Monday, May 03, 2010

Down From the Roof and into the Mean Streets of Dudley

Dudley demo 2

The EDL protest we reported on last night continued into this morning. Early today the West Midlands Police issued a press release:

Protests in Dudley Town Centre

Dudley Police have sealed off an area in the town centre this morning while an ongoing protest takes place by members of the EDL.

Police were called to a disused building in Hall Street, Dudley town centre just after 11pm last night, following reports of a protest.

Officers attended and dispersed around 30 protestors following minor outbreaks of disorder.

Dudley rooftopNo arrests were made. One police officer and one local youth were taken to hospital and treated for minor injuries.

Approximately four protestors gained access to the roof area of the building and are currently continuing their protest from the roof.

Officers have cordoned off the area and are currently negotiating with the protestors and monitoring the situation.

The Dudley News also reported that the EDL protest was still ongoing this morning:

POLICE have sealed off an area in Dudley Town Centre while an ongoing protest takes place by members of the English Defence League.

Police were called to a disused building in Hall Street just after 11pm last night, following reports of a protest.

Protestors, many with their faces covered began arriving at the scene, chanting EDL songs.

No arrests were made, but one police officer and one local youth were taken to hospital and treated for minor injuries following a disruption.

Approximately four protestors gained access to the roof area of the building and are currently continuing their protest from the roof.

Armed with a banner saying ‘No Mosque’, the group, which is thought to include EDL leader Tommy Robinson, are also flying the St George’s flag and the star of david flag, as they pump out islamic calls of prayer, as well as EDL rally calls over a loud speaker.

Officers, some dressed in riot gear, have cordoned off the area, including Dudley Southern Bypass, as well as as the area between Trindle Road and Dixons Green and are currently negotiating with the protestors and monitoring the situation.

Chief Inspector Matt Markham from West Midlands Police said: “We have always facilitated peaceful protests by members of the EDL and other organisations, but we do not welcome this kind of protest.”

He added: “Our priorities are to minimise any disruption the local community in Dudley and to prevent any further incidents of disorder from occurring.”

But the denouement arrived at last when police stormed the derelict building and arrested the protesters on the roof. According to The Daily Mail:
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This morning, the men — who were dressed in balaclavas and army fatigues — remained on the roof of the old clothing factory where they unfurled banners reading ‘no to the burka’ and ‘no mosque’.


An eyewitness said: ‘They’re waving England flags and blaring out Islamic music from a loud speaker.’

But this afternoon the men disappeared from the rooftop and have arrested on suspicion of having broken into the disused factory.

Chief Inspector Matt Markham from West Midlands Police said the two men were ‘helping police with enquiries’.


The protest came as the Dudley Muslim Association announced they were scrapping plans for the £18million mosque which have caused such controversy in the town.

The mosque, which would have been built on derelict land, would have had a 65ft minaret, and the proposals have been dogged by controversy from the beginning.

So what’s this about the Dudley mosque project being scrapped? According to The Express and Star:

Plans to build an £18million mosque in Dudley town centre have been scrapped, the Express & Star can reveal today.

Dudley MosqueThe scheme to build a mosque with 65ft minaret on derelict land in Hall Street attracted huge protests, but has now been ditched by the Dudley Muslim Association.

Deputy council leader, Les Jones, told the Express & Star today the DMA had agreed instead to redevelop the existing mosque in Castle Hill, after months of delicate negotiations.


Despite Dudley Council throwing out the application in 2007 it was granted at an appeal the following year by a government inspector.

In 2009 the council launched a High Court bid against the inspector’s decision but the judge upheld the ruling, granting outline planning permission.

Councillor Jones said since then the council has been in talks with the DMA.

He said: “We have reached an agreement with the DMA not to develop on land in Hall Street.

“The current mosque is not really fit for purpose and we have been working with them to come up with some plans and would have been looking to submit an outline planning application in the next few months.”


Councillor Malcolm Davis, who has campaigned against the mosque plan, said: “I’m delighted with the outcome. If it has taken months of negotiation to achieve this result then I applaud that.”

But there is more to this “scrapping” than meets the eye. According to one of our readers in England, the announcement is a smokescreen designed to get rid of the EDL:

They have not been scrapped! That is a ruse to get them off the roof. A High Court decision needs to be reserved to stop this project. They only came out with this ridiculous announcement today, after the protest had started.

Violence continues on the streets of Dudley, with police standing by while violent “youths” cause mayhem against “persons of English background”. According to an update on the EDL website:

Gangs of Muslims are roaming the streets with knives. We have had a lot of feedback from supporters in Dudley, and all are saying the same things, the police are letting this happen. Muslims are being allowed to walk around unchallenged with weapons. Knives, bricks, you name it. What is going on in this Country? There are hundreds of police there, but none seem to be doing anything about them. I will take this back if there are reports that hundreds of Muslims have been arrested for carrying weapons tomorrow, but i wont be holding my breath.

We ask ALL supporters if you truly support the EDL to mobilise to Dudley tomorrow. These lads who are there need your support, and they deserve it too.”

Also, new reports coming in on the forum: “In Dudley now. Five of our lads been stabbed already. Police gave our boys a bit of a kicking too so I hear.”

The EDL urges its supporters to email the police to protest. A reader sends the following sample:

Email being sent:

To: The West Midlands Police

Dear all,

I have received reports from the EDL that there is a crowd of Muslim youth carrying knives and other weapons at this demonstration that is happening right now. The EDL is on the roof of the derelict building as we speak.

Please note that we, the British People, will hold the police fully responsible if any of our EDL friends are hurt, due to the incompetence of the Police in removing their weapons and arresting them for possession.

Let it be known to you also that this email is being sent to all the EDL members, and their supporters. Make no mistake. WE WILL hold the police responsible if they fail to remove the weapons of these youths immediately. And as a consequence we will file suit against police incompetence and get compensation for the lack of service which we pay for. So I suggest you go out there and start the process or removing their weapons and arresting them for possession asap.

We will NOT tolerate any Islamic violence in our country, and we will not tolerate any chants of death to Britain and the likes.

I expect a reply from you asap.


I don’t have the actual email address for the West Midlands Police. If anyone knows what it is, please leave it in the comments. Email address added. Thank you, John.


Unknown said...

In order to contact West Midlands Police by email please use the address below.

This email address should not be used to report crime. For all non-emergencies please call 0345 113 5000. In an emergency call 999.


Baron Bodissey said...

John --

Thank you very much. I will update the post.

Zenster said...

They [the mosque plans] have not been scrapped! That is a ruse to get them off the roof. A High Court decision needs to be reserved to stop this project. They only came out with this ridiculous announcement today, after the protest had started.

How nice to see that certain Westerners are finally catching on to the Islamic deceit known as taqiyya. Trust nothing that a Muslim tells you. Especially if it is something that you really wanted to hear. It will ALWAYS be too good to be true.

Yorkshireminer said...

found this in one of the posts in the Dudley newspaper, says it all. I am not going to check in the MSM, as I know well that it will hardly be reported, and if it is it will be presented in as an innocuous way as possible. Don't want to make waves do we while the farce of an election is in progress. I am ashamed of my country.

police arrest protestors on roof peacefully waving flags on section 27 as they(west midlands police) cannot contain the rioting asians. hundreds of armed muslims on the rampage, no arrests and then chief inspector states in todays edition he wants to THANK the local communities.........
.surprise surprise

Juniper in the Desert said...

"the current mosque is not fit for purpose".

What IS the purpose?

Why does it need to be gigantic?

My own personal experience of this, happening in the road I lived in, in London:

Mosques are classed as "charities" in law, they pay no tax on the contributions they take from their worshippers: more people, more money, more influence, both in local gov. and within their continually warring clans or "brotherhoods".
Another source of free money is madrassahs, indoctrinating children as young as 4 to hate the host country. More foreigners coming in who are completely uncivilised and attack and intimidate the local population.

Also, there is "wakf". This oversees the mosque but also means that any land mosques are built on automatically becomes muslim land - they never sell mosques or the land they are on, they just expand. Muslim land is never sold. In France the French authorities have made maps of all the muslim areas - which are also no-go areas for ANY non-muslims. There are thousands all over France and they just keep expanding.

MEscape said...


Support these folks across the pond:

The Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, publicly read an Islamic poem including the lines:

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and Muslims our soldiers…”

Birds of a feather....

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