Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/5/2010

Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/5/2010The financial crisis in Greece has turned violent. The country is paralyzed by a general strike, which includes journalists, so that most news coming out of the country is from foreign news bureaus. The strikers are protesting the EU-required austerity measures which are about to be voted on by the parliament. Violent leftist demonstrators have taken to the streets of Athens, firebombing police and buildings, in particular banks. Three people died in one firebombed bank building.

In other news, California’s fiscal problems have intensified due to a 30% drop in April’s state tax revenues — to the tune of $3 billion. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom’s budget deficit as a percentage of GDP is projected to exceed that of Greece.

Thanks to 4symbols, Barry Rubin, C. Cantoni, Gaia, heroyalwhyness, Insubria, JD, JP, REP, Zenster, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My country will go bankrupt in a couple of years tops. Soon you will have news about Romanians. I can't wait, for some reason.

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