Thursday, April 09, 2009

First in Line for the Bus to Hell

If you visit the City of Light, you may not want to ride public transportation after dark.

The following video, taken from security camera footage on a Paris bus, shows a group of “youths” violently attacking a passenger. It’s disturbing to watch, and if you are sensitive to violent images, you may want to skip it:

Eursoc has a comprehensive report on the whole incident. The policeman who posted the video online was arrested for doing so.
- - - - - - - - -
Nothing was done about the incident until the video went viral.

According to Eursoc, the French are exerting a lot of energy trying to get this footage taken down. Maybe that’s why it’s being hosted at the Russian video service RuTube.

France is the most Islamized country in the West. But make no mistake: this is the future for all of us. None of us will escape this vision of hell on earth unless we wake up very soon and throw out the traitorous rascals who have handed our countries over to those who would destroy us.

France is just first in line.

Hat tip: I was tipped to this one by so many people that I can’t remember who sent it first. Piggy Infidel sent the Eursoc link. Thanks to everyone else who sent tips about it.


PatriotUSA said...

This is what will be our future should we not rise to rid the earth from the malignant cancer of islam. This kind of crime is happening all over, wherever islam has gone,violence, persecution and death have followed.

The policeman who posted the video online was arrested for doing so.

This is extremely troubling. That the french cowards would arrest the policeman for having the balls to post this online. The french authorities should be ashamed and embarrassed but this is how they choose to deal with those who may be brave and honorable enough to step forward against the evil of islam. Seems to me that france ought to using all that energy to combat islam and islamofacism instead of wasting it on stopping this video from being shown. Coming soon to the USA: This bus could be on the streets of Washington D.C.

That is how musses always fight. Only when they outnumber their victms by great numbers. Seems like I read about that in the qur'an but I could be mistaken. Time to let the bus drivers carry weapons or ta the very least, pack some heat of our own.

Unknown said...

well after seeing that, i felt disgust.
not at the violence, but at the two victims, girly liberal men that wont even attempt to fight back, but just take it and then start crying. i thought they were reaping what they have sown.
its only when the liberal minded idiots start to feel the pain of the wonderful multicultural society they have created, that things will start to change.

Homophobic Horse said...

They don't think they have the moral right to resist, which is why they cower fearfully.

thll said...

Homophobic Horse - I suppose you have a point. But cowardice also played its part.

Woden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Woden said...

Something tells me the bus driver didn’t really give a damn!

Woden said...

If they had resisted and come out on top they’d probably end up in jail for assault, so it’s a lose-lose situation. Very depressing.

Robert said...

In ten years working on the Arabian peninsula, I have never suffered nor witnessed nor heard about about any violent street crimes directed at westerners. Terrorist incidents have ocurred, but the authorities have exterminated the terrorists without mercy.My greatest personal fear is alcoholic expat drivers.
On every visit I make to Paris I am victimized by pickpockets and witness assaults.
The French police never intervene to protect a victim of a group street crime when the "youths" are from parts of Africa.

Charles Martel said...

But make no mistake: this is the future for all of us. None of us will escape this vision of hell on earth unless we wake up very soon and throw out the traitorous rascals who have handed our countries over to those who would destroy us.

Thannk you, Barron, for this absolute moral clarity. Europe is gone. Once they wake up they will be outnumbered and even then the traitors amongst them will disrupt any effort to survive.

And yes, it will, and is, happening here.

Piggy Infidel said...

Some more info about this incident -

The Observers website (not the UK newspapaer) has an interview with a Paris bus driver ...

"Thierry Dendrael works as a machinist for the Paris public transport (RATP). He has already been assaulted twice during his work.

He says "The driver set off what we call the ‘discreet alarm’. This alerts the nearest RATP security post, who can then dispatch a team to the scene. The CCTV footage, which is recorded non-stop on a hard disk, is then sent to the criminal investigation department. The leak probably came from the police.

You can tell that the driver is at a loss. Had I been in his place, I would certainly have done the same. We’re not paid to get punched. You mustn’t forget we all have our own families. I’ve driven night buses before and I can guarantee that when you’ve got drunkards on board in the middle of the night, you don’t want to get into trouble. Amid the fear and stress, it’s very difficult to know what to do. Even if you later feel like you should’ve done something.

Over the past four to five months there has been an increase in violence and assaults, including sexual assaults, against passengers. Attackers know it’s less risky to attack any random passenger than to take on the employee of a major company such as the RATP.

When the government boasts of “positive figures” in terms of security, it isn’t talking about public transport. Figures for petty crime are certainly improving, but in some neighbourhoods you can get up to 300 assaults on buses every year.

There are 70 buses operating in the Paris region at night, so we can’t put policemen in each of them. We have to decide what we want: a society that is totally policed or one that emphasises prevention?"

And Charles Bremner at the Times Online website has this .....

"Hoods were in evidence in the week's most shocking episode: a six-minute video of four youths robbing and badly beating a young man in a bus in north-central Paris [picture at top. Victim with scarf just before attack]. They punched passengers who intervened, while the driver sat impassive throughout . The security camera video, from an incident last December, was put on Facebook by a police officer, and picked up by all the media. Extracts made the TV news but the police are trying to remove it from the net. You can still watch it here but beware, it's disturbing.

The police officer is likely to be charged for disseminating the video, which is circulating on far-right sites as an example of the ultra-violence committed by kids from the immigrant ghettos. The non-white attackers insult their victim as "sale français" -- dirty Frenchman.

The police say two of the youths were arrested on the spot after the driver called for help and a third has since been detained. The RATP tranport authority says that its bus drivers have orders not to intervene in defence of passengers but to stay at the wheel and press a silent alarm button. RATP drivers say that such attacks are fairly common on the all-night buses. "If you do not have money for a taxi on Saturday night, it's better to stay in the disco and wait for the morning," a driver said in today's le Parisien.

spackle said...

As someone who was a victim of such a swarm attack I have to say that as an individual, "fighting back" is almost an impossibility. Especially in such an enclosed place. Sure you may get in a few blows but thats about it. It happens so fast and is so violent that your mind is just left reeling. Getting the Hell out of there is your best bet.

Had the rest of the men on this bus got into the mix this would have been over very quickly. They would have been looking for the exit in about two seconds. By the way, why didnt the bus driver close the doors when they left the first time?

Afonso Henriques said...

And that's why I treausure a car so much...

Or the damned 10€ for a taxi...

Women are their favourite targets though. They yes, are really screwed.

Czechmade said...

It is not better in German cities.

If it is a group, it should be treated as an organized crime.

If more people attack less people, give them freedom to use any measures.
Why the Germans do not control "youth" on the street for knives is strange.

They have the leftist judges from their hippie/marxist 68 who give them minimum charges.

These people should be segregated from our societies before they could do something. A Guantanamo should be available in every EU country. Advertize the muslims as lost cats and dogs on TV to be taken by a muslim country.

You will see the results.

Czechmade said...

Advertizing on TV:

"This is Ahmed, he is young and violent. He did not finish the school. His father studied the catalogue of crimes called quran, ahadith, sira.

Look at the pictures, you can have them both in your sharia-mad country. They are both good muslims.
Give them your daughters (brain defficient)for regular violence exercise, they might calm down aftre years....inshallah, allah knows best - he is a Cartoon."

Unknown said...

when the so called man grabbed the bus drivers arm sobbing.
i thought of clint eastwood and john wayne, and anybody with some testosterone in them, and well where is dignity and pride and self respect. its gone.
can you imagen an ex soldier not fighting back.
what has happened to men.
proud men.
they do the things they do because they know we are weak former men.

its shameful. its better to fight and lose than meekly accept what is going to happen to you anyway.
at least you will be able to live with yourself in the morning.

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

If it were up to me, all this scum would be rounded up, city for city, town for town and put into camps where they would be sorted out. If their countries of origin refuses to accept them back, then I would fly them back anyway and drop them from the plane. If they're lucky and obedient, they'll get a parachute and that's it. Of course it will be unmarked planes in case the contries will complain. Then you can just say like Manuel (Fawlty Towers): I know noooothing!

As comment for the video itself, for the arabs, the young frenchie was nothing but war booty. It's a disgrace that the police who posted the video got arrested. He should have been promoted instead and his dhimmi-bosses should be sacked at least. Another disgrace is the passengers who does not intervene, not even using their cells to call for help and the same goes for the driver. It is obvious that bus-driver should be allowed to wear fire-arm just to protect their passengers. Unfortunately, that won't happen any day soon, thanks to all the traitors in power, who wants this to happen. They want their countries to submit to islam.

I don't think it is even possible to solve this conflict peacefully any longer. The islamization has gone too far. We need to get rid of the traitors first before we can change anything and I believe civil war is the only way to remove them from power. In the next few years it will explode all over Europe. It is hard to tell where it will start. France is one possibilty, UK another. Scandinavia is another possibility but once it starts it will probably spill over fairly quick to other countries.

I can't see any country in Europe becoming truly islamized. They are lousy soldiers, the only advantage they have is their aggression and cruelty. So in the end I believe they will be beaten but before then much blood will be lost and Europe will never look the same again. The irony in the whole situation is this. For all the wars fought during all the centuries, smaller wars as well as the truly great ones, this time the enemy comes from within rather than outside as before. So for the first time in history the natives of Europe might become united with each other as they all fight the same enemy. When this is over we will see a wholly different Europe than before, maybe muslim although I personally doubt it or something else. Meybe fewer and larger countries or the other way around, they split up i many smaller countries. Whatever happens we have interesting times ahead.

Piggy Infidel said...

Maurice says he "felt disgust, not at the violence, but at the two victims, girly liberal men"

Homophobic Horse spoke about them "cowering fearfully"

thll mentioned their "cowardice"

Were you all watching a different video to me? I saw one where lone individuals were attacked by a pack of animals, not four against four, but four against one. Ever been attacked in this way? Your first thought will be "thay are carrying knives, they all do, I am going to be murdered, right here on the spot, there are four of them". The normal human reaction to this is utter, paralyzing fear. That is neither cowardly nor girly nor a reason to be disgusted.

What a disgrace that you feel the need to sneer at the victims of gang violence.

And maurice, quit basing your understanding of reality on fantasy-Hollywood creations like Eastwood or John Wayne. Save your disgust for those who deserve it.

spackle said...

"its shameful. its better to fight and lose than meekly accept what is going to happen to you anyway.
at least you will be able to live with yourself in the morning."

True. In prison one must fight back or be a target forever. Even if he loses he will have gained the much sought after 'respect'. It is interesting to note that the victim in this video did indeed initially fight back. After scumbag #1 took his wallet (the shortest one in the bunch) there was a good 30 seconds of him debating what he should do. Then he acted. Had he done nothing, nothing further probably would have happened.

But he decided (as a man) to cross that threshold. Another guy towards the end of the video made a feckless attempt to trip one of the scumbags and played it off like it was some kind of accident. We saw how he was rewarded for that. Violence is very much like a gun. Dont pull one on somebody unless you intend to go all the way. This I think is the problem with most white Western males (especially Liberals). Violence is an abstraction to them. They think harsh words or a little shove is all that it will take to diffuse the situation. With each other that is mostly true. But with Muslims and most third worlders it is an invitation to extreme violence.

Like I said before. This guy didnt have a prayer from the very beginning. But if you are going to engage you better be prepared to go all the way.

Unknown said...

piggy infidile.
i have been beaten up by 4 thugs and i fought them untill i dropped from exaustion, then i shouted at them and spat my blood at them.
i kept my dignity, i would rather die than be a coward.
if every good man stood together this crap would never happen.
better a lion for a day ect.

Unknown said...

that little hoodie guy, i could have knocked him out with one punch.
they are scum.
and no jury will ever convict you if you fight back.
and even if they do well its a small price to pay for doing the right thing.
go to the gym, take your kids there, teach them to fight back.
do whatever you can to survive this horrible modern liberal cess pitt.
you cant rely on anybody to protect your self and family than you and yours,
its sad but true.

Unknown said...

ok think about this.
if that guy had been a rugby player, or a boxer, or a soldier, or even a football yob.
would he have taken that crap and gone crying to the bus driver.
no he would have been a man and gave a good account of himself.
the guy was a modern liberal that knows violence is a concept that never happens in the liberal society that he has created in the lefty utopia that he thinks he lives in.

give me back the 80s, life was as good as it will ever be.

Zenster said...

Paging Bernhard Goetz to the white courtesy telephone.

These thugs need to experience swift onset terminal lead poisoning. Little else will dissuade them.

If the Parisian police will not take action, groups of concerned citizens should set up posses that stake out the late night bus runs and dangle a "victim" as bait to attract "attention". Abrupt, overwhelming and intensely brutal retaliation should be the routine answer to such overt predation.

When enough of these thugs end up in the ICU ward as repayment for their law-breaking, they will begin to question the wisdom of their ways.

Homophobic Horse said...

"Violence is an abstraction to them."

"What a disgrace that you feel the need to sneer at the victims of gang violence."

"The normal human reaction to this is utter, paralyzing fear."

You're not a member of the shameful brotherhood of violence.

Czechmade said...

Obama Big Bow

Charlemagne said...

No offense meant to the many European readers of GoV but Western Europe is full of soft, effete, cowardly "men" whom I doubt could muster up the will and courage to fight back. I have to agree with Maurice that the reaction of the victims is almost as bad as those of the attackers. If French 'men' would fight back the risk to future attackers might be great enough to prevent future attacks.
It is similar to the difference in crime rates in states with conceal and carry gun laws and those without.
Although I wouldn't want to be swarmed there is no way in He!! my attackers would get away without serious injuries of their own.

What do you want to wager that the young men that were attacked are Left of center and vote for politicians that allow the kind of immigration that produces this kind of filth?

Pacifism is surrender.

Profitsbeard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Profitsbeard said...

Keep your eyes on people.

Learn some combat judo.

Fight to maim, fast.

It is not a game.

Darrin Hodges said...

I can't understand why they just took it, I'm not a fighter but I sure as hell would have given the little snot bag what-for, geez.

PRCalDude said...

Having just returned from Germany, I've got to agree with Charlemagne. I was the biggest guy I saw there, and I'm not a big guy. Most of the German men and boys seemed more interested in their clothing and hair than anything else. Some were so skinny they looked malnourished.

It's like this: many of you Europeans are unaccustomed to the wonders of 'diversity,' but it's upon you now and your learning curve needs to be steep. Buy/make a pistol. They are purchased easily there illegally from the biker gangs. Carry a knife. Learn to kill/maim quickly. Learn the dirty stuff.

I didn't see anything in Germany that compared to what's on this video, and I was looking hard. There's something way worse about France and the UK than Germany.

If you're up against 4 guys, you're going to get beat up, but you've gotta decide you can take it before you engage.

Anonymous said...

No offense meant to the many European readers of GoV but Western Europe is full of soft, effete, cowardly "men" whom I doubt could muster up the will and courage to fight back.

Doubtless this is true to a large extent, though not as widepsread as you might think.

Two years ago when Jack Straw (a high-ranking Blair/Brown flunkie) called the veil a "visible statement of separation and of difference" there were a number of underreported unveilings of Muslim women in Britain by random thugs.

The fact is that even the most hardened British soccer hooligan does, to some extent, respect the law of the land and takes his cue from the respectable class of people (i.e. the political class) and what they proclaim.

Aside from Islam, Britain is not a tribal society. Though it may come to that one day. If the social order breaks down then I'm guessing the Muslims will not be the only group who choose to disregard the law.

I agree with PRCalDude that every man has a right to a weapon and a right to defend himself. The "right to rebel" is one of the fundamental Rights of Englishmen, one of the traditions from which American liberty was born.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to say that the commenter who calls himself "Charles Martel" is of no help to anyone. If you want to argue that France and Europe are done for - dead meat - fair enough, but why do you insist on calling yourself Charles Martel? It's perverse.


maurice said...
well after seeing that, i felt disgust. not at the violence, but at the two victims, girly liberal men that wont even attempt to fight back, but just take it and then start crying. i thought they were reaping what they have sown.
its only when the liberal minded idiots start to feel the pain of the wonderful multicultural society they have created, that things will start to change

All you wise guys were partly answered by:

Woden, who said...
If they had resisted and come out on top they’d probably end up in jail for assault, so it’s a lose-lose situation. Very depressing.

It is even worse -- in Sweden - if the police is mixed in - you will in the end get convicted for having used exaggerated violence against the dear culture enrichters and you will be fined some SEK 3000-5000 for having defended yourself with some brio. It would be confiscating expensive to play Dirty Harry, I am sorry to say.

Never forget that you have all the blind, stupid, PK, corrupt, Gramscian legal system against you! You are the declared looser. You have to accept that bitter fact.


SORRY - How could I be so forgetfull! In most cases there will also be damages to pay to the poor victim in the size of SEK 5000 to 20000 or more. Being a sissy is cheep -- being a "man" can wreck you economically.

Read more about it here:

and here is an actual case:
An Offense Against Multiculture

Marian - CZ said...

The danger with guys like these is that they routinely carry knives and the situation can quickly turn from "we'll beat him up for fun" into "kill the dirty whitey".

Having practiced goju-ryu karate plus simple systems of self-defense for some time now, I think I would be able to confront 1 or 2 such guys, but 4 - no way. Maybe with Krav Maga, things could be different. BUT! See the next paragraph.

The talk about sissy effeminate men is pretty cheap. In order to be able to engage in street violence effectively, you actually need to practice real street violence. Training from a dojo is fine, but it is still training. In sport, you know that your opponent will not kill you, that he will probably not even seriously harm you, and that he will not produce any weapon.

Real street violence is very different.

- First, you usually do not expect it and you have only a very short time to prepare, if any. You may "buy" a direct hit on a chin without warning, and this can render you unable to fight back.

- Second, the adrenaline rush paralyzes you. Only people who have been exposed to life-threatening situations multiple times can really manage this adrenaline rush. If you experience it for the first time (or, first time in years), it just leaves you shaking and trembling. This is not cowardice, this is a primitive animal mechanism from millions of years ago.

- Third, you usually have no maneuver space.

- Fourth, the gangs know very well that numbers matter and that the very fact of being outnumbered intimidates deeply.

Frankly, the i have been beaten up by 4 thugs and i fought them untill i dropped from exaustion, then i shouted at them and spat my blood at them. attitude is a bit suicidal. Brave, but suicidal.

The West gained world dominance through the ability to apply violence with better organization and better weapons, and not with brave, but unsuccessful uneven fights. And, on the contrary, where are the brave Sioux or Apache warriors? Entirely forgotten.

If we are to win this clash of civilizations, we need to come back to the roots of our success: excellent organization + weapons. The first step is to retake our own institutions so that they actually stand on our side. Unless we manage this, we're done in, regardless of the individual fighting skills of lone warriors.

thll said...

The bias of European states in favour of non-Europeans notwithstanding, the ideal response to an attack by more than one that can't be avoided is to hit very hard the one making the most noise. Cowards fold even faster without a leader. Curling up into a ball and crying for mummy merely eggs these scumbags on. Now consider what would have happened had the four attacked one of the French rugby union internationals - the little guy would still be unconscious...

Zenster said...

Charlemagne: If French 'men' would fight back the risk to future attackers might be great enough to prevent future attacks.

Especially if that "risk" involved almost fatal or lethal injury. There's nothing like a near-death experience to reorganize a person's priorities.

Profitsbeard: Fight to maim, fast.

The crotch, throat and eyes are your best bets. When outnumbered, don't hesitate to fight dirty. After all, THEY ARE! If your arms are pinned, stomp on your assailant's arch. Use head butts. Make the SOBs pay for every shot they take in any way you can.

Marian: The West gained world dominance through the ability to apply violence with better organization and better weapons, and not with brave, but unsuccessful uneven fights.

And this is where posses come from.

Also, far too much of this incident and others like it are a direct result of overbearing socialist nanny states that gull their citizens into believing the government will take care of them in all situations. It discourages independent thought or action and beatdowns like these at the hands of bad-faith participants are the result.

laine said...

The lag period before the police turn up is long enough to get you killed. As Mark Steyn pointed out, they're now well paid yellow crime sticker pasters and after the fact report writers. And one of those reports will be about you using disproportionate force if you manage to survive and hurt one of your attackers. Even if the police arrive promptly, there's a new lag when they realize the attackers are non-white and they cogitate about the riots that will surely ensue if they hurt a single hair on the thugs' heads.

P.S. Where were the liberal peaceniks to "talk" the thugs into a cease-clobber? I believe they all ran off the bus...why not stay and admire their handiwork as they continually vote for politicians and immigration policies who bring in these undesirables.

Anonymous said...

Stick to what matters please.

The scum shouldn't be there in the first place.

I feel sorry for the victim. If he fights back, good. If he's not used to it, or never fought, then what are you gonna do?

Anyway, maybe next time will be different.

Also, there are plenty of tough guys in Europe. If they'd been on the bus, they'd have welcomed the chance to bust Arab skulls.

Another factor is, who the Hell wants to end up in a Froggie jail, full of 90% Moozlim scum like that?

But the real point is these scum shouldn't be allowed in in the first place.

Anonymous said...

The second guy who got hit was weird. Didn't even try to protect himself the second time, when he saw it coming. And he did nothing to help the first guy, then looks like he expects people to come help him.

Face it. They're like slaves on a plantation, or inmates, trying to figure out how to survive with the savages.

PRCalDude said...

The lag period before the police turn up is long enough to get you killed.

The lag period is also enough for you to take appropriate self-defense measures and run away before the cops arrive.

I ran away from the scene the last time I had to defend myself in the United States. I never heard anything from law enforcement later.

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