Friday, January 09, 2009

Danish Public Opinion on Gaza and Israel

Our Danish correspondent Kepiblanc sends this translated screen dump. It’s an internet poll from yesterday’s Ekstrabladet, Denmark’s biggest tabloid (center-left).

Ekstrabladet poll

[Post ends here]


Morgan said...

I find it hard not to take a little bit of stock in the results of this poll, on account of the fact that this comes from a center-left tabloid and not a center-right one.

Because it is a tabloid, I naturally take this with some salt, but also with a bit of stock this time.

Fellow Peacekeeper said...

That is actually exceedingly interesting. How does the Danish media portray the conflict?

MauserMedic said...

I was recently suprised by having one of the local Egyptians tell me Hamas was "no good for everybody" for not allowing wounded Palestinians into Egypt when an opportunity was afforded. Apparently even devout Muslims have limits.

heroyalwhyness said...

Mauser Medic: "Egyptians tell me Hamas was "no good for everybody"

The Egyptians probably have a better understanding of what living under Hamas rule represents (hardly what one would consider democratic rule):

See Hamas terrorists kill innocent Palestinians in Gaza (Rare Video)

and this auto load series of videos:

Cannibalism in Gaza

kepiblanc said...

To answer Fellow Peacekeepers's question: The short version is, that if the poll mirrored the Danish media, the outcome would be something like 85% against Israel, 10% pro Israel and 5% don't know'ers. Which illustrates how little influence those media actually have. And if this poll reflected not only the readers of the center-left "Ekstrabladet", but the entire Danish populace, my estimate would be something like 80% pro Israel, 15% against Israel and 5% don't-know'ers. But please note that anti-Israel doesn't mean anti-Jewish in this context. Anti-Semitism in Denmark in practically non-existent - apart from the around 5% Muslims, of course.

Each year our Bureau of Statistics publish another poll: a ranking of various professions according to their public esteem. Topping that list are medical doctors, nurses, policemen and fire-fighters. The absolute bottom is occupied by lawyers, politicians and - last of all - journalists.

spackle said...

I have a feeling that (as Kepiblanc stated) that this poll would be much higher not only in Denmark but in almost every western country. The problem is that the question is often skewed and asked of the wrong people.

That being said. If 80% - 90% of Europe, America, Canada and Australia are Pro- Israel, anti-immigration and ant-Islam then why are we being led by a feckless, traitorous media and political elite?

Henrik R Clausen said...

Following the comments on blogs here, I agree that many voice strong support for Israel and simply want to dump Hamas into deep water.

Anti-Israel critics are vocal, however, coming up with all kinds of weird stuff like the worldwide Jewish conspiracy thing that Goebbels also saw as a big problem.

When I point out that people use arguments copied directly from the Nazi playbook, they frequently fall very silent.

But I disagree with the notion that this is just 'anti-Israel'. Noone in their right mind would declare themselves 'anti-Jewish', so they hide behind the label 'anti-Israel' to avoid being portrayed as full-blown racists.

The problem with that position, of course, is that being 'anti-Israel' aids and abets real anti-Jewish sentiment (you know, out of the Quran and stuff), and thus being anti-Israel makes those people complicit in true racism.

Further, as we can see from the many attacks on Jews and Jewish property, the only true protection for Jews is a state of their own. Being anti-Israel means working for lifting the protection of Jews worldwide.

There's a pro-Israel rally in Copenhagen tomorrow. Left-wing extremists have openly suggested attacking this demonstration.

Tuan Jim said...

Anyone have numbers for the folks questioned in the poll? And if it's an internet poll, is it limited to residents of Denmark?

I try and skim a couple online english language papers on a semi-daily basis - and occasionally - but I don't think they actually translate their editorials for the sites.

kepiblanc said...

Tuan Jim, they don't supply the numbers and I don't know if the poll is restricted, but you could try it out yourself here.

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

It worked fine for me and I'm swedish so I guess anyone can vote as long as poll is still up.

Gary Baumgarten said...

We'll be discussing the Israeli invasion of Gaza from perspectives on both sides of the divide Monday and Tuesday January 12 and 13 at 5 PM New York time on News Talk Online on with Israel's Consul General in New York Asaf Shariv and Hussein Ibish, executive director of the Foundation for Arab-American Leadership and senior fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine.

Please go to and click on the Join The Chat Room button to speak with Shariv on Monday and Ibish on Tuesday.



Tuan Jim said...

Yeah, that poll is still ongoing. Just voted myself. Maybe they'll have a summary in a few days.

Afonso Henriques said...

Good to know. I wonder what would be the result here in my country.

Zenster said...

Excellent video links, heroyalwhyness! Thank you for posting them. Quite a "must-view" for anyone who wants to gain an understanding of the situation in Gaza. I will freely admit that, while watching the festivities, I experienced a sudden craving for popcorn.

"Cannibalism" is really the only way to describe Gaza's descent into a self-manufactured Hell. It goes beyond irony or poetic justice that seven should die and another 120 Palestinians be injured at a memorial for Yasser Arafat. BY OTHER PALESTINIANS! Effing priceless ...

Versed as I am in Islam, it took me aback somewhat to realize how little I appreciated the way that any political power in Islam translates directly into an avenue for sorting out ancient blood vendettas.

Given that the cycle of Muslim violence is literally endless, the number and viciousness of their disputes must be nothing less than staggering. All of this merely lends greater explanation as to what it is that Muslims do best. Namely, killing other Muslims.

Henrik R Clausen: When I point out that [anti-Israel] people use arguments copied directly from the Nazi playbook, they frequently fall very silent.

Unlike the Muslim world, with its congenital cognitive dissonance, at least those that you encountered had the decency to STFU when confronted with such hypocrisy. Islam continues to swallow camels whole and strangle on gnats in that particular respect.

But I disagree with the notion that this is just 'anti-Israel'. No one in their right mind would declare themselves 'anti-Jewish', so they hide behind the label 'anti-Israel' to avoid being portrayed as full-blown racists.

The problem with that position, of course, is that being 'anti-Israel' aids and abets real anti-Jewish sentiment (you know, out of the Quran and stuff), and thus being anti-Israel makes those people complicit in true racism.

An outstanding observation of the kind I have come to expect from you. Bravo! It echoes how even showing the least support for shari'a law translates into a pro-jihad stance.

Further, as we can see from the many attacks on Jews and Jewish property, the only true protection for Jews is a state of their own. Being anti-Israel means working for lifting the protection of Jews worldwide.

At day's end, this is what really matters. Muslim efforts to destroy ancient Jewish artifacts found beneath the temple mount show how desperate they are to eliminate all record of the way that Jews have maintained the lengthiest occupation of the land currently under dispute. Even more revealing is how these illicit and criminal excavations are actually threatening the al Aqsa mosque's structural foundations. Rest assured that should The Dome of the Rock collapse, it will be blamed upon Israel exclusively.

All of the foregoing stands as proof of why the notion of a "Palestinian State" goes beyond the absurd. It is difficult to imagine a more destructive and self-destructive force. The MME (Muslim Middle East) needs to be force fed the brood of demons it has spawned in the Palestinian territories. It speaks volumes that no one in the MME will have anything to do with them. All the more reason for sowing these hydra's teeth back into their midst. Let Muslims finally get a firsthand chance to directly appreciate the gangsters and genocidal murderers they have cheered on at arm's length for so long.

SAKURA said...

Israel in invading Gaza not only destroy UN school and warehouses, but they also use white phosporus in their invasion.Human Rights Watch said that White phosphorus has a significant, incidental, incendiary effect that can severely burn people and set structures, fields, and other civilian objects in the vicinity on fire. Human Right Watch statement proves to the world that what the israel do in Gaza is not a self defence but a form of GENOCIDE to the moslem and christian who live in Gaza. Are you willing your tax that you paid used to kill them? If that so, then united states of america is the same as osama bin laden, a true TERRORIST.

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