Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Dutch Foreign Minister Stands up for Geert Wilders

As an immediate follow-up to my previous post, this is the latest word from the Netherlands. Many thanks to the PVV for the translation:

Dutch government dissociates itself from OIC statements

From ANP (Dutch press agency):

The Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Uri Rosenthal, dissociates himself from a call by the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) to the Dutch government to stop the “campaign of hatred” of PVV leader Geert Wilders.

“The Dutch government dissociates itself fully from the request to silence a politician. The Netherlands have a very high regard for freedom of speech,” Rosenthal said on Wednesday.



sameer said...

Go Holland !! YAY !!

laine said...

Why is there only one of Geert Wilders, a true warrior for the West against a literal army of Muslims and their liberal servants?

Jewish Odysseus said...

That small subtle sound...I know that sound...Can it be?...the sound of a WORM TURNING??!!

People instinctively want and gravitate towards TRUTH. When they avoid it, it is almost always because of FEAR. This one great man has fought the deliberate campaign of pure criminal TERROR directed against him personally, has fought it every single day for years, and has not bowed...And now OTHERS are losing their fear.

And consequently we will see more TRUTH.

Might I suggest next a vigorous burning of Erdogan in effigy in front of the Turkish embassy?

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