Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Taking it to the Police

The rooftop occupation of the mosque site in Dudley by the English Defence League ended yesterday morning when the police stormed the building and made arrests.

According to one of my EDL contacts, a demonstration is in progress at the police station where the arrested EDL guys are “helping police with their enquiries”:

It looks like there is now a protest taking place at the police station in Wolverhampton, where the two EDL people from Dudley are being held. The crowd are calling for the release of the ‘Rooftop Two’ who are being held by police.

The address:

Bilston Street
Wolverhampton WV1 3AA
0845 113 5000

It’s right in the middle of the town by the tram station, in walking distance from the train station too.

“Leon and Snowy” are the two EDL guys being held in custody. It looks like the word is out and people are descending on the place from all over.

I presume people will also be ringing the above number too. The police are having a bad few days.:)

Remember the news story that broke yesterday saying that the plans for the Dudley mosque had been scrapped? It turns out to have been a feint, as we all suspected. According to The Dudley News:
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Judge Mr Justice Wyn Williams granted outline planning permission to Dudley Muslim Association’s plans to build the mosque and community and training centre on derelict land in Hall Street.

And the Express and Star:

Muslim group vows mosque will be built

Dudley MosqueThe Dudley Muslim Association today said it would proceed with plans to build a new mosque on derelict land in Dudley unless the council comes up with a “viable” alternative.

Chairman Khurshid Ahmed was speaking after Dudley Council announced an agreement had been reached not to pursue controversial plans to build a mosque with 65ft minaret in Hall Street but instead redevelop the existing mosque in Castle Hill. Mr Ahmed said the DMA wanted to hear exactly what alternative the council was proposing before pulling out of Hall Street.

I’ll post updates as they come in.


Hejhog said...

The Statsi police state swings into action. The ruling Labour party must be smiling like cheshir cats as their communist/communitarian policies start to cause social unrest!

Juniper in the Desert said...

This is a mirror-image of the situation that led up to the Brixton Riots in late 1970's, early 1980's.

Juniper in the Desert said...

I called the number you gave. Didnt have to wait long. Gave my name and asked what is happening to the two EDL who were arrested. She said she couldn't tell me. I asked what they had been charged with, she said that privacy laws prevent her telling me(?!)I asked how long they'd been held, again no answer. People cannot be held for more than 48 hours without being charged, maybe 72 hours for terrorists. I asked again, she seemed a bit tense, said she can't SAY anything.

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