Saturday, June 05, 2010

Turkish Solidarity Against Israel

Our Swedish correspondent Freedom Fighter has translated an article from Swedish state radio about the ongoing confrontation between Turkey and Israel:

Turkish consensus of criticism against Israel

According to the Swedish Radio reporter in Istanbul, Maria Persson Löfgren, 2010-06-05. […]

The anti-Israel protests in Turkey continue, with demonstrations and tough new government statements. In a normally divided country, the nationalists and Islamic groups agreed in their criticism of Israel.

The Turkish activists were shot with 30 shots

The leftist demonstration went through central Istanbul from Taksim Square, carrying a banner with the demand to “release all prisoners”, and voicing criticism of political trials.

Also heard were the same types of anti-Israel slogans as in the more religiously-affiliated Fatih area across the Galata Bridge where Islamist groups were chanting “Death to Israel”.

New reports from the autopsies of the nine fatalities shows that all but one were shot with a total of 30 shots with nine-millimeter ammunition. The 38-year-old journalist who worked for the Islamic charity JIBS had a single shot in the forehead. He was killed when he tried to photograph the Israeli assault.
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All others had numerous gunshot wounds. A 19-year-old American citizen of Turkish descent was shot several times at close range.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke to party supporters in the city of Konya yesterday.

“I speak in their language. The Biblical sixth commandment says you shall not kill. Can’t you see it, “said Erdogan. I’ll repeat in English you should not kill, do you not understand it either when I say to your own language, in Hebrew ‘Lo Tirtzach’,” he said.

Aykut Kucukkaya is a reporter for the newspaper Cumhuriyet and has written a book about Islamic funds, which are become increasingly influential over Turkish politics — a book the Prime Minister tried to stop.

According Aykut, the Turkish government could have prevented the bloody clash on the Mavi Marmara. But the government had political motives for failing to intervene in time. The anti-Israel rhetoric is an attempt to win public opinion at home, he claims.


Zenster said...

The 38-year-old journalist who worked for the Islamic charity JIBS had a single shot in the forehead. He was killed when he tried to photograph the Israeli assault.

Media Advisory: All Middle East bureau staff are hereby advised that Israel appears to have had quite enough of any biased reporting. Suggest obtaining IDF clearance beforehand and steering well clear of terrorist-related activities in order to avoid being mistaken for one of them. Remember, being around out-of-uniform combatants can be hazardous to your health.

All others had numerous gunshot wounds. A 19-year-old American citizen of Turkish descent was shot several times at close range.

Advertising Segment: Jihadists and would-be terrorists needing to bulk up fast are urged to try out a novel Israeli weight-gain program now being introduced by the IDF. Enlist with the Mavi Marmara or call the nearest Turkish consulate for information about how to participate today! WARNING: May contain lead or lead byproducts.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke to party supporters in the city of Konya yesterday.

“I speak in their language. The Biblical sixth commandment says you shall not kill. Can’t you see it, “said Erdogan. I’ll repeat in English you should not kill, do you not understand it either when I say to your own language, in Hebrew ‘Lo Tirtzach’,” he said.

This genocidal terrorist rat bastard has the monumental gall to quote the Bible. Why was he not struck by lightning? Why did his tongue not cleave to the roof of his mouth? This preachy scum bag needs a government issue .50 caliber "third eye".

Professor L said...

“I speak in their language. The Biblical sixth commandment says you shall not kill. Can’t you see it, “said Erdogan. I’ll repeat in English you should not kill, do you not understand it either when I say to your own language, in Hebrew ‘Lo Tirtzach’,” he said.

I recall actually attending a lecture by a Catholic priest on the issue of capital punishment, and what the priest said was this - Thou shalt not kill is an incomplete translation, and that the full translation is Thou shalt not kill the innocent.

It's a distinction that I feel is worth making. Now if only they'd stop spreading those damned lies about the Trinity being three separate gods rather than three aspects of the same God, I might be able to take these tossers with less than a bag of salt.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Israel's PM quote the Qu'ran about the genocidal nature of Islam back to the Turkish PM? Maybe he should also say that the same action will be taken against any ship trying to breach the blockade.

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