Saturday, September 26, 2009

Allah’s Pimp, BOEH!, and Al Qaeda in Belgium

On Thursday our Flemish correspondent VH reported on Filip Dewinter’s remarks about Imam Nordine Taouil, whom the Vlaams Belang leader referred to as “Allah’s Pimp”. It seems that his words must have hit home, since the “youths” of Belgium have started rioting.

Below are several brief news reports on the latest from Belgium, as translated by VH. First, from Het Nieuwsblad:

Police arrest rioting youth in Antwerp

The police arrested five persons today in Antwerp, who wanted to participate in a non-authorized demonstration in the Kerkstraat in Antwerpen-Borgerhout. They refused to leave when they were asked to. One of them behaved in a very unruly fashion.

Contrary to what the police earlier reported, the event had nothing to do with the headscarf ban, but merely with the statements of Filip Dewinter, who had called imam Nordine Taouil “Allah’s Pimp”. There was also a banner confiscated with a slogan that was directed against Filip Dewinter.

Not connected with the event at the Turnhoutsebaan, another six people were arrested. One of them had thrown a stone at a bus. That brings the total number of arrests today to eleven.

And a response from headscarf opponents, as reported by Het Laatste Nieuws:

300 people demonstrate in Brussels for headscarf ban

Around 300 people in Brussels took to the street, in front of the building of the PM of the French Community, for a ban on headscarves in French-language schools. Such a ban should be imposed through a decree, according to the organizers.

The debate over the wearing of headscarves in schools is current, both in Flanders and in the southern part of the country, where some schools have already introduced a ban. The organizations that were demonstrating today in Brussels think the politicians should introduce a general ban on religious symbols in all schools.

Nadia Geerts, of the organizing RAPPEL [“Reminder”], called on politicians to make a choice “to urgently protect girls who are forced to wear a headscarf”. Among the demonstrators were also some parliamentarians, especially members of the MR [Mouvement Réformateur, Wallonian center-right].

But BOEH! is not letting up:
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BOEH! announces legal proceedings against headscarf ban.

The feminist action platform Boss Your Own Head (BOEH!) will start legal proceedings in the course of next week against the headscarf ban for students in public schools. The lawyers of BOEH! view the headscarf ban as an infringement of the constitutional equality and the Equal Opportunities Law of 2008. […] BOEH! is convinced that a lasting solution can not be achieved through unilateral, radical decisions but by mutual agreement and based on mutual respect in the interest of all parties.

And — possibly unrelated — an Al Qaeda cell in Morocco sponsored from Belgium:

Wealthy Moroccan Al Qaeda cell sponsored from Belgium

The Moroccan security services have rounded up a network of Al Qaeda terrorists: 24 people were arrested. The quite wealthy terrorist network was sponsored by donations from Western sympathizers, including some in Belgium.

Whether our countrymen have provided more than financial assistance is being investigated at the moment. According to a source close to the investigation, further arrests will follow.

This is the first time that a network was found operating under the direct command of Al Qaeda, and not through the Maghrebi Islamic branch (AQMI). The group had three goals in mind: an attack in Morocco, to train fighters for the wars in Afghanistan and in Somalia, and to prepare suicide bombers for Iraq.

The federal public prosecutor confirmed that he was aware of the Belgian link, but keeps his lips together. “The information exchange with the judicial authorities of Morocco is in full swing,” is all that the spokeswoman of the Belgian prosecutor Leen Nuyts wanted to say.


Zenster said...

The feminist action platform Boss Your Own Head (BOEH!) will start legal proceedings in the course of next week against the headscarf ban for students in public schools. The lawyers of BOEH! view the headscarf ban as an infringement of the constitutional equality and the Equal Opportunities Law of 2008. […] BOEH! is convinced that a lasting solution can not be achieved through unilateral, radical decisions but by mutual agreement and based on mutual respect in the interest of all parties. [emphasis added]

Gah! Traitorous Liberal feminists once again supporting Islamic causes! When will these "useful idiots" finally experience enough gang rapes and acid attacks to understand that Islam holds forth nothing but eternal misery for all womankind?

As to "mutual agreement ... based on mutual respect in the interest of all parties", somebody please tell me when has that ever existed in the entire history of Islam?

The level of self-delusion involved that is required to believe such patent nonsense is indicative of a pathology, be it physiological or mental. Either way, these Liberal "useful idiots" need to be restrained or otherwise politically disabled until their own platforms reflect a minimum degree of reality.

Protecting Muslim rights while being confronted with jihad and demographic replacement isn't just the usual Magical Thinking™, IT IS SUICIDE, PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

laine said...

"Allah's pimp", that's a good one, and an accurate description of any imam and Mohammed himself promoting a god that promises an eternal bordello as heaven with express lanes for particularly murderous adherents.

I'm still unclear on what's in it for women? Is their reward for a life well lived, to be virgins servicing men? Or is that women's hell?

Once I saw something referring to women having dwarves as servants in Muslim relief from housework is their reward for their travails on earth?

Or considering how Muslim women's role on earth is as dirt under men's feet, perhaps they are so inconsequential, Allah gives no more thought to a heaven or hell for them than he would for other beasts of burden, like camels?

Inquiring minds want to know...

Zenster said...

laine: I'm still unclear on what's in it for women?.

Strange as it may sound, "what's in it for women", is almost exactly the same as what's in it for men.

Namely, a life that is completely controlled during each waking minute, even regarding which direction to piss towards and exactly how to wipe your posterior.

Of course, for women the regulations are far more stringent and even less edifying, but who cares about a gender class constituting over half the human race that Muslims grant less rights to than many barnyard animals?

Western women, this is your last and final notice: Either fight Islam tooth and nail or forever consign yourselves, and every subsequent generation of daughters that come after you, to an eternity of spousal rape, violent physical abuse, second class citizenship and a level of degradation that only the most masochistic among you can possibly imagine.


laine said...

I was asking what's in Allah's bordello heaven for women if anything?

Eternal deflowering as a virgin by uncouth suicide bombers?

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