Tuesday, April 10, 2012

An Insult to Humanity

Pat Condell on the treatment of Israel by the United Nations:

Hat tip: Gaia.


babs said...

I actually had, what I thought was a great idea, over a decade ago. That was to move the United Nations to Bucharest Romania into the "parliment building" which I actually toured. This was at the time the 2nd largest building in the world and they, the Romanian people were/are hard up to keep this building going. They can't tear it down and get their money back.
Can you imagine the fat cats feeding off the UN having to live in Bucharest RO? It just might change their minds about what is going on.

laine said...

Even Romania is too civilized for the likes of the UN. It should be relocated in Africa, Zimbabwe or Somalia preferably to concentrate their minds on the threats posed to the world by primitive tribal societies including Muslims.

Robert said...

Here's hoping that Bob Prechter's prediction #73, "The World Bank, IMF, and United Nations will be shut down" indeed comes true. It can hardly happen soon enough. Many of the others are...

100+ Predictions happening now

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