Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pat Condell on Israel, Jew-Hatred, and Islam

Hat tip: Steen.


Zenster said...
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Zenster said...

The money line:

As for you people who keep telling me that Jews control the world. You know, even if that were true, I would much rather that Jews controlled this world than Muslims any day and so would every other sane person on the planet; but it isn’t true and I don’t want to hear about it anymore if that wouldn’t be too much trouble.

Most despicable of all is how, after some perfunctory outreach to Jews by the Catholic Church, the Vatican has picked up its skirts and gone simpering down the path of Muslim appeasement with all of the obligatory Antisemitism which that cowardice implies.

More than at any other time in the past several centuries, Catholicism has within its grasp the ability to serve as a beacon for Christianity to rally around in defiance of, and eventual militant opposition to, Islam.

Pope Benedict's flaccid response to Islam's totally predictable and characteristically violent reaction over his 2006 Regensburg address is everything that should not be happening if Christendom is to have any hope of survival.

Both Benedict and Obama have seen fit to throw Israel under the bus and, by doing so, have brought this world just that much closer to genocide against the Jews and ― should Israel invoke the Samson Option in retaliation over that Islamic wet dream ― the Muslim holocaust as well.

Shame is far too mild a term to be applied over such complete and total malfeasance of office, be it Papal or Oval. It is willful treason against civilized humanity in an effort to forestall an outcome which acquiescence such as theirs only hastens along. That the glaring logic of this somehow evades such well-educated minds, especially one of Benedict's sagacity, borders on the criminal.

Kufar Dawg said...

It is disgusting how Catholics kowtow to Islamofascism. I used to work at a Catholic college and the unbelievable cowardice w/which they cravenly appeased the Islamofascists was DISGUSTING. To have a Muslim give the annual convocation and vomit forth lies about the peace and tolerance of Islam while the Catholic administrators applauded him
turned my stomach. I finally had to quit out of utter disgust.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Pat and the above commenters about the Catholic Church. This is not Catholic bashing, it's disappointment. Unfortunately, some Catholics will take this as an attack on their religion per se, but it really isn't. I'm indifferent to religion and tolerant of all religions, but when the Catholic Church keeps dodging its responsibility to defend the West, that endangers everyone, not just Catholics.

idomeneo said...

i think its fair to say that not only catholics but christian denominations of all strips are more concerned with the afterlife and filling the pues than the danger of islam. the way too many christians feel is that muslimns are a people of faith and their faith while different should be respected.CHristianity as a whole does not recognize the danger they are in, as well as sticking up for jewish people.

Sagunto said...

But for the shameful 10 seconds of bigoted, historically uninformed fashionably* anti-Catholic storytelling (03:26-03:36), I thoroughly liked this video.

Kind regs from Amsterdam,

* fashionable also in CJ-circles, judged by the "amen to that" emanating from other comments here, some alas, rather predictable)

shutterbug said...

As an ex-catholic who has read the history, the good, the bad and the ugly, of the church from all sides, I don't consider the comments made as bigoted, historically uninformed or fashionably anti-catholic. They were factual and to the point. The catholic church has been guilty of hypocracy, murder and un-christian acts over the ages.
Please read your history before accusing the orator of being un-informed

Chechar said...

Pat Condell is an idiot (as I was an idiot as early as 2009 with regard to the Jewish Question). The most ironic thing of all is that it was precisely a discussion here in GoV what changed me. In that exchange the common argument that Jews are responsible for most of advances in Western society was responded by a GoV commenter: “But they are never over-represented in organisations or movements that represent the interests of the ethnic majority, only those that weaken that [white] majority”, as well as in the follow up article (just follow the white rabbit).

@ “Don’t tell me about it: tell a doctor.”

This reminds me a recent reply of Captainchaos to Fjordman at Mangan’s:

@ “The obsession with Jews you encounter in some of the comments here does turn sensible people off. It’s stupid, and looks that way, too.” - Fj

That is a matter of opinion, Fjordman. Most probably, those you diagnose as suffering a “stupid” “obsession” with Jews assign no greater blame to Jews for the decline of the White race than Kevin MacDonald does. In fact, they most likely rely in whole or in part on MacDonald’s own scholarship. So then, in effect, you are asserting the failure of MacDonald to support his thesis. Would you be willing to debate the matter purely on the strength or weakness of the evidence MacDonald marshals? If not, you should cease to impute pathology to good men who wish their people to live and not die – we all know who else does that.

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...


High intelligence (including the usefulness of intelligence in attaining wealth) and the ability to cooperate in highly organized, cohesive groups (MacDonald 1994).

Sound like the words of an inferiority complex weighed down by selfloathing. The author's confession must be that he is of low intelligence and is without the ability to organize or form a cohesive group, there go his claims to supremacy.

Chechar said...

@ In Hoc, Please spell my name right, and you didn’t even read the whole Prologue of CofC linked above, right? (Prof MacDonald’s self-loathing?, claims of supremacy? Please). And for counter-jihadists unfamiliar with the so-called Jewish Question I recommend first the approach of a Jewish academician, Albert Lindemann, also linked by me above (just for fun see also how I lectured those clueless about the JQ at Jihad Watch here).

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...
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In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...


Historically given the smaller time frame or snapshot I could make the case that the Scots have made the same disproportionate footprint on history which could also show a positive and negative of outcomes.

Indeed in the U.K. the Muslim population is punching way above its weight, these two examples of cohesive minority group dynamics challenge the idea that disproportionate influence on a majority is a peculiar and exclusive one group conspiracy.

Sagunto said...

Progressives of different stripes all over the West engage in open Jew-hatred while enabling Islam to liven-up the choir, but let's not take stock of that, because some still dedicated or erstwhile progros in the CJ-movement will only be parted from their most beloved daimon when Hell freezes over, so therefore, all join in and: Let's Blame the Pope!

How very convenient.

Zenster said...

Sagunto: Progressives of different stripes all over the West engage in open Jew-hatred while enabling Islam to liven-up the choir, but let's not take stock of that…

Why not? If it is pertinent to this discussion, we would be remiss by excluding the topic. Please feel free to elaborate as you most certainly did not when you took exception without explanation to Condell's "fashionably anti-Catholic storytelling".

Issuing challenges without specifics or demonstratively refuting evidence borders on a sort of demagoguery that is not befitting with respect to your usual erudite comments. Both yourself and Hesperado have demonstrated this disturbing and uninspiring trend of late, much to the overall detriment of GoV.

… because some still dedicated or erstwhile progros in the CJ-movement will only be parted from their most beloved daimon when Hell freezes over, so therefore, all join in and: Let's Blame the Pope!

As I was the very first to do so, it piques my curiosity as to why my comment might have drawn your particular dollop of criticism.

It is of especial interest that you identify whether or not I tend to blame the Vatican first and foremost rather than direct the bulk of culpability elsewhere.

How very convenient.

Again, for whom?

While I have a deep resentment for Christianity's misguided and malevolent attack upon the dignity of self and ego's wholesome role in any functional human personality, never is this identified by myself as a prime mover in Islam's eternal malice aforethought against dar al harb.

Said denigration of the human spirit is most definitely a major player in the suicidal elevation of unconditional altruism which modern Christianity, including the Catholic Church, has foisted upon the West as regards Politically Correct Multiculturalism but nowhere does that supersede Islam's ultimate responsibility for its own intolerant, puritanical and barbaric dogma.

As I originally noted, Catholicism's current simpering and cringing before Islam only facilitates genocide against the Jews and helps to precipitate the looming Muslim holocaust. Within those two calamitous events lies sufficient blame to excoriate modern Catholicism without the need for any further disparagement.

Tanstaafl said...

Let's Blame the Jew-Haters

elitist said...


When millions of indigenous Europeans refuse to appear in public without wearing an Israeli flag T-shirt, lapel, etc., then we will know that Europe has recovered from its psychotic compulsion to commit suicide through subsidized Muslim invasion.

We have spent too much time making Muslims comfortable in Europe.

Now it's time to turn the world back right side up:

How do we turn Europe back into place where JEWS can feel comfortable????

Europe is now more hostile to Jews at any time since the Hitler regime.

What can we do to make fascist, anti-Semitic Muslims (the others are welcome to stay) uncomfortable enough to leave Europe forever?

Let's make the detailed study of Jewish cultural and scientific achievement compulsory every school in the European Union.

Let's make knowledge of the Jewish contribution to European civilization compulsory before you can put a toe into the European Union.

Time to start strategizing to promote Muslim immigration from Europe:

Make expressions of homophobia and anti-Semitism strictly illegal, punishable by revocation of social benefits???

Incessant and public celebrations of homosexuality & Jewish achievement & Israel?

And of course, strict enforcement against forced marriages, polygamy, welfare fraud, wife/child abuse:

Come to think of it, just enforcing existing laws exist would be enough.

Henrik R Clausen said...

As for you people who keep telling me that Jews control the world.

That, actually, sounds like a rather good idea!

How could we go about making that happen?

Hesperado said...

Zenster raises that common complaint about post-modern Christianity --

Said denigration of the human spirit is most definitely a major player in the suicidal elevation of unconditional altruism which modern Christianity, including the Catholic Church, has foisted upon the West as regards Politically Correct Multiculturalism...

This has been hashed over many times, and it seems people keep forgetting one little problem here: medieval Christianity for a good thousand years was quite capable of robust military defenses against Islam, and quite intellectually capable of condemning Islam and Muslims. While there were exceptions to this rule, that was the rule. Therefore, one cannot simplistically impugn the substance of Christianity for causing PC MC. While Judaeo-Christian universalism certainly contributed some substance to the evolution of PC MC, so too did Graeco-Roman universalism. The only part of our Western heritage that had not developed universalism were the innumerable bickering and bloodily fighting barbarian tribes. I certainly don't want the West to devolve into a Balkanism of tribalism on steroids, just so in the process we might be able to repel Muslims. Talk about a Pyrrhic victory...

At any rate, the evolution of PC MC and its development into mainstream dominance is too complicated to locate the blame anywhere with too much scapegoating focus.

Zenster said...

Hesperado: Therefore, one cannot simplistically impugn the substance of Christianity for causing PC MC.

Where do I lay exclusive blame at the feet of Christianity?

While the abnegation of self commanded by the Church has played a large part in this, it is not the sole culprit. However, few things paved the way so conveniently for the Socialist hatred of genius and its quest to eliminate individuality.

Granted that the post-modern Church alone could not possibly have implemented so thorough an erosion of current society. Perhaps it was the resonance of suicidal Christian altruism with its Socialist doppelganger "redistribution of wealth" which set up the ultimately destructive third order harmonic of "Social Justice" that enabled moral relativism to become so pervasive.

My major point about the Catholic Church is that it remains one of a very few non-military Western institutions that has within its scope the capability to rally Christians around the world to aggressively fight Islam.

Instead, it has opted for "peace at any price" and so has elected to feed the crocodile.

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