Monday, February 06, 2012

The Threat From Within

Ummah Oz

As a follow-up to yesterday’s post about home-grown jihad in Australia, below are excerpts from an op-ed in tomorrow’s Sydney Morning Herald by Gerard Henderson, the executive director of the Sydney Institute.

Mr. Henderson discusses the damage done to Australia’s internal security by the mass immigration of Muslims, particularly Muslims from Lebanon, who are disproportionately responsible for terror plots and gang violence in Australia:

Threat from enemy within makes anti-terrorism laws indispensable

Decisions have consequences, even if decision makers sometimes go into denial. In the weekend edition of the Herald, Debra Jopson provided case studies of the 21 men who have been convicted of terrorism-related charges following Operation Pendennis in Sydney and Melbourne and Operation Neath in Melbourne. A large number are of Lebanese Muslim descent.

In his address to the Sydney Institute on January 24, the director-general of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, David Irvine, pointed out that “of the 38 people prosecuted for terrorism-related offences in Australia, 37 were Australian citizens and 34 were either born here or lived here since childhood”. Clearly home-grown terrorism is a threat in Australia.

The breakdown of the terrorism convictions is revealing. In a paper titled Explaining Australia-Lebanon Jihadist Connections, Monash University academic Andrew Zammit broke down the statistics as at September last year. He pointed out that 20 out of 33 men convicted “have been of Lebanese descent”. Moreover, “while Lebanese-Australian Muslims make up 60 per cent of those charged over alleged jihadist activity, they constitute only 20 per cent of all Australian Muslims”.

This is very much an Australian phenomenon. There are a number of Lebanese descendant communities in Europe and the US — significantly larger than in Australia. Yet, according to Zammit, the US and Europe “almost never experience [al-Qaeda style] jihadist-related terrorism attempts by members of these communities”.

It is reasonable to assume that most of these Lebanese-Australian Muslims came to Australia as a consequence of what was called the Lebanon concession, when Malcolm Fraser was prime minister of the Coalition government in 1976, or of the family reunion scheme afterwards. There had been a long tradition of migration to Australia by Maronite (that is, Christian) Lebanese and they settled successfully. There was also a small number of Muslim Lebanese who were accepted under the migration intake and did well.

The Lebanese Civil War took place from 1975. At the time, some Maronite Lebanese Australians approached Fraser with a view to Australia accepting some of their fellow Lebanese who were caught up in the conflict. Fraser agreed and introduced what was called the Lebanon concession. It was a concession because the Fraser government agreed to accept individuals, under Australian refugee and humanitarian intake, who were not strictly refugees.

As the cabinet papers for 1976 reveal, this was bad policy and appallingly implemented. It turned out that the Maronites did not want to come to Australia. But poor and poorly-educated Muslims were attracted by the proposal. Contrary to the plan, few — if any — had connections in Australia. As I documented in my pamphlet Islam in Australia (Policy Exchange, 2007), the policy got completely out of hand. The Lebanon concession was jettisoned in November 1976.

A majority of the Lebanese Muslims who arrived in 1976 and after settled in Sydney’s south-western suburbs. They arrived when the Australian economy was in relatively poor shape. Many were ill-equipped for employment in Australia at a time when the manufacturing industry was in decline. Some never obtained meaningful employment and became reliant, with their families, on welfare.


Some Muslim Lebanese-Australians have done well. Many have not. Too many are involved, with others, in criminal gangs in Sydney’s south-west. A few have been convicted of conspiracy to commit quite horrendous terrorist acts.


It is now widely recognised that the Soviet Union was involved in espionage in Australia during the Cold War. ASIO was right about that. It makes sense to accept that ASIO and police have identified a small number of Australians who are intent on violent jihad and respond appropriately — and honestly.

Read the rest at The Sydney Morning Herald.

Hat tip: HT.

1 comment:

Nemesis said...

Andrew Bolt featured this article on his blog this morning. Henderson gets to the point in all his articles and nails the root cause or causes, that compel him to write about them in the first place. That this country has over 30 would be Muslim terrorists now locked up for safe keeping should be ringing alarm bells around those who decide which cultures they will import, but it isn't! Like every other Western nation, Australia is too compliant under political correctness and multicultural pandering to the United Nations to be seriously thinking about the effect that large numbers of people from the 'religion of peace' are having, and will continue to have, while those who follow Islam are permitted to settle here.

And while Henderson has exposed an inconvenient truth that some will find too big of a pill to swallow, he has also chosen to omit a basic fact that has a common thread with all those now cooling their heels in the Bighouse, Islam and Jihad is the ideology that binds them all together.

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