Monday, June 20, 2011

The Central Role of Mosques in Islamic Political Doctrine

As Dymphna mentioned last week, British barrister Gavin Boby has launched a new program called “Mosque Busters” at his Law and Freedom Foundation website.

His specialty is planning law, and he is willing to work pro bono to help ordinary citizens demonstrate to their local councils that the building of a mosque or an Islamic center is actually in violation of British law. Mosques play a central role in the propagation of Islamic political doctrine, which incites behavior that is illegal under British criminal law and human rights law. Local councils are therefore legally exposed if they approve the building of a mosque, and Mosque Busters will help citizens make councilors aware of their vulnerability under the law.

Citizens need to check in with their local councils regularly to find out if a request for planning permission for a mosque has been filed. This is public information, and councils are legally required to supply it upon request. If you learn that such an application has been filed in your locality, contact the Law and Freedom Foundation .

Below the jump is Mr. Boby’s latest video with advice and information on how to stop the building of mosques in local communities in the UK. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for posting this video:

There is a donation button his website so that those who can afford it may contribute to his worthy efforts.


joe six-pack said...

Mosques are Islamic embassies. They are Islamic 'Land' just like the U.S. embassy is in any country. Islam defends its 'lands' and 'waters' just like any other national entity. Islam is fielding an army to defend its sovereignty.

If this is not a good reason to wage war, I do not know of any.

matism said...

For joe six-pack:
The pigs won't allow it. Unless and until people are willing to send the pigs to rot in hell where they belong, the Religion of Peace will remain a Preferred Species.

Gary said...

What is there to stop the dhimmi politicians passing laws that get rid of this vulnerability of the councilors.

Kufar Dawg said...

I wonder if Gavin Boby has received any death threats from the adherents of the religion of peace yet? I wonder if his own government will have him arrested?

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...

Counter Jihad friendly lawyers that defend against race hate prosecutions would be helpful, 4,165 charges of race crime were reported in Scotland (2010-11) most would have been defended by establishment (legal aid) lackeys whom are more likely to enter into a sentencing bidding war with the judge, judge says 2 years defence lawyer demands 5, acquittal is not on the table.

Lawrence said...

Problem is that in PC-MC context an Islamic Mosque is little different from a Christian Church.

However, that just isn't true.

As long as we continue interpreting Islam in context of Western Thought, we'll never accept the reality of this philosophical invasion.

Until we start viewing Islam from the Islamic point of view, we'll continue playing into their hands of cultural conquest.

EDL Gay Division said...

In Britain if muslims seek to convert a community centre into a mosque, they do not require planning permission. This is why they have taken to driving out non-muslims from community centres.

Zenster said...

Lawrence: Problem is that in PC-MC context an Islamic Mosque is little different from a Christian Church.

Even though I am a devout Agnostic, the thought of equating Christian Churches with Mosques is morally repulsive.

Here is an excellent resource to help debunk this preposterous equivalency for the uninformed.

A most valuable excerpt from, "The Role of the Mosque in Society", by Richard Braun and John Marion.

Command and Control

But worship for Mohammed was not limited to religious ritual. Worship is an entire way of life. For Mohammed, worship is about implementing Allah’s law. This is called Shariah law, and it encompasses every area of life. Shariah means “path.” In the desert context from which it comes, it means “a path leading to water.” While for the Christian, the words of Christ are “living water,” for the Muslim, it is this law which is a life-preserving force, and water in the desert.

Since worship is not merely religious ritual, Mohammed acted in his role as the supreme leader of the community and the mosque was his base of operation. Here are some examples of how Mohammed used the mosque to implement his all-encompassing Shariah law:

• He made legislative decrees from the mosque. It is the seat of legislative government.

• He taught his followers his ideology in the mosque. It is the educational seminary.

• He sent and received official delegations at the mosque.

• He conducted the affairs of the Islamic state, entertained heads of state, and appointed judges there. It is the seat of executive power.

• He issued legal decrees and developed Sharia law there. It is the supreme court.

• He issued social decrees. It is the social center of the community.

• He proclaimed the superiority of Muslims over non-Muslims, issued death sentences against those who opposed him, and dispatched the executioners to carry out their duties. It is the place and symbol of Islamic rule.

• He proclaimed the superiority of men over women at the mosque. It is place of inequality.

• It is where he issued marching orders, proclaimed jihad, and recognized his warriors. It is a military base.

In short:


All that drivel by Ziya Gokalp about how, "The minarets are our bayonets, the domes our helmets, the mosques our barracks and the faithful our army." isn't just wishful thinking. It is the absolute truth and one ignores it at their own dire peril.

Listed above are the primary talking points to use when deconstructing this poisonous PCMC myth.


Kufar Dawg said...


Yeshua preached in the streets. He didn't have a mosque or a church for that matter. He didn't demand any tribute or slaves or booty. He didn't ask his followers to kill his detractors or critics. He never advocated the extermination or enslavement of anyone. Muhammad, the mad, psychopathic pedophile OTOH...

Zenster said...

cornholio: Yeshua preached in the streets. He didn't have a mosque or a church for that matter. He didn't demand any tribute or slaves or booty. He didn't ask his followers to kill his detractors or critics. He never advocated the extermination or enslavement of anyone.

Besides being a BGO (Binding Glimpse of the Obvious), may I ask:

And your point was … ?

philip.zhao said...

Being undemocratic may not all be a bad thing when we see how China deals with Islam. Muslim minors must go to state schools receiving regular education and are not allowed to access Mosque-run classes for religious indoctrination. The day-to-day activities transpired in the mosque are constantly monitored.
In Western democracies, freedom of religion is often abused by Muslims !

an EDL buck said...

the time has come to fight back, NFSE!

Lawrence said...

Zenster said... "Even though I am a devout Agnostic, the thought of equating Christian Churches with Mosques is morally repulsive."

While you and I might debate the Agnostic point of view versus the Biblical view, we would not take it to the level of cultural conquest or murder for the purpose of forcing the other into agreement.

We would also not engage in a systematic campaign of cultural conquest against one another.

Contrast this with our battle against Islamic conquest, wherein we're on the same side, finding agreement on what the Islamic agenda really is all about. And that agenda is the conquest and destruction of any philosophy or thought contrary to them. There is no debate among Islamists and non-Islamists. There is only instruction, threat, and combat.

You and I know where we stand with Islamists in their pursuit of our destruction.

If we don't band together now, our other ability and our freedoms to pursue our other philosophical and theological debates will cease to exist. Mostly because we will physically cease to exist at the point of an Islamist's sword.

From the Islamist perspective a Mosque is much more than a church. As noted above it is also an Embassy. It is also a Fort, as in a physical strong-hold from which to rally support and wage war from within enemy territory.

Zenster said...

Lawrence: And that agenda is the conquest and destruction of any philosophy or thought contrary to them.

Hell, you don't even have to be "contrary". Just a slight deviation of opinion, like a question of succession, is enough to spark centuries of internecine Shi'ia versus Sunni bloodshed.

Islam is the turd in civilization's punchbowl.

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