Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Dhimmi Judges of Amsterdam

The latest from Pat Condell:

Hat tip: Gaia.

[nothing follows]


Man Of The Woods said...

British Parliament calls off screening of controversial film

LONDON, Jan 23 (APP)

The British Parliament has cancelled the showing of a controversial film “Fitna” by the right‑win Dutch MP Geert Wilders following vociferous protest by the Muslim community.

The screening was to take place on January 29 at the House of Lords.

The decision to cancel the showing was taken on Friday when Lord Nazir Ahmed had a meeting with the Government Chief Whip of the House of Lords and Leader of the House of Lords, together with representatives from the Muslim Council of Britain, British Muslim Forum and other representatives from the British Muslim community.

Full Story

Czechmade said...

Maybe next time we make a movie, we should call it "Autobiography of islam".

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

Personally I hope someone has the guts to make the Life of Brian-version of the desert pedophile. That would be absolutely hilarious!
Please note that it's not about Jesus. Jesus is not even in the movie. It's abot Brian who happens to be a contemporary of Jesus in Judea. So call it Life of Herbert or something like that, about a 7th century warlord in the ME. Then the muslims can whine all they want because it is not about the sandflea Mo but about Herbert!

laine said...

Robin Shadowes' suggestion is witty but would not work because of the difference in targets.

Life of Brian did not risk or result in any danger to its makers or audiences from Christians.

Life of "Herbert" as we all know would be tied up in production when the first rumor surfaced, with everyone involved hauled in front of human rights-devouring commissions, sued, threatened, firebombed, made into a bleeding pincushion, all classic Muslim maneuvers to enforce their religion's requirements on NON-Muslims in their own countries.
Soon bombing and beheadings won't be necessary except for the joy it seems to provide Muslims. A curt command from our "betters" to our Parliament as just ensued in Britain will be enough to have THEIR will done.

A pythonesque take on Mohammed would pale in comparison to the real life pythonesque farce that takes place across Britain and Europe. The dhimmis and PC enforcers obviously rule. Not a single voice was raised in the House of Lords to say that it is their right to watch Fitna and draw their own conclusions and Muslims were free to make their own rebuttal but NOT censor free citizens in a non-Muslim country. No British Geert Wilders there.

The British lion appears to be neutered to the point that it does not even RECOGNIZE the Rubicon or the Gates of Vienna when it sees them, the place where it needs to take a stand or all is lost. It keeps retreating and retreating, grovelling under the PC lash from its leftist elites and their client (soon to be their devourer) the super-sensitive Muslims, subsidized and knighted no less by the objects of their disdain.

I'm starting to believe the rumor that Prince Charles is a secret convert to Islam, not that he has anything but symbolic power, but because there is now daily evidence of brain rot in British and European elites. (Do you know that Queen Beatrice in the Netherlands did not attend Theo van Gogh's funeral but made a friendly visit to some Muslim community center instead?) The pressing concern is not that a Muslim has slaughtered yet another victim in a European street in Islam's name but that no Muslim have to "suffer" an askance look!

With real life characters like the dhimmi royal and the Druid sharia-promoting Archbishop of Canterbury, anything the Pythons made up could not be nearly as outrageous.

As Pat Condell says, Islam does not respect anything or anybody but demands the highest respect from believer and non-believer alike.

Respect should be earned, not given to a classic by turns threatening by turns whining bully like Islam.

Where is Islam's respect for Western citizens and their way of life? Non- existent and not too surprising since it has no respect for the rights of even Muslims like women and gays. All is subsumed to the dictates of a mad but clever pedophile savage from the 7th century.

What is surprising is how paper thin Western civilization turns out to be when confronted with an implacable enemy. The cultural communists have done their sapping of Western will and institutions so well over a few decades starting with the schools, that the whole edifice is tumbling with next to zero resistance to the demands of the most backward group of people on earth, the New Barbarians.

They're not at our gates. They're in our gates and already measuring our homes for new curtains. If we dare to look askance, off to the nearest commission or court to be punished while our so-called leaders kiss the hem of our oppressors!

It's like some giant exercise in sado-masochism, with Muslims the sadists and enough western masochists to be giving their saner fellow citizens away, disarming us literally (gun control) and figuratively (no free speech).

It's the new Dark Ages.

Czechmade said...

The movie might be miraculously found in a plastic bag in a bin on a highway.

It would be difficult to target the author who obviously did not like the movie...

Czechmade said...

See, perfect antidhimmi demo in Berlin, up to 20 000 people for Mor Gabriel Monastery in Turkey.

What I say - we should not operate only here, affect their countries as well. Shake their islamoparadises.

Little regular vibration may be detrimental for huge "buildings".

Zenster said...

laine: A pythonesque take on Mohammed would pale in comparison to the real life pythonesque farce that takes place across Britain and Europe.

Few more true words have been spoken. Monty Python's pinnacle of humor is utterly eclipsed by the dour and puritanical obsession of Islam. Farce and satire are entirely lost upon the adamantine bulwark of Islamic sensitivities.

Little remains to awaken the Muslim world from its perpetually aggrieved state save an onslaught of suffering and deprivation unknown to our modern world for centuries.

I'm starting to believe the rumor that Prince Charles is a secret convert to Islam ...

Actual conversion, or not, is irrelevant in the face of what such willful collaboration represents. Much like with The Great Pretender™, Obama himself, it is only a matter of believing that Islam is of worth that makes all consequent effort futile in the extreme. George Bush managed to neuter an otherwise potentially decent personal legacy of fighting terrorism by subscribing to this selfsame ideological folly.

… anything the Pythons made up could not be nearly as outrageous.

Outrageous, most certainly yes. Completely lacking in any sense of genuine humor or self-deprecation? Bet the farm on it. Islam is the most humorless and dessicated form of intellectual masturbation to come down the historical pike in many ages.

All is subsumed to the dictates of a mad but clever pedophile savage from the 7th century.

And your however well-made point is?

What is surprising is how paper thin Western civilization turns out to be when confronted with an implacable enemy.

Permit me to warn you against such underestimation. However ineffectual the West might seem, as with Pearl Harbor and the Imperial Japanese, the Sleeping Dragon will not withstand too many pokes of Islam’s pointed wooden stick. Sickest of all is the catastrophic mayhem that will ensue once the West’s effete leadership is pronged into unavoidable action. While firmly rooted in Islam, from this Western gaggle of smarmy dilletants will come the most inept of warfighting. Obama and Europe’s elite will likely be responsible for a Muslim holocaust which will eclipse the Shoah in all dimensions save singular horror.

It's like some giant exercise in sado-masochism, with Muslims the sadists and enough western masochists to be giving their saner fellow citizens away, disarming us literally (gun control) and figuratively (no free speech).

These actionable offenses have lamp posts awaiting them. Do not doubt it. All that remains to be seen is what sort of death toll in the West will trigger such a response.

babs said...

I don't always agree with Pat Condell, esp. his stance on Christianity and Israel. But, in this regard I agree fully.
This is another watershed moment for Western nations just like the Levant/Steyn trials in Canada were so important.
I find it very interesting that these two tiny countries, Denmark and the Netherlands, have to carry the banner of Western Civilization for the rest of us? Not the great big U.S. or the U.K. so often thought of as bulwarks of the free world. No, two tiny countries...
We all must do whatever we can to support them; give to the defense fund, talk up the situation with our friends, write to our elected representatives (esp. in the U.K.)
If Mr. Wilders goes down, we all do... I felt the same way about the situation in Canada.

Profitsbeard said...

Condell doesn't mince words, he minces Islam.

As all must do who value human liberty.

Before Islam minces the West.

Czechmade said...

The movie would start with herbert running naked around Kaaba in good old polytheist times.

Only later islam added a sheet which makes still women vulnarable to pious erotic touches of male crowds...

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

Some time after the modoggies first hit the headlines over here, I got the idea to design my own personal t-shirt as an ironic statement to the whole affair. I already knew about this site called Spreadshirt where you could do this. My whole idea was to steal the Adolf Hitler - European Tour-concept and transform it to Lars Vilks - The Roundabout Dawg Tour with that text and a modoggie pic on the front and some randomly chosen ME places and dates on the back. Well, a couple of days later I got mail from the saying they simply couldn't do it due to "copyright problems". Yeah right! More like a lame excuse for general dhimmitude I say! It was not like the company name was branded all over the shirt but they were probably rather safe than sorry. It's more likely I would be killed than any of them anyway but the appeasement of islam is not always very logical to say at least.

To be more OnT I'm well aware of the problems such a film-project would instantly run into. Thus I suggest a CGI-movie instead of a live action feature and allowing all of the crew to work under pseudonyms rather than their real names and make it a project that at scrutiny looks perfectly legit and neutral.

Islam is humorless. You pretty much hit the nail there! I've been thinking about what they laugh at in the ME for quite some time. I have no answers to that but can only guess. Beheading videos at Liveleak perhaps?

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