Saturday, January 10, 2009

“Gaza Has Made Me Radical”

Our Swedish correspondent CB sends along a translation of an op-ed by Mohammed Omar, until recently considered one of Sweden’s prominent “moderate” Muslims.

First, a prefatory note from CB:

This is an article from one of the big tabloids in Sweden, Expressen, by a former “moderate” Muslim — Mohammed Omar, by his father from Iran and by his mother from Sweden. He is the editor of the Muslim magazine Minaret and a self-styled poet. Omar has become quite famous in Sweden as a Muslim who is willing to have dialogue between people of different faiths — even Jews. Yesterday (January 9th, 2008), he wrote the article in Expressen and explained why he has become a radical.

I suppose it’s one of many such stories. But in this case it’s a high-profile and lauded “moderate” who has “become” an Islamist, by his own words. And I have seldom seen a “moderate” come out in such a hot-headed fashion before, with the entire Islamist vocabulary and victim-status painted all over at once.

Besides the normal complaints from Muslims about massacres and a bloodbath in “Palestine”, we get the more interesting statements from Omar about the Zionist conspiracy against Islam, since they (the Zionists) know that Islam is the only force able to withstand the great onslaught by the West. Not so usual is a part-Iranian praising Khomeini, and this an Iranian outside Iran. Note that this guy actually thinks Khomeini is a great leader, worthy of emulating. His exhortation of sexual child-abuse, violence, torture and jihad incitement too? Why does Omar think so many Iranians want to escape his paradise?

Irshad Manji as an Zionist? Give me a break! But she’s not an Islamist, so I guess that sets Omar’s standard.

I think it’s revealing that someone who claims to become more Muslim is taking this path, cheering on people with genocidal views who aim to destroy the free world. The same part of the world which has given him freedom of expression and security from police coming in the night to pick up dissidents.

It’s interesting that he says he wants THE religion (Islam) to guide politics and the constitution. I’m quite sure gullible people don’t know that this means the implementation of the Sharia, and not just religious influence on public life (as in the West).

In my mind, he’s either a Islamist who at last has showed his real face — and that’s good for the public to know — or he’s a young man committing intellectual suicide, because of his desperation in the face of war. Ironic that Islam should be the motivating factor for this. Have we seen this before?

It reminds me of how fear has claimed the very best before, so let me end with a paraphrase of emperor Palpatine’s words: “Rise my friend. You shall henceforth be known as Mullah Omar!”

Now for CB’s translation of the Expressen article:

Gaza has made me radical

Last week was the first time I ever demonstrated against Israel. In my heart I have always been against Israel’s bloodstained oppression of the Palestinians. But I hadn’t taken the step of getting involved in the issue until now. The latest bloodbath was just too much. I felt I had to openly make a stand. But not just that. I decided to support Hams and Hizbullah — the Islamic resistance movements.

The ongoing massacre in Gaza is just the culmination of the 60 years of ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Israel, while the international community has watched with disinterest or impotence. The demonization of Muslims has been and is a important part of Israel’s psychological warfare during recent years, because they know that the source of the strong resistance against the USA and Israel’s colonial enterprise is Islam. That’s the belief that gives them strength to fight. That’s the belief that unites and guides them. The propaganda against Islam, spewed forth by Zionists like Bat Ye’or, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan, Robert Spencer, Irshad Manji, and the like, and then distributed with fanatic fervor through neoconservative networks, shows that its in their interest to undermine Islam, destroy the view people have of Islam, remove sympathy for Islam, scare people away from Islam.

They have been fairly successful. That’s why Palestinians don’t get the support they should have. People buy into the slander about Muslims hating people because they have another faith or lifestyle. And that’s the reason they fire rockets. My answer is to become more Muslim, that is, a political Muslim. I refuse to be demoralized. My choice is to become radicalized.
- - - - - - - - -
Each time I have written a critical article about Islamism, a view of the religion as guiding the constitution, I have been applauded by journalists, talking heads, and bloggers. Why? Every step to de-politicize the religion is actually a step forward for the Zionists. They know that socialism doesn’t stand a chance. It’s dead in the Middle East. They know that virtually all ideologies from the West have been complemented by war, torture and occupation. Islamism is the only ideology that have any credibility among the masses. And it’s the only ideology that has any viable chance to overthrow the corrupt despots.

During these days I have been sitting in front of my TV, heartbroken, and seen Israel’s mass slaughter of children, women, and the elderly while the despots in the Arab world mumble, explain away, or blame the oppressed for resisting. Some of them, like Hosni Mubarak, are in all probability part of the plot against the people of Gaza.

The despots of the Arab world fear Hamas because they fear democracy. The divide between the people and their leaders, the lackeys of the USA, is growing by the minute. Islam is a faith that demands a stand against oppression and injustice. To be vegetative and thinking of yourself is incompatible with the demands of Islam on us. This is my insight. That is why I have become a radical Muslim.

Whenever there have been democratic elections in the Middle East, Islamist parties have won power. FIS in Algeria and Hamas in Palestine. Even in Iraq, in spite of the elections held under American occupation. If democracy ever gained a victory in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood would take over in an instant. What’s needed in Egypt is a leader of Khomeini’s caliber. He who led the triumphant uprising against the US-agent Reza Pahlavi. A leader like that would open the Rafah-crossing and send in help at once. Khomeini is a role-model for the Islamic resistance.

The Muslim countries need to unite in a federation or a union like that of the EU or USA. That is to be able to defend their populations against colonialism, exploitation and oppression from the west. Therefore I join the worldwide Islamist movement and therefore I now support Hamas, Hizbullah, and Iran. I am a radical Muslim. And I say that with pride.

Mohammed Omar 2009-01-09

Reinhard of FOMI adds these brief items, drawing from comments on Swedish blogs, comments on the Expressen article, and other sources:

From Björn Wiman’s blog, the culture editor of Expressen. Quote: “Omar’s example bodes ill. Not least since it may equate Islam and Islamism, regular Muslims and political extremists.” Another condemning quote from a mainstream liberal heavyweight.

A quote from the comments section to Omar’s article, from a Magnus Braemer: “Mohamed, you are my enemy.” The overwhelming majority of all the comments are in the same vein — and this in the Swedish MSM.

“There’s something sad about someone who voluntarily throws himself over the cliff.” — Translation of the last line in a blog post by Karl Rydå, ledarskribent (opinion editor) at Upsala Nya Tidning, which has previously published several articles by Omar in defense of Islam. It is interesting to note that Rydå has also published criticism of “Islamophobia” in UNT and Expo.

This is from Sanna Rayman, one of several opinion editors at Svenska Dagbladet. One quote from her take on Omar’s article will suffice: “There are so many awful and sad quotes in his article that I hardly know which one to choose”.

These two quotes are from heavyweights in the Swedish MSM. Omar has burned his bridges even with the usually pro-Islamic liberal elite.

This is from Omar’s own blog. A guest essay by Lasse Wilhelmsson, who is friends with Holocaust revisionist Israel Shamir and defends Radio Islam, an anti-Semitic propaganda site whose owner associates with neo-Nazis. More info on him here.

Note especially the picture on Omar’s blog depicting Israelis as Nazis, a classic motif of anti-Semitic propaganda.


MacD said...

Funny that he makes no mentions of the 7000+ rockets that the Paleos have fired into Israel. Inconvenient.

Joanne said...

"Islam is a faith that demands a stand against oppression and injustice." by Omar

What planet does this guy live on? You can't rationalize with someone whose thinking is so out of line with reality.

Omar sounds like the Muslim I know who tries not to be too religious - well it sounds like Omar failed at his trying to be not too religious; I guess it got the better of him. The war between Israel and Hamas is a war between religions. The weird thing is is Muslims even fight other Muslims they do not agree with.

Genesis 16:12 "He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers."

This is the angel of the Lord speaking about Ishmael, a son Abraham had with Sarah's Egyptian maidservant, Hagar. God did not establish an everlasting covenant with Ishmael nor any of this decendants. Ishmael had 12 sons and their names were of the 12 tribal rulers according to their settlements and camps. "And they live in hostility toward all their brothers." Genesis 25:18(in part)

Zenster said...

So, let me get this straight ... When Mohammed Omar claims that, “Gaza Has Made Me Radical”, he's trying to tell us that Israel's long delayed response to decades of deceit, routine betrayal and vicious terrorist attacks is cause for Muslim radicalism. Isn't it a bit like claiming that aggression against Germany during World War II is reason to be a Nazi?

This whole Zionist Conspiracy™ drivel is wearing rather thin. Especially in light of how Muslims in all quarters conspire to destroy Western civilization. Omar's claim of "ethnic cleansing" crumples in the face of his Holocaust denial and Palestinian demands for genocide against the Jews.

The propaganda against Islam, spewed forth by Zionists like Bat Ye’or, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan, Robert Spencer, Irshad Manji, and the like ...

Nice trick there, labeling the educational efforts of such dedicated individuals as "propaganda".

They have been fairly successful. That’s why Palestinians don’t get the support they should have.

Ummmm ... no. Support for the Palestinians is waning due to donor fatigue after some SIXTY YEARS of feeding, clothing and housing one of the most thankless groups of sodding terrorist maggots on this entire planet. Build them a house and they use it for a sniper outpost and then wail about being homeless when the Israelis bulldoze the place. How many more houses do they expect should be built for them?

People buy into the slander about Muslims hating people because they have another faith or lifestyle. And that’s the reason they fire rockets.

The foregoing is a conceptual leap so disjunct that there can be no critique of its supposed reasoning. It makes absolutely no sense. However, it is a splendid example of the irrational "logic" so dear to cognitively dissonant Muslim hearts.

The despots of the Arab world fear Hamas because they fear democracy.

Again ... no. Arab tyrants, if they even fear Hamas, fear it because they rip the mask off of Islam's blather about being The Religion of Peace. Further, Hamas' ultra-violence gives Israel a proper mandate to crush the Palestinians for once and all. This is what they fear most.

Any resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian crisis would suddenly shift the spotlight onto numerous corrupt Muslim regimes that have demanded Middle East peace as a prerequisite before any reform can happen within their own borders. Hamas has effectively instigated a genuine war and one that Israel could potentially win.

Ever since several resounding military defeats at Israel's hands, Muslim powers have always attempted to wage low-level terrorism against the Jews as a substitute for overt warfare. The genocidal mandate of Hamas has ratcheted this entire conflict back up to actual military warfare and this is probably making many Muslim tyrants rather anxious. All that remains to be seen is whether Israel has the courage to see this entire farce through for once and all.

Whenever there have been democratic elections in the Middle East, Islamist parties have won power. FIS in Algeria and Hamas in Palestine. Even in Iraq, in spite of the elections held under American occupation. If democracy ever gained a victory in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood would take over in an instant.

All of which has nothing to do with democracy but is more an indictment of the idiotic Muslim preference for tyrannous government.

What’s needed in Egypt is a leader of Khomeini’s caliber … Khomeini is a role-model for the Islamic resistance.

Priceless. Effing priceless. Let’s all recall Khomeini’s luminous tract about when and where an animal can be sold after being sexually abused by a Muslim.

“A man can have sex with animals such as sheeps, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.” — From Khomeini's book, "Tahrirolvasyleh"

Clearly, Mohammed Omar is just another goat abuser who is struggling to get one hoof out of the closet.

laine said...

The West is now full of these ticking time bombs. Any Muslim can be "radicalized" at any time because he has been programmed along with his mother's milk in the Koran and Mohammed's example.

One day, the connect is made for him that he actually has to follow the script therein and wage war on infidels. This is the genius of Islam, a giant brainwashed cult who are free agents as to when and how they strike against non-Muslims.

When will this programming be recognized by Western countries who should close immigration to Muslims? They are manageable at the 2% level but very problematic at 10% as France is about to find out.

Mind you, it wouldn't stop them from lying that they are Arab Christians or atheists to get in. Any takiya is allowed to gain strategic advantage for Allah.

Choices for infidels under Muslim rule are only three: 1) conversion to Islam 2) dhimmitude, living as second class citizens paying extra taxes with few and tenuous rights, bowing to sharia law and c) death.

There is no multicult alternative that the Western Left has lied about: "live as equals with mutual respect".

Islam is supremacist. The evidence is not just written in their holy books but visible in every Muslim state. No non-Muslim has equal rights to a Muslim.

That is our future under Islam and the wilful blindness to this obvious fact is bizarre. Instead of believing our eyes and evidence, we choose to believe our lying leftist media. Why? said...

Actually I liked this bit the best..
"remove sympathy for Islam"
To paraphrase Christopher Hitchens, Islam, a powerful geopolitical force that controls much of the worlds energy, trillions of dollars and entire nations also demands to be seen as a weak and fragile group that needs special protection from any words or ideas it may find offensive while working at every political level from the UN to street violence to destroy our freedom of speech and protection for any other group.

laine said...

Islam's overweening sense of grievance and entitlement would have gotten it the scorn it deserves without its leftist enablers handing it forums such as the UN, EU and as much credibility as academia and the MSM can still gift.

The Left thinks it's using Islam as a battering ram to break conservative institutions that are the bedrock of Western society so they can remake it into a communist utopia.

a) they're unbelievably stupid to think a communist utopia is achievable (even with great loss of life...they don't shrink at loss of life...a hundred million dead didn't achieve it)

b) they're unbelievably stupid to think that their weenie anti-military selves will be able to control their sorcerer's apprentice Islam.

c) like idiot savants, they are simply genius at propaganda and owning most channels of dissemination including the classroom.

Conversely, that's the conservative's fatal flaw. It's no use having the better ideas that work if you can't get them out there and convince the masses.

Anonymous said...

What planet does this guy live on? You can't rationalize with someone whose thinking is so out of line with reality.

It's real easy, once you understand that what a Muslim means by "oppression" and "injustice".

Oppression: Islam isn't top dog
Injustice: Sharia law isn't the law of the land

Perform the appropriate substitutions and what he's saying is easily understood.

Czechmade said...

Try to ask some Iranian from Sweden about Omar. The response will be probably sobre "payed agent".

Same with the communist immigration in the past - the West harboured thousands of fake refugees-agents watching them quitely disrupting our real opposition.

Nannette said...

Is there really such a thing as an Islamic moderate?

xlbrl said...

This fellow had done a service. Fair warning as to what it means to be moderate in Islam.
It reminds of those moderate Nazis.

Afonso Henriques said...

This is very interesting:

"The despots of the Arab world fear Hamas because they fear democracy. The divide between the people and their leaders, the lackeys of the USA, is growing by the minute. Islam is a faith that demands a stand against oppression and injustice."

The above should penentrate the head of those many American neocons who want to export Democracy for the world.
Democracy is not an absolute vallue. Think about it.

"Whenever there have been democratic elections in the Middle East, Islamist parties have won power. FIS in Algeria and Hamas in Palestine. Even in Iraq, in spite of the elections held under American occupation. If democracy ever gained a victory in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood would take over in an instant."

Indeed. That's the will of the muslims and I don't care about what they do on their deserts as long as they cannot reach mine Civilised place, be it Curitiba, Chicago, Camberra or Athens...

And, do you know what will slowly happen? And more than just happen, it will be embraced by the current moslem elites as soon as they realise that it is "the future"? This will:

"The Muslim countries need to unite in a federation or a union like that of the EU or USA. That is to be able to defend their populations against colonialism, exploitation and oppression from the west."

In other words, the Ummah or Global Caliphate. I say: Bring it in!

Afonso Henriques said...

"“A man can have sex with animals such as sheeps, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.” — From Khomeini's book, "Tahrirolvasyleh""

Zenster, I only come up with the internet expression known as "lol"...
This shows how totalitarian islam(ism) is, and by extension, multiculturalism as well.

It also shows how Khomeni thought about everything...



"The West is now full of these ticking time bombs. Any Muslim can be "radicalized" at any time because he has been programmed along with his mother's milk in the Koran and Mohammed's example."

Indeed. But what is the most worrying is when even Swedish milk can program you to such a... that's the sign that something is terribily wrong.

no2liberals said...

An Iranian with the name of "Omar?"
He's definitely not of Persian descent, but one of those Arabicized Iranians.
Any true Persian would be skeptical of anything he has to say, before or after his radical conversion.
The mask has come off.

Afonso Henriques said...

Iran is full of Arabs and Turks, the Achmenids survived only in the East of Iran and Afghanistan and also they say a little bit in South-West Iran. Even in Afghanistan, there are many Turks and Mongolians...

It's not by chance that there os no Persia any longer...

Czechmade said...

Afonso, what a nonsense?

West Iran is just South Azerbaijan. Look at Baku in the North A.

Very few Arabs in tiny Khuzistan.

Your Turks and Mongols are probably simply Uzbeks.

The most westernized Province in I. is Gilan.

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

God knows how many of these manchurian candidates we have, who is infiltrating our institutions and could be radicalized any day. Ticking time bombs they are indeed. Thank god this fifth columnist Omar exposed himself for what he really is. Ironic that he seems to be half-blood. Why does in all these cases always the dark side win over them?

no2liberals said...

Afonso, Iran is slowly being made into an Arab land. Most true Persians fight back covertly. A child in Iran will not be issued a birth certificate unless it has an Arabic name, and not a Persian name. So the child is given a formal Arab name, but is always known by it's Persian name. The Iranian authorities try to stamp out all cultural aspects of Persians, but they still have their secret Norooz celebrations.

Zenster said...

Nannette: Is there really such a thing as an Islamic moderate?

There might be but the thing to remember, and what the vast majority of non-Muslims simply do not understand, is that there is no moderate Islam.

Moderate Muslims are MINO (Muslims In Name Only). One cannot be a devout Muslim and willingly coexist with any other faith on an equal basis. It is this triumphalist aspect, when combined with Islam's apocalyptic nature, that makes it so dangerous. It is also what so assuredly presages Islam's extinction as well.

Even if Europe and America fell entirely into Muslim hands, Russia and China would not hesitate to exterminate every Muslim on earth if they proved too troublesome. And it is a given that Islam will prove too troublesome. It is only a matter of time before one of this world's nuclear powers finds it more difficult to live with Muslims than it is to live without Muslims. And, as always:


Hesperado said...

Quoting Omar -- "They have been fairly successful. That’s why Palestinians don’t get the support they should have" -- Zenster wrote:

"Ummmm ... no. Support for the Palestinians is waning due to..."

Both are strangely wrong. Anti-Israel sentiment has been growing throughout the West over the past 25 years, and it has never been stronger than now. Meanwhile, "Palestinians" (and Muslims in general) have been increasingly defended in a perversely paradoxical way in the years after 911. Indeed, with each terror attack, the dominantly mainstream PC MC crowd throughout the West digs in its heels of defense of Muslims and demonization of so-called "Islamophobes". And when the mainstream is not overtly doing this, they are doing so by omission.

We who are awake, who "get it", who demonstrate the rationality to recognize Islam for the menace it is, are unfortunately still in the minority throughout the West. While one does see incipient, incremental signs of an increase in size and influence of our minority, one must also be grimly realistic about our continuing underdog status.

Sometimes I get the feeling from many in the still inchoate Anti-Islam Movement that they have a strangely unrealistic, exaggerated sense of their own numbers among "ordinary" people: an analogy would be one of those has-been washed-up celebrities from Branson, Missouri thinking they really have fame and that Hollywood "doesn't matter", when obviously the sheer numbers, worldwide influence, and money would indicate overwhelmingly otherwise.

The Hesperado

Hesperado said...

"Afonso, Iran is slowly being made into an Arab land."

Huh? I find this Myth of the Anti-Islamic Persian Majority amusing. Persia was conquered by Muslims in the 7th century. Persian culture was ruthlessly persecuted and purged by Muslims for centuries afterward. Over time, as with all countries conquered by Muslims, most of the indigenous residents succumbed to conversion to Islam, since the price to pay for not converting was too dangerous and onerous. Persia has been thoroughly Islamicized for over 1300 years. The only time Persia had a little breathing space away from Islam was during the rule of the Shah's father, and the Shah -- spanning a mere few decades in the 20th century. That's it. It only had the effect of chipping away at a thoroughly Islamicized Persia, affecting mostly only a tiny minority of intellectuals.

To think that the majority of Iranians are not thoroughly deformed by Islam is strangely and irrationally optimistic. Yes, there are some Iranians who resist this; but they are a very small minority of mostly university-educated elites. The 1979 revolution could not have won without the support of overwhelming numbers of ordinary Iranians.

"Most true Persians fight back covertly. "


The Hesperado

no2liberals said...

"I find this Myth of the Anti-Islamic Persian Majority amusing."
You presume far too much, from my comment.
At no point did I say they were not distorted by Islam.
Aside from your brief history lesson, the Iranians I know are of the era of the Shah, and after. It is the IRI that has taken direct actions to eliminate all vestiges of Persian culture. There are many reports from within and outside Iran, that the Persian population is turning away from Islam, and Christian conversions continue.
Take that comment out of context, if you chose, but there are Persians fighting back to retain their Persian culture.
Believe it or not, or do a search.
As to the 1979 revolution, it could not have been possible without Iranian students aided by Soviet communists, radical islam, and Jimmy Carter.

Zenster said...

Erich [citing me] "Ummmm ... no. Support for the Palestinians is waning due to..."

Since, unlike another certain individual, I have not seen you make a habit of quoting out of context, I'll merely ask that you please keep my quotes in context.

The complete sentence is:

Support for the Palestinians is waning due to donor fatigue after some SIXTY YEARS of feeding, clothing and housing one of the most thankless groups of sodding terrorist maggots on this entire planet. [emphasis added]

While your point is correct about media support, mine deals with financial aid on a per capita basis. For instance, during 2004, per capita aid to Palestinian families fell from $200 to $70 per year. Even more conspicuous is how, despite recently increased funding, Palestinian GDP continues to sink. While recent festivities in Gaza have promoted increased funding, the election of Hamas also saw a noticeable curtailing of funds arriving in Gaza.

Overall, it is rather clear that any increased aid is being absorbed by corruption, graft and illegal diversion of funds. So much for Hamas being any improvement over Fatah. The greatest irony of all is how one of Gaza's peak periods of prosperity came during the Israeli occupation.

Czechmade said...

Pal self prostitution with Saddam or Soviets was OK, but the current self prostitution with Shia Iranian gov. sucks in the arab world. Egypt can never accept such a neighbour - the arch-enemy iran, nor SA. It is OK with Gaddafi only...

As for Iranians - your ideas are those of useful idiots - it is a very different story. They disdain EU and Europeans for their tacit ass-creeping, ass-licking vis-a-vis
their moronic regime. The mosques in Iran pay money and distribute food to have some attendance, they live Western style lives behind their walls, the most stupid among them join the regime just like in Poland or Czechoslovakia, where the most stupid and ruthless made their career knowing well how merciful was the regime to such inferior creatures.

Few Pals get media attention for decades, while 70 millions are simply uninteresting to the west because the time to switch the sides has not come yet. Then Western companies striving for profit under mullahs will really get worried - because the new regime might kick them out and treat them as miserable collaborators and quislings.

Imagine all the Western polititians and journalists appearing publically on some mullahs pay list. Imagine the West unable to prosecute all these clowns, confiscate their property or throw them in jail.

You can watch some of these guys working even publically for Iranian propaganda directly from London and Teheran. No shame at all? "No! we live in postshame time, we are "globalised" and as true professionals we work for anyone who pays well."

Hesperado said...

"It is the IRI that has taken direct actions to eliminate all vestiges of Persian culture. " -- no2liberals

This kind of statement implies that the problem is only post-1979 Iran. What about all the centuries before the Shah? What about the Persians noted in pre-Shah times to lynch Jews who happened to be so near during a rainstorm that a raindrop would bounce off the "filthy" Jew onto a Persian Muslim?

The 79 Revolution was merely a revival of the Islamic norm of Persia for centuries, after a brief intermission of "filthy" modernization by the Shah and his father.

Again, you cite Iranian resistance to Islam and ignore the issue of whether this is a small minority, or a majority. If it's a small minority, it's the exception to the rule. Furthermore, many of these Iranian so-called moderates and "reformers" are Muslims themselves: they don't like the Mullahs and Ayatollahs, but they still love Mohammed. That makes them the enemy and not to be trusted.

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