Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gaza Demo Roundup

Visit Atlas Shrugs for a comprehensive series of videos, photos, article excerpts, and first-hand reports on the pro-Hamas anti-Israel demos that have taken place across the world over the last few days. Pamela has info on the USA and the rest of the world.

From South Korea to Florida, From Norway to Thailand, the appalling Jews-to-the-gas keffiyeh-fests, demonstrations, and riots continue.

Drop by Pamela’s place for details.

[Post ends here]


Zenster said...

Much as with the Cartoonifada, if the Gaza incursion is causing so much global outrage, clearly Israel must be doing something right. The protests are a great way of unmasking supposed Liberals who still harbor anti-Semitic feelings.

Czechmade said...

Hamas is less successful in the Arab street than in the West since they perceive them as shia proxy.

A severe blow to the hamas as a branch of Muslim brotherhood. Our media are unable to help this crack grow.

And the shia in Iraq/Iran remember very well the Pal support of Saddam and viceversa.

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