Monday, February 06, 2012

Kevin Carroll Speaks in Leicester

The video below shows a portion of Kevin Carroll’s speech yesterday at the English Defence League demonstration in Leicester. Most of Kevin’s talk concerned the sacrifices made by members of the British armed forces in Afghanistan and elsewhere, and the cynical indifference to them exhibited by politicians at home:


Anonymous said...

Leaving our Country uanable to defend itself is an act of High Treason. However, under traitors'rules we are not a country but Regions of the EU which is a Region of Global Governance. We have a problem.

Danko said...

The problem might soon be solved thanks to Greece and Portugal :) However,the problem solves itself... the EUtopia crumbles by all sides.

Durotrigan said...

Sorry to be off-topic, but have you heard about Matthew Goodwin and his calls for internet censorship in order to combat what he terms 'far right extremism and terrorism'? He singled out the Gates of Vienna for criticism on this morning's Today Programme on Radio 4. His argument was tendentious and disgraceful:

Regina said...

Hey- thanks for posting this video! Very informative-

Danko said...

Durotrigan: good blog!

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