Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Oslo, 2012: The Rape Wave Continues

The incidence of rape is still rising in Oslo. There has been more than a two-thirds increase during the first quarter of this year compared with the same period last year. During the previous five years, in all stranger-rapes in Oslo in which the assailant could be identified, the perpetrator was a Muslim immigrant.

Yet the state of denial continues. In the article below there is not even a hint of acknowledgement that cultural enrichment may play a significant part in the number of women being raped in the capital of Norway. If the media are to be believed, there are two contributing factors to the increased incidence of rape:

1. More women are reporting the crime to the authorities, and
2. Jens and Thorbjørn don’t take “no” seriously when the object of their lust is a wee bit drunk.

Seriously. That’s the best they can come up with.

Many thanks to our Norwegian correspondent The Observer for this translation from yesterday’s Aftenposten:

Increase of 69% in the first quarter: Enormous hike in reported rapes in Oslo

“These are very ugly numbers,” police inspector Hanne Kristin Rohde says.

Last year the number of reported rapes in the capital rose by 30 percent. Since the beginning of the New Year it has only gotten worse.

“Overall there has been a 69 percent increase in cases of reported and attempted rapes in the first quarter this year. That’s an increase of 27 cases compared with this period last year.”

Alarming statistics

Police Inspector Hanne Kristin Rohde is not happy with the stats she has received from the vice section of the Oslo police.

“These are very ugly numbers,” she says.

“Is this a real increase, or is it simply because more victims are willing to report rape?”

“We don’t know. But bearing in mind the huge focus that we’ve had on this type of crime lately, we believe that the increase is a result of an increased willingness to report rape.”

76 cases in 91 days

During the first 91 days of 2012 the police in Oslo have received 76 reports of rape, compared with 45 at the same time last year. Included in these numbers are the much-publicized assault rape cases.

Want boys and men to take more responsibility

“The most important thing for me is to prevent rape. We need to start talking about domestic violence and rapes that occur at or after parties,” Rohde says.

She stresses the importance of awareness campaigns targeting girls and boys. It’s about how to behave — and how to take care of each other.

“I want to ask all you boys and men: If the girl has consumed alcohol, are you really willing to believe that she actually means ‘yes’?”

Rohde is fully aware that she may be stepping on toes when she portrays the question of consent (responsibility) in this manner.

But this is very important. Boys and men must be able to think and evaluate the situation. It all comes down to the fact that we should take care of each other, Rohde says.

Have hired more investigators

Last year, Rohde struggled with the huge numbers of investigators leaving the vice section for other branches of the police.

“We really would have struggled to investigate the cases we are sitting on now with the limited resources we had then,” she says.

Although Rohde has hired more staff, there are still challenges involved with this type of work.

The capacity at the computer crime section of the Oslo police, whose assistance is often essential when analyzing seized mobile phones and computers, is still at a critical low level, according to sources Aftenposten has been in contact with. In the most severe cases Kripos has to lend a helping hand, but that is the exception.


goethechosemercy said...

She stresses the importance of awareness campaigns targeting girls and boys. It’s about how to behave — and how to take care of each other.

Wow, Hanne.
What an idealistic view of human nature and cultural differences you have!
Muslims take good care . . . of other Muslims.
In their culture, the line between party and orgy is extremely thin.
Didn't you know that when you invited them into your country?
Didn't you care about your neighbors when you brought the hostile strangers in?
Administer your own advice to yourself and your failing government.
Norwegian . . . it used to mean an identity that was fused both ethnically, ancestrally and politically.
Now it means an undifferentiated identity, and therefore, it means nothing.
Norway means nothing.
That's what happens when you try to mean everything to everyone.

goethechosemercy said...

She stresses the importance of awareness campaigns targeting girls and boys. It’s about how to behave — and how to take care of each other.

Wow, Hanne.
What an idealistic view of human nature and cultural differences you have!
Muslims take good care . . . of other Muslims.
In their culture, the line between party and orgy is extremely thin.
Didn't you know that when you invited them into your country?
Didn't you care about your neighbors when you brought the hostile strangers in?
Administer your own advice to yourself and your failing government.
Norwegian . . . it used to mean an identity that was fused both ethnically, ancestrally and politically.
Now it means an undifferentiated identity, and therefore, it means nothing.
Norway means nothing.
That's what happens when you try to mean everything to everyone.

Anonymous said...

To say that the numbers are increasing because more of these crimes are being recorded, is to say that this problem is far worse than has previously been acknowledged.

Anonymous said...

Before the publishing of these figures, Breivik had made a point of focusing on rape victims in the case that he would be forced to look at the Oslo/Utøya victims in court, demanding that the Ap top politicians watch photos of rape victims in Norway, in some sort of equal exchange.

That is, first of all the government, with Stoltenberg and Støre as the first. These two are also sworn Utøya guests, Stoltenberg talking about Utøya as his youth paradise.

Anonymous said...

At the same time, many of the rapists are threatening the victims from reporting.

Like did the gang of foreignrapists that brought Eva(14) in Trondheim to commit suicide close to exactly one year ago.

Anonymous said...

Point being? Stoltenberg and Støre haven´t raped anyone - The presumption that they´re morally responsible because they support multiculturalism is about as far-fetched as saying you should have to watch videos of abortions because you´re pro-choice..

Anonymous said...

Those who support multiculturalism are indeed morally responsible. They hold the levers of power and allow hordes of 3rd world savages to come in and despoil the nation like invading Vandals did to Rome.

Furthermore the multiculturalists have done everything possible to shut down public discourse on the problems with importing Muslims not only in Norway but throughout Europe and the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Who could possibly be held responsible for the Stoltenberg governments' politics, other than Stoltenberg, the Prime Minister, and Støre, the Foreign Minister?

Anonymous said...

Point being that if you sat someone who was in favour of abortions down, and made them watch as a baby was aborted, you would be showing them what the part of their ideology which they refer to using the label "pro-choice" actually means - in the real world.

If you sat someone who is not only in favour of mass immigration from Islamic countries down, but who has helped make it happen (in secret without consulting the public) and made them watch as their own daughters were raped by a gang of brutes they had let into the country, then you would be showing them what their ideology can and does lead to - in the real world.

A reality check.

Why do you find that concept difficult to understand?

laine said...

Rohde is the perfect poster girl for a feminist run state. Nominally Chief of Police, she talks and acts like Chief Social Worker instead in an Orwellian world. Well aware of the Muslim factor in local rape, she lies to the public about it (as do Lars Hedegaard's prosecutors). Instead of confronting the darkness her feminist left wing government masters continue to import (and undoubtedly forfeiting her career if she did), she's a good little denialist for the State. She decides to address the pimple of date rape by Norwegian native men and let the giant sucking wound of Muslim rape fester in the darkness of public ignorance. Big Nanny will never admit it got things terribly wrong. It just keeps adding wrongs to cover up and women turn out to be no better moral agents than men as custodians of the public good, their massive self-regard to the contrary. Leftist women run what they claim to be a "more humane" society that in reality pampers predators at the expense of innocents (ironically, mostly women). How is this morally justifiable and how on earth does the Left's high opinion of itself remain impervious to its own hypocrisy, blind to the body counts they cause? But then, throughout history, they have refused to admit "inconveniences" to their world view: a hundred million dead of communist gulags and starvation, millions needlessly dead of malaria in Africa due to DDT junk science, two million dead in communist killing fields post Vietnam, 800,000 black Rwandans hacking each other to death and 500,000 black Sudanese slaughtered by Muslims. What are mere crime stats to such a heavyweight class of willful ignorers and ignoramuses?

Qualis Rex said...

Here's the elephant in the room: alcohol. Norway (like all of Scandinavia) has a huge alcoholism problem with roughly 30% of the male population being classified as alcoholics. In every case of rape posted here, the story was always the same: the woman was "out drinking" with the men in question before the rape.

Alcohol is not an excuse, but it is a catalyst. Whether you abuse food by overeating, sexual desire by having multiple partners/uprotected sex, or drugs & alcohol...it is your body and mind that will eventually reap the consequences, even if it is by association.

Once again, this is a major issue with the lack of ethics, morals, self-respect and culture in the face of an era where excess is king and moderation is seen as shameful.

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