Monday, November 08, 2010

The Home Stretch

** Fall 2010 Fundraiser — Day Seven **

Home Stretch

Today is the final full day of our quarterly fundraiser. As of this morning, the following regions of the USA have chipped in:

Alabama      Iowa New York
Arizona Kentucky Oklahoma
California Michigan Pennsylvania
Colorado Montana Texas
Florida N. Carolina Virginia
Georgia N. Dakota Washington
Hawaii New Hampshire   U.S. Military (APO)
Illinois New Jersey 

Canada, of course, is also well-represented. From the rest of the world we’ve seen:

Australia           Ireland Slovakia
Austria Israel Sweden
Denmark Italy Switzerland
Germany Japan The UK
India The Netherlands 

Tip jar: for decoration only!One of the consistent features of these fundraisers is the remarkable generosity of Australians and Texans. Considering how little we cover these places in our posts, it’s amazing that so many people there not only read our work, but send their hard-earned dollars to us.

So, to the Land Down Under and the Lone Star State: many thanks!

Even so, the focus of our coverage evidently does influence donations to some extent. With the emergence of the EDL over the last year our reporting on England has increased, and so have contributions from the UK. But other places that have enjoyed intense scrutiny from Gates of Vienna donate little or not at all.

In other words, it’s all a mystery. People give as the spirit moves them. For that spirit and those gifts we remain deeply grateful.

The tip jar in the text above is just for decoration. To donate, click the tin cup on our sidebar, or the donate button. If you prefer a monthly subscription, click the “subscribe” button.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have just sent a donation from France.

Sorry for the smallness of the amount but I already give regularly to the
Serbs of Kosovo, and to François Desouche.

Anyway I hope it helps and that you can add France to the list of countries that have helped Gates of Vienna.

Best wishes to you all

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