Saturday, July 18, 2009

All Left, All the Time

Laine is on a roll.

Gates of Vienna readers who delve into the comments are familiar with Laine, who comments here regularly and always has something interesting to say. I enjoy reading his posts because I almost always agree with him, and appreciate his rhetorical fluidity.

On CB’s recent post about Swedish public media’s radical Muslim darling, Laine had this to say (edited slightly for punctuation and clarity):

For “Swedish Public Media” substitute “leftist extremist media”.

For “extreme right media” substitute also “leftist extremist media”.

Then there’s no mystery why “both” give a terrorist-promoting anti-Semitic imam a soapbox. There’s no “both”. It’s a single extremist mentality and it’s found on the Left.

The Left’s enormous public relations coup is twofold:

1. They managed to ascribe their secondary socialist tumor — Hitler and the Nazis — to the right side of the ledger, on the sole basis that he turned on their favored communist tumor the Soviets. That was simply a falling-out among leftist thieves who had signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of co-operation dividing up eastern Europe. Then one of the thugs got greedy and the other thug joined with “the good guys” to save his own skin and ended up grabbing the loot he’d been promised by Hitler and running a worse criminal enterprise that set new records for holocausts.
2. The Left, according to the Gramsci protocol for cultural communism, infiltrated and came to dominate all western organs of public information, including public education and the media. This leftist-dominated media has consistently presented as “centrist” leftist views that have become progressively more blatant and extreme. Concomitantly, anything to the right of them is then presented as “extreme right-wing” and smeared with the poor fit of Nazism. That a few ignorant boys dress up in Nazi regalia and spout the meme that they are right-wing does not make it so.
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The Right — or conservatives, as I prefer to call us — has been absolutely lousy at the propaganda war. (If we really were Nazis we’d be a lot better at it). It’s the Left, whether Nazi or Soviet, that has a lock on this “talent”.

Conservatives are for liberty and individual rights. Both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia were totalitarian systems with significant similarities (including denial of individual rights and eventual anti-Semitism) and trivial differences.

Sweden has no extreme right (demanding small government) or even centrist media. It is all left all the time, call it what you will. How much more extreme can you get than opening your gates to people who declare their intention is to substitute themselves and their culture for yours?

Why are these crazy people allowed to get away with calling themselves moderates or centrists or hide behind double euphemisms like “Public (meaning government) media”?


Jedilson Bonfim said...

Conservatives are for liberty and individual rights.

Though I know conservatives and libertarians (and I describe myself as a member of the latter group) do have disagreements over gay rights and bans on drugs, fighting against tyranny and oppression of all kinds is certainly a cause around which all of us can rally in order to fight the commie and mahound-worshiping tumors brought up by Laine in his excellent comments. This certainly has to be the bottom line of our fight against mahoundian and leftarded threats to freedom and democracy.

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...

In the U.K. there is so much confusion over what is left or right wing politics that Thatcher, who history will prove to have been a neo-liberal is still regarded as a hero of the Conservative Party.

At this time there are no political parties of the free right in the U.K. and for that reason the jehad being waged in the U.K. will continue to go unchallenged for the foreseeable future.

sheik yer'mami said...

Today, in Europe, all and everything is either left, far left or extreme left. There is nobody in all of Europe that calls for small government, free enterprise and the right of the individual. Everything has been drowned in red-green sauce. If you want, you can have fries with that...

Baron Bodissey said...

Sheik --

You are mostly right, but there are a few small-government free-market parties in Europe. Vlaams Belang in Belgium is one of them. VB is more libertarian than the average Republican, and it is very popular in Flanders.

Zenster said...

That was simply a falling-out among leftist thieves who had signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of co-operation dividing up eastern Europe. Then one of the thugs got greedy and the other thug joined with “the good guys” to save his own skin and ended up grabbing the loot he’d been promised by Hitler and running a worse criminal enterprise that set new records for holocausts.

After several months of squawking about how you should be handing in essays here at Gates of Vienna, it gives me no small pleasure to see that the Baron has simply commandeered your work in a less than egalitarian fashion.

It's about bloody time!

The above summary is a splendid example of why I find your writing so appealing. My only objection is that we must be given a hijacked version rather than something of your own intentional scribbling. So, GET WITH IT, MATE!

. said...

Actually, Laine is easily fiskable by anyone with even a minimal amount of intelligence, as the Nodrog himself has proven several times.

laine said...

Anyone who talks about himself in the third person, especially to praise himself (since such praise is not forthcoming from anyone else) is beyond pathetic.

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