Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Paris Syndrome

Forget Stockholm: Paris is now the emblematic European capital for victims who would excuse their tormentors and identify with those who brutalize them.

Paris bus attackA couple of days ago I posted the video of a young man who was assaulted by several culturally-enriched thugs on a late-night Paris bus. Now the victim has come forward to tell his story to Le Figaro. As several readers theorized, he is indeed of a progressive mindset, and unwilling to think ill of the punks who attacked him.

Notice the points he is at pains to emphasize:

1. There was no racial element in the attack, and to prove it,
2. He notes that one of his attackers had pale skin.
3. People with radical political views will see this opportunity, and
4. He wants to make sure he has no part in that.
5. He was targeted because he appeared “bourgeois”.

In other words, to this unfortunate young man, the most important thing is neither to appear to be a racist, nor to give any aid and comfort to racists.

The fact that he was himself attacked by racist scum makes no difference. And never mind that these thugs could have easily harmed him far more grievously than they did.

Not being seen as a racist is more important than anything else, even life itself.

Here’s the full interview, my translation:

An account by the victim of the bus assault

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW — The victim tells how he survived the attack and the recent publicity about it.

Very poised, 19 years old and a first-year student at Sciences Po Paris, F. G. has not forgotten the assault on the night between the 6th and 7th of December: taken while leaving the Noctilien bus in Paris, he was beaten by four thugs. The scene, filmed by a video surveillance camera, was circulated on the Internet before sparking the controversy. A police officer suspected of having posted it online has been suspended.

F.G. revisits the events. In a Parisian station brasserie where he was preparing to take a TGV [Train Grande Vitesse — High Speed Train], he gave an interview “exclusively for Le Figaro, who found me first. Afterwards, I will say nothing. I want to move on to other things…”

LE FIGARO — What really happened on the Noctilien that night?
- - - - - - - - -
I spent an evening with friends and I was about to go home to the seventeenth arrondissement. I took the Noctilien Gare de l’Est, alone. I turned my back to four young men. While one asked me for a cigarette, the other went through my pockets. When I turned around, I saw one of them handling my wallet. On instinct, I tried to retrieve it. Then the confrontation began…

The attack on you, which was so violent, must have seemed endless to you…

From any spatial or temporal viewpoint, I have great difficulty in assessing what I experienced. Seeing the video, this allowed me to anchor the aggression against me in the real world. I only know that they drove me to the rear of the bus, where I was struck to the ground. In a second phase, I returned to the bus driver before being kicked and punched. As shown in the video, other passengers were also beaten, including a young man trying to rescue me.

And the driver, who remained seated?

I have nothing against him. It was very difficult for him to respond. He acted in his own way, following the rules: he immediately stopped the bus and phoned the police. Very quickly, on the spot, they arrested two persons, and their presumed accomplices a few days later.

Internet sites say that racial insults were made against you…

Personally, I heard nothing of the sort. These words, if in fact they were said, occurred in a context in which my attackers were on drugs or drunk. Moreover, they were not all immigrants. Video of my aggression appears to be very stereotypical because that evening I was dressed in a bourgeois fashion facing four youths who made a lot of noise. In any case, I don’t want to be taken for a certain social type who has it in for foreigners. I didn’t feel like that. One of the attackers in a tracksuit with a shaved head had a very pale color of skin…

How did you fare after such a trial?

Apart from a black eye and bruises, no injuries were evident. Two days later I went to see a psychiatrist at the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris who told me I seemed to have survived the incident well. Since then, I have been taking public transportation, and even the Noctilien…

This story came back like a boomerang through the Internet…

Yes, on April 6th a friend told me that a video was posted on Facebook. Seeing the link, I was about to ask the user who had posted to take it down. I didn’t realize it would be broadcast on such a scale…

This distribution seems to be as disturbed as aggression?

It’s true that the situation is very difficult, very difficult. Many of my friends were shocked by this diffusion, which harmed me. Disseminating these images on the Internet is very serious because they raise certain legal questions. There was serious confusion between the reality of this scene and its representation. The video was circulated on extremist websites and has been exploited by politicians. But I don’t want to be used. This subject is an opportunity for radical ideas and I don’t want to feed it. I had to get out of this simplistic caricature. To appear suddenly in the center of such a huge controversy is never very pleasant. That hurts me a lot, given that I was able to overcome the incident itself. I left Paris without hatred, to recover in a peace and quiet with my family.

Hat tip: Steen. Many thanks to Gaia for help with the difficult idioms.


Lazar of Serbia said...

Poor brainwashed kid... :(

Unknown said...

well knock me down with a feather, i never saw that one coming.
ladies and gentlemen welcome to the future of the white human race.
while being stabbed to death you must say out loud- i understand your pain, but please stop.

i despair i really do, there are no words.

Unknown said...

i hate to say this but, i actually have more respect for the scum that attacked him, than the so called man himself.
i wonder what he would do if they were molesting his wife or girl friend.
try to fight them off with some well chosen words from the marxist bible.
oh boy.

Armance said...

In other words, to this unfortunate young man, the most important thing is neither to appear to be a racist, nor to give any aid and comfort to racists.

I wouldn't blame this brainwashed kid too much. We've been conditioned to have this reaction, like Pavlov's dog. Racism is the capital sin according to the multicultural world order, and we act as sinners, endlessly repenting and asking for forgiveness. Remember the parents of Amy Biehl, the girl who went to South Africa to help those unfortunate, poor Africans and was gang-raped and killed by the very people she wanted to help? Her parents shook hands and hugged the murderers, asking for more aid and support to SA, in the memory of their child. Some Westerners have internalized so much this racism abhorrence, that even the death of their children cannot revitalize their survival instinct.

Charles Martel said...

THIS is what passes for a man in France these days? Europe is doomed. These craven parakeet males will not survive. I've no doubt he will fight on the side of the barbarians when the time comes. He has been stripped of his humanity and all that remains is the multicultural ideal.

Czechmade said...

Sort of Robert Fisk beaten up in Afghanistan and "deeply understanding" the guys who could not be wrong.

Next time he will be beaten not for looking bourgeois/white but for his publically displayed stupidity.

He killed the effect of the video.

Maurice might be write - sort of desire to be beaten evaporates of these cowards below the thugs integrity.

He might use this opportunity in media in a wonderful way. He might ask at least some ministers for resignation, when not speaking the words of Gate of Vienna.

Now he can ask only for a plastic operation "not to look so bourgeois".

He should call them cowards and ask for compensation from the bus company. If the thirdworldlers behave like this they can be prohibited from using public transporrt just like football fans.

If caught - face deportation.

Walk, baby, walk and walk and meditate on the usefulness of public transport. Baby, feel afraid of jumping on the bus, you might be discharged from France/Schengen space. Baby - a bus for you is anathema - the French border. La frontiere nationale. Payage.

PatriotUSA said...

3. People with radical political views will see this opportunity, and
4. He wants to make sure he has no part in that.

Ok, buddy, you go ahead and run with that. I will still call it as I saw it on the video. Typical, dhimmi coward whether these were muslim, asian, or pale skinned attackers. This is the attitude that of those will will waiver and fall in the fire of any conflict, no matter what the size.

czechmade said:

He should call them cowards and ask for compensation from the bus company. If the thirdworldlers behave like this they can be prohibited from using public transporrt just like football fans.

If caught - face deportation.

He should BUT he will not. Because he will not the thugs would not even think twice about attacking him again, because he has shown himself to be a coward, an easy mark for attack. If he wants to call me a radical so be it. I would rather be a radical willing to take a few thumps and give back alot more to such trash. Another reason I always am packing heat.

heroyalwhyness said...

Quote: " To appear suddenly in the center of such a huge controversy is never very pleasant. That hurts me a lot, given that I was able to overcome the incident itself. I left Paris without hatred, to recover in a peace and quiet with my family."

After such a cowardly and perverse reaction, he has no right to expect to find a Paris without hatred in which to recover a peace and quiet with his family.

This brainwashed fool can expect only to find more cowards/dhimmis willingly submitting - their wallets, their physical well-being, their wives and daughters . . .their dignity.


X said...

I have no particular love for the French (English pastime, make of it what you will) but even I know that this... "person" is not typical of the French people. Certainly those people outside Paris are nothing like this. Paris is not like much of the rest of France, which can be viewed as more akin to a conquered empire of les parisienne than a uniform country. Your average Frenchman will not behave like this man.

Of course we won't see that. Paris is the centre of France, and the place where all the luvies and the national media are located, so it will grab the majority of the airtime and he the place where most of these prissy, effete wimps are to be found.

The urbanites of these major cities create a false impression of the reality in a given country.

babs said...

Well Graham, I am happy to hear it because that is one pathetic response to being beaten and robbed on a public bus.

Afonso Henriques said...

"He was targeted because he appeared “bourgeois”."

I stopped reading there.
What the hell makes him come to the Le Figaro and say this? Here where I am, you would not have any female partner for the next 20 years or so...

You see, in the end, I am glad to know the scum attacked a scum bigger than them and that they did not... say, raped a young girl instead.
Because... damn, even I'd like to beat the hell out of this Frenchman.

Because he could only be French.

Piggy Infidel said...

Hmm. And I was defending this guy, saying no-one had the right to call him a coward just because he was unable to fend off 4 attackers. That still stands of course, it is self-evident that such foolishness will lead to you being stabbed, and in any case is totally impossible, unless you are starring in one of maurice's blood-spitting fantasy daydreams. Better to roll up in a ball and hope to survive, and next day, join the Front National or whatever political party advocates the mass removal of these vermin from your country.

But this idiot is now an apologist for those who attacked him, and an enemy of those who would make his country safe. I would suggest the words coming from his mouth do not match what he now feels in his gut vis-a-vis the growing numbers of Muslims and blacks in France. Maybe in the privacy of the ballot box, that will count. But I have nothing but contempt for such people. Speak out if you can, or keep quiet and vote if you can't. Anyone who aids and abets their attackers deserves everything they get, and more.

PatriotUSA said "I always am packing heat"

You obviously know we can't do that in Europe, if we do we go to prison. P-R-I-S-O-N.

Unknown said...

Luckily, his attackers did not manage to beat the suicidal liberalism out of him.

If a normal person who had been attacked started going on about a "spatial or temporal viewpoint" I would be worried they were delirious but this is a French college student after all.

Profitsbeard said...

"A Conservative is a Liberal who has been mugged."

Except in au contraire Paris.

Then it is an apologizing bougeois lickspittle coward.

And how racist of him to notice the skin color of his attacker.

As if that has anything to do with someone being a subhuman scumbag piece of crap.

All I can say of this fey little Frenchie is:

Merde alors!

John Sobieski said...

Good grief! Save Europe for the likes of him? Who cares. Now that's altruism.

Unknown said...

Let me just say if this sort of mindset is common throughout Europe, they're in far worse shape than I thought.

Western Europe probably won't make it folks and I wouldn't be surprised if Eastern Europe is heading in the same direction...

laine said...

This is some kind of mass hysteria, this fear of being perceived as a racist trumping one's right to basic decency. It trumps even the survival instinct..sort of "I don't want to live in a world where I could be called a racist. I'd rather be beaten to a pulp or die".

Whatever crime a Muslim commits, we are now to think that any adverse reaction to the crime is worse than the crime itself.

I find it hard to get my bearings in this upside down world where black has been made white and white black in both the metaphoric and racial sense of the words. Blacks in the time of slavery were not allowed to touch whites. Now the situation is reversed. Blameless whites are afraid to "touch" non-whites even with their face at the end of a black fist.

Unknown said...

'You are a flaw in the pattern, Winston. You are a stain that must be wiped out. Did I not tell you just now that we are different from the persecutors of the past? We are not content with negative obedience, nor even with the most abject submission. When finally you surrender to us, it must be of your own free will. We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us: so long as he resists us we never destroy him. We convert him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him. We burn all evil and all illusion out of him; we bring him over to our side, not in appearance, but genuinely, heart and soul. We make him one of ourselves before we kill him.'

From 1984.

Anonymous said...

From the same book:
"In the ramifications of party doctrine she had not the faintest interest.
Whenever he began to talk of the principles of Ingsoc, doublethink, the
mutability of the past, and the denial of objective reality, and to use
Newspeak words, she became bored and confused and said that she never paid
any attention to that kind of thing. One knew that it was all rubbish, so
why let oneself be worried by it? She knew when to cheer and when to boo,
and that was all one needed. If he persisted in talking of such subjects,
she had a disconcerting habit of falling asleep. She was one of those
people who can go to sleep at any hour and in any position. Talking to her,
he realized how easy it was to present an appearance of orthodoxy while
having no grasp whatever of what orthodoxy meant. In a way, the world-view
of the Party imposed itself most successfully on people incapable of
understanding it. They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations
of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was
demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to
notice what was happening. By lack of understanding they remained sane.
They simply swallowed everything, and what they swallowed did them no harm,
because it left no residue behind, just as a grain of corn will pass
undigested through the body of a bird."

Unknown said...

is that your answer to prevent yourself becoming a victim, to roll up into a ball and get kicked into brain damage or spinal paralisis, because the risk of being stabbed is too high.
i got news for you, if these people are going to stab you they will, if you fight back or not.
look at the cases where people have been mugged and then stabbed afterwards, we are dealing with animals.
dont be a victim, get a stab vest and pepper spray, and fight back and if you see an oppertunity to run then take it, but dont go down, that is the worst thing you can do, dont believe me, ask any self defence expert.

Spendios said...

For his defense I would say that he is a studient in "sciences po" which is a school where a lot of political servants attended.

It is well known in France that this school is infested with multicultural marxists.

This child is either indoctrinated or either intelligent enough to understand that if he criticizes the muslims, his career among the pc intelligentsia is doomed.

Conservative Swede said...

Before the Paris syndrome we had the New York syndrome. After the WTC attack the main concern of the media and the establishment was how threatened the Muslims were afterwards, racism growing etc.

Armance wrote:
Racism is the capital sin according to the multicultural world order, and we act as sinners, endlessly repenting and asking for forgiveness.

Whenever there is a crime committed by a Muslim or a black, the Westerners are quick to ask for forgiveness (yes it's the Westerners who are asking for forgiveness, crawling!) and gloss over the whole thing. And remember Robert Fisk in Afghanistan: "I would have attacked me too if I were them".

Remember the parents of Amy Biehl, the girl who went to South Africa to help those unfortunate, poor Africans and was gang-raped and killed by the very people she wanted to help?

Amy Biehl was surely thinking too, while being brutally attacked and raped, "Oh they probably think that I'm one of those evil racists, so I understand them. Quite an honest mistake since I'm white. How could they know?". If she had survived we might have heard her saying "I would have gang-raped myself too if I were them."

These people have lost their humanity. Not even Stalin or Mao deprived their people of their humanity in this extreme way.

Armance said...

These people have lost their humanity. Not even Stalin or Mao deprived their people of their humanity in this extreme way.

The most recent case of Paris-Stockholm-Biehl syndrome (March 2009) is that of Kate Puzey, a young American girl in her early 20s, Peace Corps volunteer, killed in Benin, West Africa, where she went to teach English.
The reaction of her father, Lois Pozey:
"It was a murder that could have happened right here in Atlanta ... I don’t want her legacy to be that people think it is Africa … they’re barbaric. She wasn’t killed because she was American"

It never ends...

Winston Smith said...

From what I read, he was a science student aka a nerd. He was the typical person at school who was bullied and never fought back. In another word - spineless.

Now watch the attack. He's doing nothing while the guy has his hand rummaging around in his pockets. He then turns around and continues to ignore them. Then of course another puts his hand into his pocket and takes his wallet/belonging.
What does he do?
He turns around as if it's a game and starts talking to the thief. If however he'd smashed his nose with his forehead, then he would have been able to take his belongings back without uttering a word and more so, not just the boy lying in a crumpled heap would have learned a lesson, but the gang would think twice about attacking after watching one of their 'crew' being utterly obliterated before their eyes.

I have no sympathy for him. It reminds me of the new Clint EastWood Film Gran Torino, who rips the piss out of the boy walking his neighbour home, when they're confronted by the black gang members.

It must be the fluoride in the water, as men have become feminised and have no fight in them, well the younger generations that is. If this is the stock we have to battle Islam with, we may as well start bowing to Allah now.

What a pathetic excuse for a human being that boy is. I hate to say it but he got what he deserved and didn't once try to fight back - coward.

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

Me too felt compassion for this guy just a couple of days ago. The interview he gave to Le Figaro however has washed all this away now. Some people thinks that when these dhimmis/apologists/multicultis/halalhippies themselves get culturally enriched they will change their minds. Obviously this theory turned out to be wrong which is extremely depressing.

Pinpoint said...

When will people learn that Multi-Culturalism simply doesn't work?

What more will it take? How many more innocent white lives will be lost before people begin to wake up and realize we are being slowly exterminated?

White people are in serious trouble and it's our refusal to acknowledge that trouble which will lead to our extinction. After contributing so much to the world, it'll our stupidity and pig headedness that will lead to our demise.

Zenster said...

"The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them."

— Vladimir Lenin —

Here we have Europeans going the capitalists one better by baring their own necks on the Muslim chopping block. Gah!

Charlemagne said...

Ugh - I hate that I was right about this guy.

I had previously thought the critical question was "Can Europe saved?".

Now I believe it is "Does Europe want to be saved?"

And if it does, is it to be saved from Islam or from itself? I believe the former is merely a symptom of the latter.

TT said...

It was 4 against 1 folks. This dude couldn;t fight back because then he might have had a couple of knife stabbings. And I think it is allright that he don't critisize a whole race for this. This is just scum and has not much to do with race or whatever.

Unknown said...

This is just incredibly weak. Apparently they assaulted a left-wing activist and still that wasn't enough to bring this guy to his senses. Like others before me said: "what would this guy do if his girlfriend got molestered?" Loserguy award 2009.

Unknown said...


Only one solution here.

Get a gun and use it.

traveller said...

Well, if he is attacked by racists, then isn't more than justified to not want to be a racist yourself?
Furthermore, how do we know the motive was racist?
Before one gets the wrong impression, I hate violence of any kind.

Peerenboom said...

To all bloggers who think Europe is going to the dogs: the comments on Le Figaro are by and large exactly the same as here. I'll translate just some of them:
'Amnesia or total brainwashing?'
'Lacks any sincerity'
'Glad I left France'
Hope they will be thrown out of the country after they served in prison'
Please, Figaro, now tell us where the thugs live.''

It's not all dhimmitude in France, or in Europe.

Félicie said...

Armance: "The most recent case of Paris-Stockholm-Biehl syndrome (March 2009) is that of Kate Puzey, a young American girl in her early 20s, Peace Corps volunteer, killed in Benin, West Africa, where she went to teach English.
The reaction of her father, Lois Pozey:
"It was a murder that could have happened right here in Atlanta ... I don’t want her legacy to be that people think it is Africa … they’re barbaric. She wasn’t killed because she was American""

Thanks for the link. The comments there are very educational.

"I was a volunteer in Benin 4 years ago. I was raped, and beaten. The peace corp did nothing to help me. I still have nightmares every night. Reading this article brings back so many painful memories. Why can't the peace corp just admit that dozens of pcv's are raped every year."

"My daughter was a PCV in Mocambique in 2004-2005. She came home early because she was raped by someone widely suspected of being HIV positive. She asked the Corps if they would get her in contact with other volunteers who had been raped, thinking it would help to talk to someone who had been through it. She was told that it had never happened before. Knowing this could not be true, she pressed them, but they stuck to that story. She was also advised, by a Peace Corps counselor, to "just think of it as a night of bad sex". Outrage does not begin to describe what I still feel 4 years later."

"On 10.26.2003 the Dayton Daily News ran a lengthy story on Peace Corps volunteers being raped and robbed. Entitled Mission of Sacrifice the authos were Russell Carollo and Mei-Ling Hopgood. It does not seem as as if Peace Corps has changed their practices to better prepare or protect the volunteers. Also unchanged is the Peace Coprs response to the victims and their families."

And responses:

"Kate is my cousin. Our family would really appreciate people refraining from posting hateful comments online. Kate loved the work she was doing there, and the people she was doing the work with. Several of our family members have actually been to Kate's village. It is beautiful and full of people that loved Kate. She was doing exactly what she wanted to do. Any person can be killed by another, as we see daily on the news here at home. Please respect that the legacy of Kate's work in Africa is one of an adventuresome, compassionate spirit doing what she loved to help those less fortunate. There are people all over the world, and within our own country that need the help and compassion of people like Kate. Please do not inspire fear that would restrict those that choose to help to have the ability and encouragement to do so. Kate would be mortified and angry to see people speaking badly of the Peace Corps, but even more importantly speaking badly of the people of Benin, and women in service. "

"This is a bad new. I was born and raised in Benin, but I'm shocked, furious and hurt about her death. The country has been always peaceful and welcome to foreigners and Peace Corps employees. There is no excuse for a death and should never be, but in name of all Beninese here in the State, I would like to apologize for this cruel death and present the condolences to her family. If you have the chance to see all the pictures she took, you will figure out that Benin and Beninese are more than nice and friendly and nobody should be afraid of doing what she always want to do for poor countries."

Oh, boy. How predictable! The responses of her family and cousins make me sick.

Félicie said...

Robin Shadowes: "Some people thinks that when these dhimmis/apologists/multicultis/halalhippies themselves get culturally enriched they will change their minds. "

"Get culturally enriched" - I love this euphemism! I am going to adopt it.

Czechmade said...

In German it is perfect: Kultur-be-reich-erer

or abstract - Kulturbereicherung

almost like bees landing on us - oh, the flowers. A polit haiku.

Papermoon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Baron Bodissey said...

Det Nye København --

Gates of Vienna's rules about comments require that they be civil, temperate, on-topic, and show decorum. Your comment violated the last of these rules. We keep a PG-13 blog, and exclude foul language, explicit descriptions, and epithets. This is why I deleted your comment.

Use of asterisks is an appropriate alternative.


Det Nye København said...

Well, actually I wouldn't make such a fuzz about that boy. He's just a s**t-scared lefty. Hopefully he'll vote different next time.

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

Félicie, here's another popular euphemism: surprisal sex in groups. I bet you can figure out that by yourself. I'm also sure that the PC crowd hates these sarcastic euphemisms.

Czechmade. In swedish it is almost identical.

Kultur-be-rik-are and

Zenster said...

TT: This is just scum and has not much to do with race or whatever.

You're absolutely right! This has nothing to do with race whatsoever. What it has to do with is Islam and the way that a huge number of Muslims feel that infidels everywhere are free for the robbing and raping.

If you doubt this, please watch convicted terrorist, Abu Hamza al-Masri, talk about how the kuffar in a Muslim country "is like a cow, you can take him to market", a euphemism for murdering and looting any infidel a Muslim might encounter.

This is what those Parisian thugs were doing and I invite you to argue otherwise. Yes, this is not about race, it is about a political ideology masquerading as a religion that promotes criminality, assault. theft, rape and murder all over the world.

las said...

One of the interesting things was that YouTube was alerted to the video and removed it at the behest of a loving and concerned servant of Allah... no doubt.

but really, I can only echo what maurice said... and he said it best

"well knock me down with a feather, i never saw that one coming.
ladies and gentlemen welcome to the future of the white human race.
while being stabbed to death you must say out loud- i understand your pain, but please stop.

i despair i really do, there are no words."

I too despair i really do too.


laine said...

It's been said that a "conservative is a liberal who's been mugged by reality", but it turns out that's giving too much credit to liberals.

They are like those cheap plastic toys wound up by ideological masters from university lecterns and the media/entertainment propaganda industry. Even when they hit a wall, they just keep spinning their wheels and banging against the same wall until they lie there broken...

Armance said...

Speaking of euphemisms:
Al Sharpton recently called the Somali pirates "voluntary coast guard":

Indeed, these liberals are so ridiculous that they sound like their own parody.

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