Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Four More Mosques: Busted!

Gavin Boby of the Law and Freedom Foundation has just posted a report of his recent astonishing successes of the Mosquebusters initiative in the UK. Since the beginning of the year, four new planning applications for mosques have been successfully opposed.

His conclusion? “When we fight, we win.”

Four more fought off

2012 has started with a bang.

MosqueBusters logoThat makes a total of 9. And we haven’t lost one so far.

The pattern is that when we fight a mosque planning application it gets stopped, and when we don’t — because we’re skint or someone lets us down — it goes through. Make what you want of that:

  • BOLTON. Application reference 87089/11: planning application to turn a shop (a former pub) into a mosque. Refused on traffic and parking grounds.
  • EALING. Application reference: 2011/4564: Planning application to turn the sheds to the rear of 387 & 389 Uxbridge Road into a mosque. Refused. No reason published online yet.
  • KIRKLEES. Application reference: 2011/92581. Planning application to turn the beautiful old Jolly Sailor Pub into a mosque. Application withdrawn.
  • LUTON. Council decision not to sell development land on the cheap to the Masjid E-Ali mosque outfit — see previous post.

Winning means either we get a refusal or the other side withdraw the application.

They could come back again, and if they do we’ll fight them again. But we’ve seen ’em off this time.

There’s all to play for.

It can be done.

Previous posts about Mosquebusters:

2011 Jun 10 Mosque Busting: English vs. American Styles
    20 The Central Role of Mosques in Islamic Political Doctrine
  Aug 4 Mosquebusted!
  Oct 9 A Win for Mosquebusters in Uxbridge
    9 No Megamosque for Dudley
  Dec 1 Blackpool Mosque: Busted!


Anonymous said...

Couldn't we also take this approach to other issues? Use the hate speech laws that have been put on the books to bring cases against misunderstanders of the religion of peace, for example? Take a leaf out of Nitsana Darshan-Leitner's book?

Anonymous said...

... or the use of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, maybe?

Juniper in the Desert said...

absolutely brilliant!!

Anonymous said...

Good, but they can and will re-apply
like any normal planning application.
That means we must KEEP tracking them. Considering there are not that many Moslems in any of these European countries, I mean nought to 10 per cent, they seem to be making big waves everywhere. Even Boko Haram in
north-east Nigeria are affecting the whole country with only a handful of

Anonymous said...

We're a long way from turning the tide. So the question is how do we start tearing down mosques? I've heard of the term illegal mosque, but what exactly makes it illegal?

8b2xcc71 said...

wonderful... wonderful! let's keep this spirit!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news!

And, what is more...

Hongkong entered into a deal with London on Monday

"George Osborne signed a deal on Monday with Hong Kong aimed at helping turn the City into an offshore trading centre for the renminbi, in what the chancellor sees as a vote of confidence in London.

Mr Osborne believes the talks are proof that China sees London as a significant financial centre and gateway to the European single market, in spite of Britain’s isolation at a Brussels summit last month.

In what ways may Europe change now that the Chinese are entering into the City of London?

How will their presence influence on European society, and first of all on UK?

What will this mean for the sharia finance in UK?

Anonymous said...

Barnsley to become a pilgrimage destination for 70 million Chinese Christians?

- How about that!

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