Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rosetta Stone Update

Col West Russian

After learning about what happened, LTC Allen West (ret.) sent some words of encouragement to the Rosetta Stone team. With his kind permission, I am posting them here:

This was a superb effort, and as stated previously my deep regards to all of you.

No worries, I am sure there will be more opportunities for me to address this issue. Hold the line and press on, we shall prevail!

Steadfast and Loyal,


One more thing — any readers who live in Florida’s 22nd District: Vote for Col. Allen West for Congress!

That’s an order.

[Post ends here]


Anonymous said...

This is sad news but only to be expected. It is an uphill challenge that we have gotten ourselves into so no one should expect it to be easy.

"No worries, I am sure there will be more opportunities for me to address this issue. Hold the line and press on, we shall prevail!"

Looking forward to take up the next challenge for Col. West. He is already an icon of the true freedom-loving, anti-totalitarian spirit of the US of A which I feared was lost completely with the election of Obama.


MEscape said...

Issue on posting Col West Vids-FDI

The quarrels of friends are the opportunities of foes.
Please don't let this happen--> the last picture says it all

The Lion and the Three Bulls
By Aesop

THREE BULLS for a long time pastured together. A Lion lay in ambush in the hope of making them his prey, but was afraid to attack them whilst they kept together. Having at last by guileful speeches succeeded in separating them, he attacked them without fear, as they fed alone, and feasted on them one by one at his own leisure.

Reminds me of reading The History of the Ottoman Empire while riding in a van to "Constantinople" now called I Stand Bull.... I was very sad....

Hagia Sophia was immediately transformed into a mosque.

Thank you Baron

X said...

I really wish I knew why some people just take a flying leap off the deep end. This isn't even a case of one person turning against the rest to try and discredit them, it's people who are leaping at shadows and screaming that they've been libeled by innocent comments. Why? Things were going so well.

Proud Infidel said...

Too bad I live in the 21st District of FLA, because I'd vote for him in a New York minute. Col. West is a patriot and hero for his courage in standing up for the truth. God bless and keep you, Sir!

Zenster said...

Graham Dawson: This isn't even a case of one person turning against the rest to try and discredit them, it's people who are leaping at shadows and screaming that they've been libeled by innocent comments. Why?

A damned good question and one that can only be answered with the fact that these days way too many people simply assume the very worst in any given situation, even when there is no reasonable justification for it.

This is the usual "victim mentality" writ large and it does the counter jihad movement no good when we imitate Muslims by being so ready to take offense when there clearly is little to none intended.

Baron Bodissey's track record at Gates of Vienna is sufficiently well established to the point where it is unreasonable for someone to readily assume that a degree of due diligence was not performed. Protesting directly to Vimeo and having the subtitled footage summarily yanked can only be interpreted as an overreaction.

What harm would there have been in contacting Gates of Vienna directly and inquring about the provenance of the video in order to establish ownership? This whole affair smacks of hidden agendas and some sort of unseemly rivalry between those who would be best served by presenting a united front to foes who will not hesitate to leverage the smallest chink in their opponents' armor.

MEscape said...


"What harm would there have been in contacting Gates of Vienna..."

Vice versa....

Most will agree it is not beneficial to fan the flames. This could have been laid to rest in a New York minute. A wee bit of effort and alls well that ends well. Keep your powder dry and focus on "Sharia" issues.

Like this:
Hamas-linked CAIR smears anti-jihad Virginia driver as neo-Nazi

*notice who Post gives copyright credit for photo to?


Zenster said...

MEscape: "What harm would there have been in contacting Gates of Vienna..."

Vice versa....

Agreed, if the video's provenance was known at the time of its acquisition, then sufficient inquiry should have been made beforehand. No excuses.

MEscape said...

IMHO this has never been about copyright infringement or a letter from an attorney would have come as a certified letter.....

says it all:
The quarrels of friends are the opportunities of foes.

The Lion and the Three Bulls
By Aesop

THREE BULLS for a long time pastured together. A Lion lay in ambush in the hope of making them his prey, but was afraid to attack them whilst they kept together. Having at last by guileful speeches succeeded in separating them, he attacked them without fear, as they fed alone, and feasted on them one by one at his own leisure.

Who is the lion?.... ( Who is lying? wait? )
Who "Cairs"?

They (CAIR=Muslim Brotherhood))would be howling at the moon to see this infighting.

"Infidels by their own hands they will defeat themselves"

For the record: copyright laws fair use

Was there a letter from a Lawyer = NO

Who would benefit from this ??? Hmmmm
= CAIR would!

*notice who Post gives copyright credit for photo to?
Photo Credit: Courtesy of CAIR Photo

Who is at the Gates?

GOV and Vlad please do not grovel just bury the ax
(in the appropriate head - see picture down below)

...just apologize for any misunderstanding and focus on the "Real Issues"

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