Monday, April 06, 2009

Obama: Fail!

This is amusing: in an MSNBC online poll, 56% of respondents give Obama either a D or an F for his performance in office:

Obama’s grade

Better go over and vote while you can. This will be very embarrassing for the Obamophiles at MSNBC, and they’re bound to take it down.

Hat tip: Robin Hood.

[Post ends here]


Anonymous said...

Bye Bye Obamamania

Avery Bullard said...

The poll is more notable for showing polarisation. Less than 26% give him a B, C, or D. Most Americans are on one extreme or the other.

Anonymous said...

The poll is more notable for showing polarisation. Less than 26% give him a B, C, or D. Most Americans are on one extreme or the other.

On the other hand, almost twice the amount are giving him a bad grade (D and F) than are giving him an A.

Profitsbeard said...

Obama is in a global popularity contest.

He'll do anything to finally get the approval of his missing daddy.

We have to suffer his pathetic psychodrama.

His ratings will be heading downward from here on in.

Only by becoming a victim of the Jihad would he ever regain any popularity or dignity in America.

But the Mohammedans would never harm their best tool.

laine said...

Agree the pathologic Narcissist-in-Chief belongs on a psychiatrist's couch dealing with his daddy and white hatred issues instead of in the Oval Office.

Proud Infidel said...

Could it be people are starting to wise up to our Fraud In Chief? From my own dealings with Obamatons I don't see any of them really getting a clue, though I have noticed the first hints of doubt creeping into their minds.

Of course, one poll does not a trend make, especially considering my own fundamental mistrust of polls. I wonder when will the O-bots at MSNBC realize how their poll is going and take it down?

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