Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Khalid Yasin’s Road Show

We posted a report here last week about Khalid Yasin, who was born in either Brooklyn or Harlem (depending on which source you read) and converted to Islam. Mr. Yasin spent some time in the UK and Australia, and then recently turned up in the Netherlands, where he is giving the Dutch government heartburn over the prospect of his incendiary preaching.

A choice quote from Khalid Yasin:

And how can you put a sacred trust in the hands of a non-Muslim? There’s no such thing as a Muslim having a non-Muslim friend. If you prefer the clothing of the kafirs over the clothing of the Muslims, most of those names that’s on most of those clothings is faggots, homosexuals and lesbians.

Now it turns out that Khalid Yasin is more than simply a Muslim firebrand: he’s a good old-fashioned shyster in the venerable American tradition.

While he was in Australia, Mr. Yasin raised money from investors for the “Purpose of Life” Islamic TV channel. But, as it happened, these investments were obtained fraudulently. Once the money was in Khalid Yasid’s hands it was used for no tangible purpose, and, when evidence of his shenanigans surfaced, Mr. Yasin was obliged to depart Australia somewhat prematurely.

An Australian reader named Francis wrote me last night:

Dear Baron,

I have uploaded a video of Khalid Yasin being exposed in Australia in 2005 by one of our journalists. I think this is the same guy you mention in your article ‘Waking Up to Find the House on Fire’. This journalist does a fine job of letting him hang himself! He used to come to our shores regularly prior to October 2005, but when this story broke he ran away overseas. It seems he was running from Muslims and our government who wanted to interview him! He had told big lies to the Islamic community leaders in Australia who were sucked in and were funding his comfortable lifestyle. They were investing in his projects, which turned out to be a total scam!

He won’t want this video to get around so if you can pass it onto someone who can put it to good use I have provided a download link below. The piece starts off slow but winds up with a big body blow followed by an uppercut. If I were in the city where he is speaking I would distribute the video to the organisers and ask them why they are hosting a lying thief who has defrauded their Islamic brothers and sisters in Australia. I would ask them if the ‘Khalid Yasin’ who they are promoting is following the example of Muhammad!

Kind regards,

Henrik Ræder Clausen has kindly downloaded Francis’ video file of the ninemsn TV exposé and posted it at Google Video:

Below are some relevant quotes from this video:
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SARAH FERGUSON [of ninemsn]: By the time we’d discovered Yasin’s brochure [on his UK media operation], Yasin had left the country on an overseas trip. We put its claims to the new managing director of IBC Australia, Walid Ali. IBC in the UK claims it’s building a massive £2 million broadcast centre. And that broadcast centre is under construction now. In fact it’s supposed to be ready now. Have you seen it?

WALID ALI, MANAGING DIRECTOR ISLAMIC BROADCASTING GROUP: I will be very honest with you. I don’t know a great deal about their operations but I do know that that facility has not been built as yet. Obviously with any organisation, any business venture that you take on, there will be unexpected delays. I’m sure they’re having some unexpected delays.

SF: The idea of a Muslim-owned TV station was very attractive to Muslims here, and the brochure was crucial. Yasin used it to convince them that the UK operation was worth investing in. We’ve spoken to people who attended fundraisers in Sydney run by Yasin. At one event last year, $90,000 was pledged in a single evening. We’ve also seen bank documents transferring almost $50,000 of that money to a bank account in the UK in the name of one of Yasin’s companies.

The question is — what happened to that money?

This is the real technology park in Coventry and there is no broadcast centre because the brochure is a work of fiction, indeed fraud. Yasin’s only connection with the Coventry Technology Park was a small office space rented out by his UK associate Channel Islam. According to the company which leases space here, Channel Islam broke its lease last year and is being pursued by debt collectors. None of these groups is collaborating with Yasin. The sums don’t add up and the drawings were lifted from someone else’s brochure.

MUHAMMAD ALI, ISLAM CHANNEL, UK: I don’t think now after this long time of promises that channel is going to start broadcasting tomorrow, after tomorrow, next week, next month, next year I don’t think there is much credibility left for such promises.

The full transcript is available at the ninemsn website.


Czechmade said...

So he killed the project or the islamic will to sponsor other islamic media frauds?
Not bad.

Sir Henry Morgan said...

He was prominent in the Ch4 "Despatches" program "Undercover Mosques".


babs said...

Let him abscond with their money... Let them realize that "their cause" is not quite as righteous as they thought.
I say "go pal, siphon off the bucks from the good and holy and spend it on girls, booze and hotel rooms."

Henrik R Clausen said...

As I've pointed out before, Islamic 'charity' is a breeding ground for fraud and corruption.

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