Saturday, May 08, 2010

Solidarity With Geert

Geert Wilders icon (small)I’ve been promoting an appeal by the Party for Freedom (PVV), Geert Wilders’ political party, for international help in the coming general elections in the Netherlands. In furtherance of this effort, I’ve now made a smaller version of the “Help Geert” icon, one that’s designed to fit on a blog sidebar.

In order retain its total independence, the PVV receives no subsidies from the Dutch government. Instead it relies on private donations to help it counter the assault by the Dutch state media against Mr. Wilders and his “scaremongering”.

So the Party for Freedom is appealing for donations, both domestically and internationally. Donations may be made to:

ING bank account of the Stichting Vrienden van de PVV in The Hague
(IBAN: NL98 INGB 0670 4723 44, BIC: INGBNL2A)

Postal address for the bank:
Postbus 20018
2500 EA Den Haag

There is also a Paypal application on the English-language website:

The following sites have helped to spread the word so far:
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  • ICLA: Geert Wilders Needs Your Help Urgently
  • Europe News: Geert Wilders Needs Help Urgently
  • Europe News (German): Geert Wilders benötigt dringend Hilfe
  • FOMI (Sweden): Geert Wilders behöver din hjälp!
  • Ted Ekeroth (Sweden): Stöd Geert Wilders och PVV; rättegång börjar om 4 veckor
  • Vlad Tepes (Canada): Urgent: Geert Needs Our Help
  • Allahu Akbar (Sweden): Stöd Geert Wilders
  • Blazing Cat Fur (Canada): Urgent: Geert Wilders Needs Our Help
  • I Mitt Sverige (Sweden): Klistrad — Nya inlägg kommer under! Stötta Geert Wilders kamp för allas vår framtid!
  • Politically Incorrect (Germany): Geert Wilders braucht unsere Hilfe
  • Diana West (USA): What Could Have Possessed Him?
  • Call of the Patriot (USA) Urgent! Geert Wilders needs our assistance

  • Una Via per Oriana (Italy): Appello Urgente: Geert Wilders il Parlamentare olandese del Pvv il Partito per la Libertà, ha bisogno urgentemente del nostro aiuto

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