pasha were all in their seventies, and Dragut was thought to be eighty at the time.

Just saying ...

Pacific Northwest said...

Gee willikers, I'm a middle-aged female with a grown child. I have a bachelor's degree and am employed full-time. (I do access GoV from home though, so they got that right.) I also don't hate Muslims. I even try not to hate Communists. I do despise Communism and Islamism the ideologies. Someone should alert Klassekampen, who obviously have no class whatsoever, no matter how hard they struggle.

Anonymous said...

I'm just curious on how would these "overrepresented males over 65 years old, with hardly any education above the primary school" would be internet savvy enough to be able to browse net forums and bloggs.

Anonymous said...

60, married, 5 children, 5 grand children, a dog, BSC Economics, PGCE, Dip Ed.

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