Thursday, January 08, 2009

The Mask Comes Off

Under the pressure of the Israeli incursion, Hamas has morphed into a criminal gang, utterly lacking in any scruple or concern for the people they purportedly champion. One must assume that their nature has been the same all along, but now the mask is off.

Stealing food and reselling it at extortionate rates, grabbing children as shields, forcing people to remain in their homes to increase civilian casualty counts — there is no form of criminal activity, no extreme of depraved indifference, to which Hamas will not resort.

According to YNet News:

Report: Hamas Stealing Aid Supplies to Sell to Residents

Grim picture of Gazans’ lives painted by reports emerging from Strip, claiming gunmen hiding in civilian homes, using residents as human shields, and hijacking trucks of humanitarian aid

A government or a gang? As the Israeli operation in Gaza wears on it appears Hamas has relinquished any visage of a socio-political party, abandoning its claim to govern the residents of Gaza in favor of engaging in open war at their expense.

A number of reports from the Strip paint a picture of very difficult humanitarian conditions, not least because of Hamas itself. The suspicion is that the group’s operatives have seized control of any supplies passing through the crossings — including those sent by Israel and international organizations.

Reports say Hamas takes a cut out of all aid that arrives, including flour and medicine. Supplies intended to be distributed without gain among the population is seized by the group and sold to the residents, at a profit to the Hamas government.

One such incident was recorded Monday, when a convoy of trucks carrying supplies through the Kerem Shalom crossing was opened fire upon and seized by Hamas gunmen. Similar incidents occurred with trucks carrying fuel.

In other cases, civilians are simply used as cannon fodder or human shields. Reports out of Gaza say residents who attempted to flee their homes in the northern area of the Strip were forced to go back at gunpoint, by Hamas men.

The organization is presumably interested in increasing civilian casualties in order to give rise to international pressure against Israel. Arab media reported that in an IDF strike on a UN school 30 civilians were killed, but there is no legitimate way to prove gunmen were among those killed as Hamas tends to bury these bodies quickly, thus eliminating evidence in Israel’s favor.

Other civilian complaints state that Hamas gunmen pull children along with them “by the ears” from place to place, fearing that if they don’t have a child with them they will be fair game to the IDF. Others hide in civilian homes and stairwells, UNRWA ambulances, and mosques.

In other reported cases Hamas gunmen hold civilians hostage in alleyways in order to provide themselves with a living barricade to ward off IDF forces. Reports somewhat more difficult to verify say the group’s men shot Fatah operatives in the feet to make sure the latter would not attempt a coup.

No one to turn to

These reports lead to the assumption that Hamas is attempting to exacerbate the atmosphere of a humanitarian crisis in the Strip, as this may promote an international ceasefire initiative. In any case the reports clearly show that the residents of Gaza have fallen prey to Hamas as well as the IDF.
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Reports of alarming shortages are also forthcoming, as residents appear to lack water, flour, electricity, and any sign of a capable government. Chaos reigns as no one appears to know when electricity will be available, how to obtain water or food, or whom to address in order to evacuate the injured.


Despite this, no authoritative anti-Hamas sentiments have been heard from the Gazans. However Palestinian sources claim that grievances against the group are voiced in secret. The animosity towards Israel has not disappeared, say the sources, but it is now accompanied by bitterness towards the organization many are dubbing Iranian in its extremism.

It doesn’t matter how brutal, callous, and murderous Hamas is. The residents of the Gaza strip will never turn against the terrorists, because hatred of the Jews remains paramount. The destruction of Israel trumps all other concerns. They will agree to surrender their property and their children’s lives rather than turn against the thugs who rule them.

In a similar manner, Hamas and Hizbullah will aid and abet Iran in its quest to vaporize Israel, even though millions of innocent Palestinians will be killed in the blast, or live downwind and will die of radiation poisoning later. But this will be of no concern to any Muslims, except possibly the victims themselves.

The only thing that counts is the welfare of the Ummah at large. It doesn’t matter how many innocent Muslims have to die, as long as the cause of world Islam is served.

Everyone should remember this fact when they watch the weeping Palestinians every night on the TV news.

Hat tip: AA.


Zenster said...

Stealing food and reselling it at extortionate rates, grabbing children as shields, forcing people to remain in their homes to increase civilian casualty counts — there is no form of criminal activity, no extreme of depraved indifference, to which Hamas will not resort.

As if this were not apparent from the very beginning. Islam is essentially a massive criminal enterprise and has been since its very inception. One need merely look at its treatment of women to understand the low regard held for women and human life in general.

It doesn’t matter how brutal, callous, and murderous Hamas is. The residents of the Gaza strip will never turn against the terrorists, because hatred of the Jews remains paramount. The destruction of Israel trumps all other concerns. They will agree to surrender their property and their children’s lives rather than turn against the thugs who rule them.

In a similar manner, Hamas and Hizbullah will aid and abet Iran in its quest to vaporize Israel, even though millions of innocent Palestinians will be killed in the blast, or live downwind and will die of radiation poisoning later. But this will be of no concern to any Muslims, except possibly the victims themselves.

The only thing that counts is the welfare of the Ummah at large. It doesn’t matter how many innocent Muslims have to die, as long as the cause of world Islam is served.

Thus beggaring the final question as to whether the death of ALL Muslims is an acceptable price tag. This is the ultimate extension of their logic and it should be presented to them in no uncertain terms.

This insane logic has already been extolled by certain Islamic fundamentalists who would rather see the entire earth cleansed of human life, with Muslims in their paradise and the Kufar in hell, than tolerate the existence of even a single follower of another faith.

The Palestinians' rabid anti-Semitism, even at their own extreme cost, is all the more reason why Israel must never accept any sort of idiotic "Two State" solution. There will never be any peace. The recent festivities in Gaza and lack of citizen resistance to Hamas war crimes makes this crystal clear.

The only alternative to simply exterminating the Palestinians is to thrust them upon their local Arab brethern who, amid their howls of indignation over Israel's actions, have NEVER volunteered to accept any portion of the Palestinian population upon their soil to end this madness.

Bush's sordid acquiescence regarding Iran means that Israel will likely have to go it alone. Perhaps with tacit American assistance but it clearly is up to Israel to destroy Iran's nascent nuclear arms program.

It can only be hoped that Israel will somehow manage to decapitate Hamas leadership during this latest reprisal. Hezbollah agitation in the North should be taken as an open invitation to finally execute Nasrallah and Meshaal as well.

Finally, this latest Gaza operation shows just how impossible it is to avoid civilian casualties when the general population is even partially complicit in the overall aims of the terrorists. There must come a time when near-total disregard is shown for these masses of terrorist sympathizers.

As always, Islam must be made to clean its own house. No one else is able or qualified to perform this onerous task. It is difficult in the extreme to imagine anything that will sufficiently motivate Muslim populations towards this goal save the ever-escalating loss of their own lives.

Change will come when Muslims are executing the jihadist elements in their midst that continue to bring death and destruction upon their cities around the globe. Until then it only will be more of the same until Islam commits some truly horrifying atrocity that initiates Total War on a scale of unimaginable devastation.

Henrik R Clausen said...

The first Muslims, at the Second Pledge of Al-Aqabah, promised Muhammad to wage war on all mankind, no matter how evil the circumstances and no matter how many of their nobles were killed.

Looks like they're true to their promise. Still.

Czechmade said...

Zenster - to be just - we have no means to find out about the vox populi in Gaza. The only unpublished source might be the number of tips coming to IDF to strike Hamas nicely.

It might be surprizingly big. How to get the exact idea? Maybe later?

Verbal opposition to Hamas would be swept immediately. The only reliable people would be those with arms. But they had no tunnels to get them. They could rely on Israelis... only now.

This process could be just in making.

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