Sunday, June 26, 2011

Disrespecting the Dead Kafir

Here’s a disturbing news story about the latest pranks and antics of those fun-loving high-spirited “youths” in the Netherlands. It seems their new pastime is disrupting funerals — but only after they ascertain that the deceased is a non-Muslim.

Many thanks to Sheikh Yermami for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


Jewel said...

Dear Dutch people. How does it feel to be the Jews, now? How does it feel to be hated and hounded? What you need to do is this: Stage a fake kafir funeral, and when the cretins come into the church, lock the doors and teach them a lesson in manners. Quit being nice. It isn't helping your cause any when you whine about it.

Zenster said...

What Jewel said. [golf clap]

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...

In a short period of time in the U.K. there has been a shift from a minutes silence to whistling and appluading, the same treatment is given to funeral processions.

Anyone have an opinion on the significance of this major and overdramatic shift in (public) behaviour?

Jewel said...

It's all a war tactic with them. They will go too far. Let them whine about a backlash. So far there hasn't ever been one that has paid out the reckoning that's due them, but it's coming. Sooner, rather than later, I hope.

Zenster said...

Jewel: So far there hasn't ever been one that has paid out the reckoning that's due them, but it's coming. Sooner, rather than later, I hope.

Everybody, Muslims included, had best hope for "sooner" because the longer this garbage goes on the more furious any backlash will be.

I continue to marvel that absolutely no one of any prominence in the Islamic world has come forward to admonish his brethren about the possibility of some truly serious repercussions to all this terrorism and shari'a filth. Anyone with half a brain can see it coming a mile off and, yet, Islam just keep whistling past its own graveyard on its merry way to total annihilation.

Should that day of catastrophic reckoning come within my own lifetime, maybe I'll manage to squeeze out a tear. Then again, maybe not.

Ralph Lynn said...

Don't their parents, their elders and community leaders know what they are up to?

Where would they be getting such ideas from?

Jewel said...

Any backlash will be savored as a pretext for further violence. Every slight, every comment, every protest is a call to action. You haven't heard any Muslim leaders calling for restraint because their imams are calling for violence. What Kitman and Vlad Tepes and sites like MEMRI are doing are of inestimable worth. These are the Indian Code Breakers of this long and endless war. The more we know, the better we can fight.
Our main enemy is the fifth column in this country. So far, I haven't figured out a way to defeat these bastards. All I have is bridled hatred for them and their lies.

Zenster said...

Jewel: Any backlash will be savored as a pretext for further violence.

To quote Machiavelli:

If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.

I continue to predict that when the West has finally had done with Islam, any surviving Muslims will have learned to forever curse the name of Osama bin Laden.

Jewel said...

I want them cursing the name of their wretched deity and his even more accursed prophet, may his skin become a house for dogs wherein they chew his bones for all eternity in the mocking faces of the jinn.

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